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LaSOM - Evangelism

LaSOM - The Master Plan Evangelism

1) The book seeks to answer which critical question? What was Christ’s strategy of evangelism
3) The author devotes a chapter to clarify each of the eight guiding principles of the Master’s plan. Name those principles. a. Selection. pg. 21 b. Association. pg. 33 c. Consecration. pg. 43 d. Impartation. pg. 53 e. Demonstration. Pg 63 f. Delegation pg. 71 g. Supervision. Pg 81 h. Reproduction. Pg 89
4) Men were to be Christ’s method of winning the world to God.” What examples does the author give from the Gospels to support this? Pg. 21 1. John 1:35-40 Jesus invites John and Andrew 2. John 1:41-42 Andrew in turn brought his brother Peter 3. John 1:43-51 Jesus found Philip and Philip found Nathanael 4. Mark 1:19; Matthew 4:21 James, the brother of John is mentioned 5. Mark 2: 13-14; Matthew 9:9; Luke 5:27-28 Matthew is called by Jesus
5) According to the author, what is the most significant quality about the men that Jesus called? Pg 23 Their sincere yearning for God and the realities of his life.
6) The author raises the question in regard to why Jesus did not focus more on the crowds and mass evangelism. The author states that the answer to this is seen in Jesus’ real purpose for His plan of evangelism. What is the answer the author gave? Pg. 28 Jesus was not trying to impress the crowd, but to usher in a kingdom.
7) What does the pattern of Jesus’ ministry teach as the first duty of church leadership? Pg. 30 It teaches that a foundation is laid in the beginning on which can be built an effective and continuing evangelistic ministry to the multitudes.
8) According to the author what will be required of church leaders in order to follow the pattern of Jesus? Pg.30 This will require more concentration of time and talents on fewer people in the church while not neglecting the passion for the world.
9) What might be an objection to church leadership following this pattern? Pg.30 favoritism is shown toward a select group in the church.
10) What was the essence of Jesus’ training program for His disciples? Pg. 30 Just letting his disciples follow him.
11) According to the author, how did the Master communicate knowledge? pg.34 Not in terms of laws and dogmas, in the living personality of One who walked among them.
12) Finish the statement, “Jesus made it clear to the disciples that before they were to preach or cast our devils, they were to be “with him.” Pg.35
13) According to the example of Jesus, whose responsibility was it to follow up those who committed to follow him? Pg. 40 The Church was the means to follow up. (Every member of the community of faith)
14) How should this system of Jesus be done today? Pg. 42 Every convert should be given a Christian friend to follow until such time as he/she can lead another.
15) Finish the statement, “Being a disciple of Christ involved far more than a joyful acceptance of the Messianic promise: it meant . . . .” (What did it mean?) pg. 44 it meant the surrender of one’s whole life to the Master in absolute submission to his sovereignty.
16) In Luke 9:57-62, three prospective disciples are warned by Jesus of the cost of true discipleship. What does his response teach us? Pg. 46 a. Discipleship is not easy (nor is it hard) b. Discipleship cannot be delayed (postponed) c. Discipleship is not on one's own terms
17) What does the author describe as “the very means by which those in [Christ’s] company learned more truth”? pg. 48 Obedience to Christ
18) What two things did Jesus do that demonstrated that absolute obedience to the will of God was the controlling principle of his life? He continually gave consent to the will of his Father which made it possible for God to use his life fully according to its intended purpose. His death on the cross
19) Finish the author’s statement when he said Jesus was “making men to lead his church to conquest and no one can ever be a leader until first he has learned to follow a leader. Pg. 50
20) According to the author, what five things did Jesus give his disciples? Pg. 53-54 1. His peace in tribulation 2. His joy in suffering 3. The keys to his Kingdom 4. His glory for unity 5. His life for their salvation
21) What, according to the author, was the deep compulsion motivating Jesus’ life? pg.54 The love of God for a lost world.
22) As the disciples watched Jesus minister to the sick, comfort the sorrowing and preach the gospel to the poor what did these actions make clear about Jesus? Pg. 55 There was no service too small or sacrifice too great when it was rendered for the glory of God.
23) What two things were mentioned by the author by which the disciples were to regard their own service in His name? Pg. 56 1. They were to give as freely as they had received. (Matt. 10:8) 2. They were to love one another as he loved them. (John 13:34-35)
24)The author makes the statement: “It is only the Spirit of God who enables one to carry on the redemptive mission of evangelism”. What does the author say in regard to how this relates to evangelism? Pg. 57 Not interpreted as a human undertaking, by a divine project which has been going on since the beginning and would continue until God’s purpose was fulfilled.
25) In what sense was the coming Holy Spirit described as “Another Comforter”? Pg. 58-59 He would take exactly the same place with them in the unseen realm of reality that Jesus had filled in the visible experience of the flesh
26) In one short sentence state why Jesus expected his disciples to tarry (wait in anticipation) until the promise of Luke 24:49 became a reality to them. Pg. 59 So they could fulfill the commission of the Lord with joy and inward peace
