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Christian Education

History and Philosophy

Christian Education owes no debt to the Hebrew educational system. True or False False
A clear distinction between Hebrew education and other Oriental philosophies was the acknowledgement of and commitment to a ____________ ______. Speaking God
Hebrew education focused on the ___________ and the __________ ____ ______ alone. present, worship of God
The concept of sin was a large difference between Hebrew and Other Oriental philosophies. True or False True
The centricity of Hebrew education is __________. theistic
The most important educational agency on earth is a. the church b. the state c. the home c. the home
The transfer of educational responsibility from the patriarchs to priests took place after King David decreed it. True or False False
The priests were primarily concerned with educating young children. True or False False
Hebrew education declined during the period of the judges. True or False True
During the divided monarchy, the ______________ became the center of Hebrew education. prophets
During the era of the prophets, we see the development of the __________ of the prophets for teaching and instruction. schools
During the fifth century B.C. the ______________ became the central place of instruction in Hebrew theology. Synagogue
During the first centruy, elementary schools called "___________ ___ _____ ________" were established to provide formal trainig outside the home. "Houses of the Book"
The methodology of early Hebrew education was largely oral. True or False True
The three goals of Hebrew education just before the time of Christ were _________________, _________________, and ________________________, nationalism, religious, universalization.
There is a real similarity between Athenian education and twentieth century education in America. True or False True
Four schools of Greek philosophy were ___________________ (____________), ________________ (________________),___________________ (___________________) and __________________ (__________) the Academy (Plato), the Lyceum (Aristotle), Epicurian (Epicurus) and Stoics (Zeno)
Which of the Schools of Greek Philosophy stressed mathematics and literary studies? The Academy
Which of the Schools of Greek Philosophy stressed the biological sciences? The Lyceum
Which of the Schools of Greek Philosophy stressed ethics? Epicueanism
Which of the Schools of Greek Philosophy stressed self-control? The Stoics
__________________ believed that it was the function of a teacher to stir the thinking of the average man. Socrates
Socrates believed that the universe reflected a moral order and definite purpose. True or False True
____________________ is a judgement or opinion formed without due examination. Prejudice
_____________ is probably the most significant philosopher of ancient Greece. Plato
Socrates had a great influence on Plato. True or False True
Plato placed extreme emphasis on mind and ________. reason
List, in order of importance, Plato's philosophies: Category of thought, Category of imagination or fiction, Category of belief, Category of knowledge.
Plato believed the church should control education. True or False False
Plato was a firm believer in the doctrine of Original sin. True or False False
Aristotle's philosophy may be referred to as historic _________________. relativism
Aristotle argued that doing something was much more important than thinking about it. True or False True
Aristotle was concerned about the development of character through right behavior. True or False True
Aristotle believed the _____________ should control education. state
Aristotle viewed God as a loving, heavenly Father. False
Aristotle turned minds from a dependence on God to a dependence on _____. man
The death of Aristotle opened the door to the period of history referred to as the __________________ period. Hellenistic
The Romans believed that the chief function of education was the training of a good citizen. True or False True
While Rome held the power, Greece has the superior ________________. Culture
The Romans developed a three-ring ladder system of education that included _______________, ____________________ and ____________________. elementary, secondary and rhetorical
During the early Roman education the _______________ was the backbone of education. family
Until the age of seven, the child was educated by his _______________. father
The _______________ was a slave assigned to a child to oversee his education, making sure assignments were done. mother
In Rome, home education was completed by age ____. 16
Elementary schools first appeared in the _____ century. 4th
By the third century the grammar (secondary) school had been imported from _____________. Greece
Latin poetry was introduced as a way to off-set Hellenistic influence. True or False True
Corporal punishment was never used in Roman schools. True or False False
Rhetoric schools were begun to produce ____________ and _____________________. orators and statesmen
Due to an increased tax burden, education became the toy of the rich. True or False True
______________________ became the most famous teacher in Rome. Quintilian
Quintilian believed that the character of the teacher was an essential element in education. True or False True
Which is true of Quintilian's educational philosophy? a. the early years of development were important. b. corporal punishment was permissible. c. teachers should speak well. d. learning was to be interesting. a, c and d
Waht were the three stages of development, according to Quintilian? _________________ __________________ and _______________ birth to 7, 7 to 14 and 14 to 17
Quintilian believed in accounting for individual differences in students. True or False True
Quintilian believed group situations were better than the tutorial approach. True or False True
While Rome brought a sense of peace to the area, the Greeks provided a common ______________. language
The religion of Greece was largely monothesitic. True or False False
The Scriptures make up the only educational handbook that will not go out of style. True or False True
Christ was the embodiment of what He taught. True or False True
Through the educational processes of ___________________ and _________________, Christians will become more like their leaders and like Jesus Christ. identification and modeling
What were the four steps Jesus used in educating his disciples? 1. He gave verbal instruction. 2. He demonstrated what He wanted understood. 3. He gave them opportunity to attempt what was being instructed. 4. He provided evaluation of that which had been learned.
