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4.5 PEC1450 to 1750

AP World History 4.5 Political, Economic and Cultural Factors

What notable impact happened as a result from the slave trades? Some notable gender and family restructuring occurred, including demographic changes in Africa that resulted from the slave trades.
Where did male slaves get sent to? Where were the female slaves sent? More African were men taken in slavery to the Americas; more females were taken into Ottoman slavery.
Who began practicing later marriage? What was their focus on? Europeans practiced later marriage with more emphasis on the nuclear family.
What was the opinion of European non-rural parents towards their children? Non-rural parents sought lower birth rates, and there was more devotion to children.
What contributed to cultural synthesis? The Atlantic trading system involved the movement of labor—including slaves—and the mixing of African, American, and European cultures and peoples, with all parties contributing to this cultural synthesis.
Where did "Southern Cuisine" originally come from? At the time of the trans-Atlantic voyage, black-eyed peas, okra, kidney and lima beans were gathered and collected in Africa for enslaved Africans upon the voyage into the New World.
What is synonymous with "Soul Food"? Synonymous with soul food, traditional African dishes and techniques have been perpetuated in American food culture such as deep frying, gumbo, fufu and millet bread.
Where did cornbread come from? Often prepared by enslaved Africans, cornbread was assimilated to the African millet bread and fufu, a traditional African meal similar to “turn meal and flour,” a popular dish associated with the state of South Carolina.
What were some of the folk stories that came from Africa? Folklores such as Chicken Little, Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox, were derived from Africa.
What African tradition helped to provide children with a way to learn and develop? African stories, fables and oratory traditions have been embedded into American culture, providing a childhood infrastructure for learning and development through the use of nursery rhymes.
What took the place of drums of enslaved Africans? Enslaved Africans were forced to substitute drums with hand clapping and feet tapping because slave “masters” banned drums in several African communities after learning they could be used as an obscure form of communication
What impact did African slave ritual songs have on music? As a result, rhythmic song and dance became a major component of the New World culture, including shuffles, breakdowns, jigs and the strut accompanied by drum-less beats using their hands or feet.
What two forms of music were derived through America's slave culture? Two of the most notable music forms created by enslaved Africans are spirituals and the blues; both are generational blueprints within the religious melodies found in the African-American communities.”
What happened when the hemispheres were 'connected'? the increase and intensification of interactions between newly connected hemispheres expanded the reach and furthered development of existing religions, and contributed to religious conflicts and the development of syncretic belief systems and practices.
Who introduced Catholicism to the Americas? Catholicism was brought and in some cases imposed on the Americas by the conquistadores.
What was the Catholic church's opinion of the Native Americans? The church, however, also took a strong interest in more compassionate treatment of the Native Americans. Priests not only sought to evangelize them, but pastored their churches and taught school.
How many cultures were combined by syncretism in the Americas? Syncretism in the Americas combined 3 cultures.
Who was denounced by Bernardino de Sahagun? One example from Virgin of Guadalupe (apparitions in 1531) denounced by Bernardino de Sahagun 1570s in Florentine Codex (wiki) the indians had a temple dedicated to the mother of the gods, whom they called Tonantzin, which means Our Mother.
How would the Indians honor the "our mother" goddess? What church replaced their sacrifice location? There they performed many sacrifices in honor of this goddess ... And now that a church of Our Lady of Guadalupe is built there, they also called her Tonantzin
Who replaced the Virgin of Guadalupe as the "our mother" goddess? for their having [native] name of the Mother of God, Holy Mary, instead of Tonantzin, but Dios inantzin. It appears to be a Satanic invention to cloak idolatry under the confusion of this name, Tonantzin.”
Where did a large number of Catholic missionaries go but had VERY LITTLE impact? Catholic missionaries to Asia. There were many others (these are just famous examples) but they had little impact.
Why was Catholicism rejected in Asia? People were leery of a foreign faith. One of the main problems was ancestor “veneration.”
What countries did Francix Xavier travel to? Francis Xavier went to India 1542, then to SE Asia 1545, and Japan 1549.
Name some of the Missionaries that went to China? Missionaries to China included: Matteo Ricci 1582-1610; Johann Adam Schall von Bell 1619-66 who baptized many and contributed to science, particularly clocks; Ferdinand Verbiest 1669-88
Who contributed to science and the development of clocks? Johann Adam Schall von Bell 1619-66 who baptized many and contributed to science, particularly clocks;
What presence did Islam have in SE Asia? Islam increased its presence in SE Asia: merchants and Sufis
Created by: Saenz2004
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