27) In showing his disciples how to live, Jesus focused on four specific areas. What were they? Pg. 64-66? 1. The practice of prayer 2. Using scripture 3. Soul winning 4. Teaching naturally
28) According to the author, what was the secret of Jesus’ persuasiveness in teaching his disciples? He did not ask anyone to do or be anything which first he had not demonstrated in his own life, thereby not only proving its workability and relevance
29) When Jesus first invited His disciples to follow Him, He said nothing at that time about going out and evangelizing the world. What were the 3 things Jesus did to prepare his disciples to take over his work? 1. To get a vital experience with God 2. To show them how he worked. 3. Then to tell them they had to do it.
30) Name the 3 “briefing instructions regarding their mission” that Jesus gave the Twelve before their first missionary venture? 1. He reaffirmed his purpose. 2. He told them who to see first. 3. They were to trust God to supply their needs.
31) In Mark’s gospel (6:7) Jesus sent out His disciples in pairs. What does the author say this action on Jesus’ part reflects? Pg.76 It reflects the characteristic concern of Jesus for togetherness.
32) In what way did the instructions to the Seventy differ from those to the Twelve? Pg. 77 They were to be forerunners for the Lord, setting things up for his ministry.
33) After Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, how did Jesus demonstrate conclusively the principle of giving evangelistic work assignments to his disciples? Pg. 79 On at least four occasions as he met with his disciples he told them to go our and do his work.
34) What did the author mean by asserting: “Evangelism is not an optional accessory to our life”? Pg. 79 It is the heartbeat of all that we are called to be and do. It is the commission of the church which gives meaning to all else that is undertaken in the name of Christ.
35) When Jesus reviewed some experience which the disciples had how did Jesus make their experiences teach truth? Pg. 82 By making practical application to their lives.
36) Give one example of Jesus’ use of a failure by the Twelve to teach an important truth. Pg.83 a. The demon-possessed boy b. The feeding of the multitudes c. Their attitude toward others in the work who were not members of the apostolic company d. Their attitude toward the Samaritan village
37) Jesus’ plan of teaching was calculated to bring out the best in the disciples. What was it? Pg. 86 by example, assignment, and constant checkup
38) What did Jesus expect of his disciples? Pg.89 He expected them to reproduce (to produce his likeness in and through the church being gathered out of the world).
39) The bringing together of which two dynamic facts does the author describe as “the climactic genius of Jesus’ strategy of evangelism”? Bearing witness of Christ and the ultimate victory over the world.
40) In the Great Commission the one controlling verb is “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19,20). What significance does the author attach to this? Pg. 93 The word indicates that the disciples were to go out into the world and win others who would come to be what they themselves were – disciples of Christ.
41) On what criteria should the success of a church be measured? Pg. 95 How many Christians are actively winning souls and training them to win the multitudes.
42) Finish the statement the author makes, “The costly principles of leadership development and reproduction seem to have been submerged beneath the easier strategy of mass recruitment and popular recognition. Pg. 96
43) The author references E. M Bounds statement that “men are God’s method.” What does the author conclude from that statement about evangelistic methodology? Pg. 97 Until we have such people imbued with his Spirit and committed to his plan, none of our methods will work.
44) The new evangelism we need, according to the author, is not better methods, but better men and women. Name the 4 characteristics of better men and women that he names. Pg. 97 . 1. People who know their Redeemer from personal experience 2. People who see his vision and feel his passion for the world 3. People who are willing to be nothing so that he might be everything 4. People who want only for Christ to produce his life in and through them
45) What does the author mean by “the plan of your life”? Pg. 99 The organizing principle around which the aim of life is carried out.
46) Whatever the particular form of our methodology of evangelism, the priority Jesus teaches is finding and training people to reach people (as living witnesses). Pg. 100
47) When the author talks about the kind of energy Christ needs from us to train people what 4 things does he state we must do? Pg. 101 1. work for them 2. seek them 3. win them 4. pray for them
48) What is the essence of the plan that the author states when talking about the importance of being with people we are trying to teach? Pg. 102 let them see us in action so as to feel our vision and to know how it relates to daily experience.
49) Before releasing someone “from our control” that we have been training what does the author state that we need to know about that person? Pg. 106 - 107 That they are thoroughly established in the faith that overcomes the world.
50) In one sentence summarize Billy Graham’s response to the question, “What would be your plan of action in you were the pastor of a large church in a principal city? Pg. 103 He would train a small group of people by meeting with them on a regular basis.
2) How does the author seek to answer this critical question? He has pointed us to the unchanging, simple biblical principles which must undergird any authentic evangelistic outreach
Created by: NICJOLLEY
Popular Religion sets




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