Community hinders authentic Christian teaching. True or False False
God sent the _______ ___________ to assist believers in the interpretation and memory processes. Holy Spirit
Christ presented His message by teaching more than preaching. True or False True
The major thrust of Christ's ministering was to meet the _______ of people. needs
In the early church there seemed to be a great distinction between "preaching" and "teaching". True or False False
First-century teaching occurred in the Christian _______________ and in the Christian ___________. meeting and home
What are the three types of Christian meetings? 1. Intruction or teaching of Scripture 2. Love Feast or Lord's Supper 3. Business or discipline
No other nation placed as high of emphasis on children and education as the Jews. True or False True
In Jewish education the ________ was the center of education. home
___________________ might be called the first theologian of stature in the postapostolic church. Irenaeus
____________ ___________ was the chief apologist of the early church. Justin Martyr
Tertullian was a staunch supporter of philosophy. True or False False
Tertullian may be labeled a legalist. True or False True
____________ was the greatest scholar and most prolific author of the early church. Origen
Origen was a highly respected teacher. True or False True
Origen's writings are held in high esteem today and are broadly accepted throughout Christianity. True or False False
______________________ schools were designed to instruct new believers in Christian doctrines. Catechumenal
Catechumenal schools gave systematic instruction to those preparing for Christian ____________. baptism
The growth of the practice of infant baptism helped to end the period of catechumenal schools. True or False True
The ______________________ school represented the scientific approach to Christianity. catechecal
The ____________________ persecution was perhaps the greatest test and triumph of the early church. Diocletian
Constantine's ____________ ___ __________ proclaimed toleration for both pagan and Christian subjects. Edict of Milan
______________________ declared Christianity the state (Rome's) religion. Theodosius
During the height of Greek emphasis, what were the basic disciplines in a liberal arts curriculum? grammar, gymnastics, music, and occasionally drawing.
The higher Greek education included what? logic, dialectics, geometry, rhetoric, arithmetic, astronomy, and music harmony.
The cultured Romans studied nine areas. What are they? 1. logic 2. rhetoric 3. grammar 4. arithimetic 5. geometry 6. music 7. astronomy 8. medicine 9. architecture
By the end of the fourth century, Western Europe's liberal arts curriculum consisted of the _______________ and the ____________________. (NOTE Add in what those consisted of. Trivium - grammar, rhetoric, and logicquadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music
Theological debate and controversy seemed to rise as the church's focus on survival diminished. True or False True
________________ translated the Bible into Latin. Jerome
Jerome's writings included thoughts on the education of girls and the principle of universal education. True or False True
_______________________ was the illustrious of the Latin Fathers. Augustine
Augustine's work "________________ ___________________" was a manual of instruction for the Christian teacher. "Christian Education"
Augustine wrote books on the principles of pedagogy. True or False True
Augustine held to the concept that all truth is God's truth. True or False True
According to Augustine, the _______________ must offer himself for imitation. teacher
____________________ was the channel through which Greek philosophy flowed into the Middle Ages. Augustine
The educator _____________ encouraged Charlemagne to enact legislation requiring every abbey to conduct a school where boys would learn _______________, ______________, ______________, __________________, and _________ _______________. Alcium, reading, writing, psalm singing, arithmetic, and Latin grammar
Christianity was essentially stagnant from 500-1000 A.D. True or False True
Much of the educational training during the Middle Ages was in the form of __________________ training. apprenticeship
Chivalric training was the process of education and training of ________________. knights
The patriarch of Western monasticism was _______________ ____ _________________. Benedict of Nursia
The sole aim of education in monastic schools was religious. True or False True
____________________ or ____________________ schools were initiated and governed by bishops. Cathedral, Episcopal
As the church grew, the responsibility for teaching in cathedral schools passed from bishops to special clerics call ____________________. scholasticus
As cathedral schools grew, they became the first ________________________. universities
Medieval universities eventually specialized into schools of law, medicine, and theology. True or False True
The growth of cities spelled the end of centralized cathedral schools. True or False True
The first public school in England was founded in the ____________. 1382
_______________________ was the attempt to support the Christian creed with ancient Greek philosophy, especially the teachings of _____________________. Scholsasticism, Aristotle
Thomas Aquinas held a very low view of the worth and value of teachers. True or False False
