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Jude 5th - Chapter 4

Chapter 4: France in the New World

King Francis I king of France
King Charles I king of Spain
Giovani de Verrazano sent to America to find a northwest passage and sailed northward on the coastline
Jacques Cartier French privateer sent to America to find the northwest passage and tried to start a colony
Samuel de Champlain established a settlement in Quebec and explored the St. Lawrence River
Huron and Algonquin two big and powerful Native American allied tribes
Iroquois Confederacy league of five Native American tribes
Hugenots name for French Protestants
Great Lakes Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior
Fr. Isaac Jogues French Jesuit priest who served the Huron people, got his fingers bit off, head chopped off, and was the first North American martyr
Fr. Jean de Brebeuf French Jesuit priest who served the Huron, killed by Iroquois when they cut his heart out and ate it
blackrobes Native name for French Jesuit priests who wore black cassocks
Fr. Charles Garnier French Jesuit priest who served the Tobacco people, who was killed by Iroquois while giving a blessing to a dying man
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Mohawk Native girl who converted to Christianity and suffered greatly because of it, and was called "Lily of the Mohawks"
Louis Joliet French explorer who explored Lake Michigan, the Midwest, and the Mississippi River with Fr. Marquette
Fr. Jacques Marquette French priest and explorer who explored Lake Michigan, the Midwest, and the Mississippi River with Joliet
King Louis XIV French king who wanted the great river explored and hoped it led to the Pacific Ocean
Illinois Natives friendly Natives whom Joliet and Marquette encountered
Robert de La Salle French explorer who explored the Mississippi River and claimed lands along it for France
Louisiana lands along the Mississippi River claimed for France and King Louis XIV
New Orleans city that would one day be the "Paris of the New World" that La Salle hoped for
Henry Hudson English explorer hired by the Dutch to find a faster route to the Indies and who accidentally explored the Hudson Bay and Hudson River
Created by: MissMisiak
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