Scholasticism had is basis in realism. True or False True
During the Middle Ages education actually brought about many needed changes. True or False False
Aquinas' work is accepted by all as sound. True or False False
Germany was the cradle of the Renaissance. True or False False
The period of history from the 14th - 16th centuries is referred to as the ______________________. Renaissance
The vehicle for the birth of the Renaissance was theology. True or False False
During the Renaissance _________________ was the the major contributor to science. Roger Bacon
During the Renaissance _________________ was the the major contributor to art. Giotto
During the Renaissance _________________ was the the major contributor to literature. Dante
During the Renaissance _________________ was the the major contributor to philosophy. Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas was the outstanding theologian of his day. True or False True
______________ _______________ taught that to teach was to mediate between God and man and to pass on the ideals of the church. Thomas Aquinas
The Renaissance was a period of ________________ renewal. cultural
Humanism was a dominant characteristic during the Renaissance. True or False True
The Renaissance began in the ____________ cultures of Europe. urban
_________ and ____________ rather than God and His heaven became the focal point of interest in the Renaissance. Man, world
The Renaissance saw a rise in individualism. True or False True
_____________________ began to affect business practices during the Renaissance. Capitalism
"The Renaissance Man" enjoyed _______________, ______________, ____________________, and _________________ with equal interest. atheletics, music, literature and sciences
Renaissance leaders saw man's purpose as glorifying _____________ _______ and enjoying the _____________ to the fullest. human life, world
The master artists of the Renaissance were ___________________ and ____________________. DaVinci and Michaelangelo
Two famous architects during the Renaissance were ____________________ and _______________. Brunelleschi and Bramante
___________________ is known as "the father of the New Humanism". Petrarch
___________ mixed pagan and Christian thought in his literary works, the most famous being The Divine Comedy. Dante
______________ _____________ was a trained theologian who became the father of the Renaissance's scientific inquiry. Roger Bacon
The scientific master of the Renaissance period was ____________________. Copernicus
________________ was the founder of the Brethren of the Common Life. Groote
The Brethern of the Common Life's concept of education was to give the common man a religious education. True or False True
__________________ _____________, an Italian educator, was a Christian humanist, who tried to develop a family atmosphere at his school. Vittorinno da Feltr
_________________ was a French educator who recruited women students. Rabelais
Erasmus believed man's nature was fundamentally good. True or False True
Erasmus placed great emphasis on thh role of the state in the educational task. True or False True
________________ was one of the first advocates of the systematic training of teachers. Erasmus
_________ ________________ was called "The Morning Star of the Reformation". John Wycliffe
The ___________________ became the forerunners of the Christian literature proponents. Lollard's
John Huss started a movement to promote practical Christianity. True or False True
John Huss was burned at the stake because of his beliefs. True or False True
______________________ was acclaimed by Luther as the proto-martyr of the Reformation. Savanarola
The mail difference between the Renaissance and the Reformation was the difference between _________________ and ______________. humanism and theism
The man who spanned the transition between the Renaissance and Reformation was ____________. Erasmus
Martin Luther condemned Erasmus for Erasmus' "theology of peace". True or False True
The major difference in theology and educational philosophy between the Renaissance and the Reformation is the difference between _________________ and __________________. humanism and evangelicalism
Martin Luther believed the state should be responsible for the education of its citizens. True or False True
Martin Luther thought education should center in __________, ___________, _____________, and the study of ______________. reading, writing, thinking and Scripture
Martin Luther believed and advocated that the church and state should each pursue its own course in education. True or False False
Accoring to Martin Luther, ___________ was the sustaining norm of all human interrelations. love
The crux of Martin Luther's educational philosophy was ______________ ______________. domestic training
Due to the inadequacy of domestic training and the theological deficiencies of the overloaded clergy, Martin Luther recommended that the state play a larger role in education. True or False True
Martin Luther advocated universal compulsory education so that everyone would be able to read the Bible. True or False True
Martin Luther placed great emphasis on music in his curriculum. True or False True
In Martin Luther's reforms, the ______________ were the most important item in the curriculum, next to the Scripture. catechism
Martin Luther believed that __________________ should be a major goal in the educational process. comprehension
Which of the following is attibuted to Martin Luther? a. emphasis on the education of common people. b. a love-moderated discipline. c. a renewal on the emphasis on the home. d. the centrality of the Scriptures in curriculum. e. all of the above. e. all of the above.
Philip Melanchthon was a _______________ humanist, who held to the centricity of _______________ and __________________ in curriculum. Christian, Scripture, theology
Zwingli's greatest educational contribution was the participatory, nonauthoritarian style in his institute. True or False True
Zwingli was eventually killed in a civic/ecclesiastical wave of persecution. True or False True
The University of Geneva was started by ______ ______________. John Calvin
Martin Luther's educational concepts exerted more world-wide influence than Calvin's. True or False False
Calvin called the ______________ back to its official task of educating children to a godly lifestyle. church
The only educational consequence of the Reformation in England was the publication of some prayer books by the _____________ __________. Anglican church
_________ _________ helped to organize a graduated system of schools in Scotland. John Knox
The __________________ were the forerunners of today's Baptists, Brethren, Mennonites, Amish, and Quakers Anabaptists
Most of the emphasis of the Anabaptists on education was in _________________. congregations
The Catholic order of Jesuits was founded by ______________. Loyala
_______-__________________ was the central theme of Jesuit education. Self-discipline
___________ _________________ is known as "The First Modern Educator". John Comenius
John Comenius was active in the fellowship called _________ ____ _____ ________________, known in America as the _______________ church. Unity of the Brethren, Moravian
Coenius' best known book is ____ ___________ ______________. The Great Didactic
Comenius' educational philosophy may be labeled as "_____________". Realism
_____________________ is the teaching of all subjects as a part of the total truth of God. Integration
Comenius may have been the forerunner of the process of integration. True or False True
Comenius believed in a very structured, disciplined approach to education. True or False False
Comenius is generally credited with being the first to emphasize the educational sicnificance of early childhood. True or False True
Through the plan called Pansophia, Comenius planned to publish and encyclopedia of universal knowledge. True or False True
Comenius did not think education could reform society. True or False False
Comenius was in favor of educating girls, and also supported the idea of corporal punishment. True or False False
Comenius wrote the first textbook utilizing _____________ as a teaching device. pictures
Comenius stressed the importance of learning by ___________/______________. doing/action
Aside from Thomas the Twin, ______________ is probably history's greatest skeptic. Descarte
Descartes advocated that man, not God, was the starting point of education. True or False True
_________ ___________ is known as "the father of modern English education." John Locke
John Locke taught that ____________ should form the basis of education. reason
The popularity of Locke rests in his __________________. moderation
Baruch Spinoza was ex-communicated from the Jewish community. True or False True
Spinoza's "God" varied greatly from the God of the Old Testament Hebrews. True or False True
Spinoza was not interested in the _________________ side of philosophy. theological
Spinoza made no significant contribution to Christian education. True or False True
__________________ is the name given to a great religious awakening within the Protestant churches of the 17th and 18th centuries. Pietism
Pietism stood for a return to the Bible as a whole with freedom from creed. True or False True
______________ ____________ ___________ argued that students needed more study of Hebrew and Greek, and less of Latin. He also revived catechistic instruction in the church. Philip Jacob Spiner
Johns Hopkins University was a secular model of the university of Halle, Germany, founded by the ____________. pietists
August Hermann Francke was one of the greatest instructors that sat at the University of _________. Halle
Francke founded a school of orphans and a school for training teachers. True or False True
According to Francke, the aim of education is to honor _____. God
Francke attributed human degeneration and unhappiness to the neglect of Christian training in the _______. home
In Francke's educational system no aspect of the pedagogical role was more important than ___________ _____________. positive example
It was generally agreed that teachers who graduated from Francke's schools were inferior to others in Germany at the time. True or False False
The _______ _________________ were the core of Francke's curriculum at all levels of enstructions. Holy Scriptures
Francke's education system placed the cultivatio of the moral feelings of the pupils as of paramount importance. True or False True
Zinzendorf was a great evangelical, ecumenical thinker. True or False True
The Moravians showed a balance between Christian education and missions. True or False True
The acceptance and usefulness of the scientific method led to the decline of the role of theology in academic circles. True or False True
David Hume sought to emacipate philosophy and education from theology. True or False True
David Hume favored memorization and repetition in education. True or False False
To this day, David Hume is a folk hero for _______________. skeptics
Some experts consider ___________________ to have had the most important influence on modern thought. Rousseau
Rousseau was a proponent of the school of philosophy called _________________. naturalism
Rousseau believed in the inherent goodnes of man. True or False True
Rousseau favored ________ experiences in education. life
Rousseau believed very strongly in "book learning". True or False False
According to Rousseau, __________________ is the basis for our knowledge. sensation
According to Kant, it is through __________________ that we become free. discipline
According to Kant, "Man can only become man by _________________." education
________________________ took the ideas and concepts of Rousseau and developed them into a working philosophy of education. Pestalozzi
Pestalozzi placed large importance on the role of the home in education. True or False True
Pestalozzi's curriculum centered around _____________ experience. direct
Pestalozzi was an originator of the idea of "readiness" True or False True
Pestalozzi worked mainly with the poor and those without parents. True or False True
According to ________________, the ultimate objective of education is the forming of character. Herbart
Acording to Herbard, ________________ is crucial in the educational process. content
The steps of Herbartian methodology include _____________, ___________________, ____________________, and __________________. preparation, association, generalization, application
To Herbart the objective of education was sound ___________ development. moral
According to Froebel, the task of education is to help an individual become conscious of the internal or spiritual dimension so that he is aware of the inner law of divine unity. Froebel
According to Froebel, the stimulation of sef-activity and ______ - _________________ is a prime requirement of instruction. self-fulfillment
_________________ started the first kindergarten Froebel
According to Froebel, ________ is not only the child's primary learning medium, it is also his work. play
Herber Spencer was an adherent to the philosophy known as ____________ ______________. social Darwinism
In Social Darwinism the ________________ dictates the curriculum. learner
Spencer believed that ________________ studies should head the curriculum. scientific
For the evangelical, the most distressing change in education over the last three centuries has been the constant drift away from biblical teaching. True or False True
The development of educational thought in colonial America was a product of Reformation thought carried from Europe. True or False True
In its early days colonial America was most influenced by _____________ institutions. English
Along with the drive for the separation of church and state in the late eighteenth century, came the retaining of control of education by the state. True or False True
The school system tened to integrate the class distinctions in the colonies. True or False False
The center of the economic, political, and religious life off the New Englander was the ______. town
The Puritans in New England brought with them a strong _________________ theology. Calvinistic
Education to the Puritans was not optional but ____________________. mandatory
The first three American colleges were opened because of _________________ motivations. religious
The first "town school" was established in 1635 in ________________________. Massachusetts
The ______________ ________________ ______ of 1642 required that praents and guardians provide education for their children or be fined. General Courts Act
The _______ __ _________ _________ Act ordered townships to provide schools for the education of its children. Old De lader Satan
In these first "public" schools tuition was charged. True or False True
Attendance was compulsory at the first "public" schools. True or False False
________ schools were unstructured and taught children to read in the vernacular. Dame
The ______________ school had a bona fide teacher and a building specifically used for classes. common
The common school provided a formal ________________ education. elementary
The ________________ was the earliest tool placed in the hands of children in the dame and common schools. hornbook
The _____ ____________ ______________ became the most widely used book in New England. New England Primer
The New England Primer was thoroughly religious in content. True or False True
The _________ _____________ schools provided education in the Latin and Greek languages and literature. Latin Grammar
___________ _______________ ___________ became the secondary school system of the time. Latin Grammar school
The Latin Grammar Schools were for the elite and were very difficult. True or False True
_______________ college was the first college established by the Puritans for training ministers and Christian teacher. Harvard
_______ was the first American college to rely upon self-governance as opposed to state control. Yale
Due to the existence of several different religious groups in the Middle Colonies, public and state control of education was a smaller factor then in New England. True or False True
________________ or private education was the prime educational pattern in the Middle Colonies. Parochial
Educators in the Middle Colonies were less harsh and strict with children than the Puritans in the North. True or False True
Education in the Middle Colonies was not only parochial, but also ______________. practical
Schools in the Middle Colonies placed heavy emphasis on the vocational. True or False True
____________________ were established as terminal secondary schools that focused on a specific vocation. Academies
The first "boarding schools" in America were ______________. academies
Girls were allowed to attend academies. True or False True
Benjamin Franklin believed that religion should not be the determining purpose of schools. True or False True
There were no Latin Grammar Schools in theh Middle Colonies. True or False False
The most prevalent schools in the Middle Colonies were ____________________ schools. denominational
The most organized and comprehensive effort in beginning schools was carred out by the __.__.__.__.__ (_________________ _____ __________________ ___ _____ ____________ ____ _______________ _________). S.P.G.F.P. (Society for Probagation of the Gospel in Foriegn Parts)
________________ ________________ schools were established to provide training in areas not often offered in otherr schools. Private venture
Colleges in the Middle Colonies were begun by different religious groups for training ministers and teachers. True or False True
Education in the South was largely for the _________ classes. upper
The most common approach to education among the wealthy South was through the use of _________. tutors
The Anglican Church through the SPGFP played an important role in the education of the ___________________ disadvantaged. economically
Apprenticeships were more common in the _________ than in any of the other colonies. South
______________ ____ _______________ _____ ______ was the firstt institution of higher learning in the South. It was established to train ministers and teachers. College of William and Mary
From the beginnings of the colonies, education in America was thoroughly Christian. True or False True
As America expanded to the West, new schools were established in the new towns that were taught by traveling teachers. True or False True
The strong cooperation between the church and the _________ insured a strong Christian emphasis in colonial education. state
As the seeds of the European __________________ were sown in the colonies, the church began to lose its grip on education. enlightenment
Our Constitution itself began to lay the groundwork for secular education. True or False True
During the Reformation it was held that _____ was at the center of the universe, but during the Enlightenment, attention was focused on a _____ - _________ universe. God, man-centered
The influx of immigrants from various countries brought little change to American theology and thought. True or False False
As the 1800's approached, minister/teachers played a lessr role in American intellectual life. True or False True
The Wesleyan movement brought little advancement in the form of schools and colleges. True or False False
John Wesley was responsible for instituting three patterns of meetings that helped to encourage church growth and personal accountability. They included the __________ meeting, the _______ system, and the _______________ _______________. class, band, select system
The Industrial Revolution revised the __________ structure in the United States. class
The Sunday School began as a ____________ movement in ____________ started by __________ ___________. reform, England, Robert Raikes
The Sunday School movement grew rapidly in the United States. True or False True
The Sunday School was a ______ movement in that ministers were not involved. lay
Sunday Schools were first organized to teach poor children to read. True or False True
The primary goal of the Sunday School switched from teaching literacy to seeking the _____________________ ___ ____ _________. conversion of the child
Education in America in the nineteenth century reacted against Puritan doctrines. True or False True
________________ _________________, who later served as President, believed that education should be a political rather than a ________________ function. Thomas Jefferson, religious
Thomas Jefferson's theology was a mixture of ________ and _________________________. deism, unitarianism
Thomas Jefferson advocated that _____ people should have at least a primary education. all
The concept of universal education was supported by everyone in the United States. True or False False
________________ _______ believed that the school was an agency that could change society and bring in a utopian state. Horace Mann
Horace Mann believed that the common school would result in _____________ for the people and would generate __________ virture. freedom, moral
Horace Mann wanted to remove all elements of religious education and Bible reading from the classroom. True or False False
The common school was conceived as a vehicle to reconstruct _______ and promote social ___________. society, harmony
_________________ ______________ is known as the "father of modern religious education." Horace Bushnell
Horace Bushnell's theological beliefs were rapidly accepted by most all theologians of his time. True or False False
The theological foundation for Horace Bushnell's beliefs about the nurturing of children was in ___________ _____________. infant baptism
Horace Bushnell thought a child could be raised as a Christian from birth by godly parents in a Christian home. True or False True
The revivalists of the day taught that parents should teach their children about _____; Horace Bushnell said parents should teach their children regarding ________. sin, faith
Horace Bushnell wanted parents to raise and train their children in such a way that ________ and ______________ to God would be the natural outcome. faith, obedience
Horace Bushnell believed that the parents should prepare for their responsibility of nurturing prior to the birth of their child. True or False True
Between the Civil War and ________ _____ __ the major period of development for the modern Amrican school system occurred. World War I
____________________ passed a compulsory school attendance in 1852. Massachusetts
A central principle of education after the Civil War was that public education should be available to _____. all
The use of tax dollars to suppport secondary education was initiated in _____________. Michigan
The American Sunday School Union or the American Missionary Fellowship was founded in ______________. theology
By 1859 thre were 50,000 ______________ established through the American Sunday School Union (A.S.S.U.) throughout America. libraries
Following the Civil War a group of men including Dwight L. Moody, called the ____________ ________ helped to dramatically expand the work and role of the Sunday school. Illinois Band
In 1872 a ______________ lesson plan for Sunday school material was devised. uniform
The pioneer in the area of youth work outside the walls of the church was the __.__.__.__. Y.M.C.A.
American education is primarily the product of John Dewey's work. True or False True
Darwinian evolution played a large role in shaping John Dewey's philosophy. True or False True
John Dewey's philosophy was concerned with the activity of ___________________. experiencing
John Dewey rejected any kind of supernaturalism. True or False True
John Dewey taught that man's purpose and possibility of survival depended upon his relationship to ____________. nature
To John Dewey, change was inevitable. True or False True
John Dewey's concept of truth was extremely ________________. relativistic
John Dewey thought that the student was __________ in his basic, moral nature. neutral
According to John Dewey, man was a product of his ____________________. environment
In John Dewey's philosophy, ________________ was supreme. science
According to John Dewey the following are legitimate objectives of education: ________ ___ _______________, _____________ _____________, _______-____________, __________ __________________ ____ __________. love of learning, social efficiency, self-control, proper recognition of leisure
For John Dewey, the goal of life was full development of the individual's _________________, __________, and _______________ capacities. intellectual, moral, aesthetic
________________ __________________ is basic in John Dewey's system of learning. Problem solving
John Dewey suggested a __________-_____________ curriculum instead of a ___________-_____________ curriculum. child-centered, content-centered
John Dewey envisioned the teacher as a dictator of knowledge to be presented. True or False False
John Dewey developed a core curriculum to use for all elementary children. True or False False
__________ and ___________ are inseparable in John Dewey's educational system. Method, content
If the excesses can be avoided, Christian education can make valid use of John Dewey's principles in the learning process. True or False True
George Albert Coe's philosophy of education was shaped by ______________ theory, not by biblical or theological works. secular
George Albert Coe was a liberal Christian educator. True or False True
The key to the Montessori system of education is freedom from ________________ or the substitution of ___________ will and way. inhibition, adult
There seems to be a link between the ______________ church and the contemporary Bible college movement. Moravian
Seminary education in the late nineteenth century was almost dead. True or False True
In the late nineteenth century, __________________ was dominating the religious scene. liberalism
___________ ___________ Institute is generally agreed to have had the greatest influence on the Bible college movement. Moody Bible
The one word that most adequately describes the third quarter of the 20th century was ___________. change
Today the questions of philosophy are determined by ____________________. science
Existentialism reflects the breakdown of the classical idea of rational man in an ____________ universe and the break-up of _______________ religious faith. orderly, orthodox
The theology of neo-orthodoxy was formed by _______ ____________. Karl Barth
Neo-orthodoxy led the church to return to biblical Christianity. True or False False
Secular existentialism in education stands for and leads to ________________. individualism
In secular existential education the student must create his own standards of right and wrong. True or False True
The cutting or divisive issue in religious extentialism is the doctrine of ______________. scripures
___ _____________ ____________ appears to be the conservative within the ranks of the religious existential educators. D. Campbell Wyckoff
Catholicism teaches that the church has a major role to play in all levels of education. True or False True
Catholicism believes that it is necessary to permeate all of curriculum and life with what it believes to be _____________ ________. absolute truth
The weaknesses in the Roman Catholic education stem from its weaknesses in its ____________. theology
Modern contemporary Catholic writers seem to show that Roman Catholic education has jettisoned much of its commitment to absolute truth. True or False True
The educational philosophies of the existentialists and Catholicism are not the same as the Christian education of the evangelical. True or False True
_________________ is a theory that applies psychological conceptions to the interpretation of historical events or logical thought. Psychogism
B.F. Skinner taught that behaviour is ___________. caused
B.F. Skinner's philosophy teaches that there are no inner qualities, such as sin, conscience, or spirit. True or False True
B.F. Skinner is known for starting the school of ______________________ psychology. behavioristic
Lewis J. Sherrill turned to ___________________ for his insights into the religious nature of man. psychoanalysis
Randolph Crump Miller's philosophy hinged on the concept of ___________________. relationships
Randolph Crump Miller is closely aligned with ___________________ theology. liberation
_________________ ________________ claims that moral development is a natural process that teachers can nurture in children. Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg claims that morality can be ___________. taught
The crucial issues of philosophy force a consideration of __________________. theology
Gaebelein held to the concept of ___________________, which has to do with making a whole by bringing parts together. integration
LeBar calls for the use of the __________ throughout the entire system of Christian education, with more emphasis to build on the work of _______ ______ _________________. Bible, John Amos Comenius
_______ _________ and _____________ ____________ are two popular "renewal" writers and Christian educators of the 1970's. Gene Getz, Lawrence Richards
The thing that must characterize all evangelical philosophy is a commitment to ______________ and ______________. inspiration, authority
The church must respond to an increasing need for solid education in ________ life. family
It is possible that media religion might be driving people away from involvement in local assemblies. True or False True
The ______ of biblical understanding is a major problem in contemporary North American culture. lack
_________________ is an attitude, an infatuation with the things that one owns or uses. Materialism
The whole mind-set of ___________________ is that of selfish humanism that leaves God out of the picture. secularization
Despite the secularization of most areas of life and culture, theology has managed to remain unscathed. True or False False
The church is healthy only where _____________ has resisted the trend of secularization and committed itself to ___________ revelation and the _____________ task of the church. theology, Biblical, Biblical
The perceived failure of the public school system has led to an epidemic growth in Chrisitan schools. True of False True
Any theocentric philosophy of education requires that _____________ truth permeate the entire academic program and subject. Biblical
A sound educational objective could be "to search for and communicate __________." truth
The Scriptures make it plain that the child is a ward of the ____________. parents
The earliest colleges in America were Christian institutions. True or False True
The principle dynamic behind the college-founding enthusiasm of American Christians was the spirit of __________________ and ____________________ _____________. revivalism, missionary thrust
The three distinctions of the Christian college curriculum are ____________ ___ __________ _________________, _______________ ____ ___________, and __ ______________ ________________. emphasis on Biblical foundation, integration of all truth, a Christian worldview
A theological _______________ is a graduate school for ministerial training. seminary
The Christian _______________ _______ college is an undergraduate school that offers a variety of majors in the arts and sciences. liberal arts
The _________ college usually requires a major in Bible and theology, while its primary objective is some form of ministry. Bible
Created by: DCross
Popular Religion sets




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