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Scientific Rev

AP World History - The Scientific Revolution 9th week 1st Term

What ideas where considered Medieval Ideas? medieval ideas: ideas of Aristotle, e.g., four elements alchemy; astrology geocentric Ptolemy had some church support
What is the verse Ecclesiastes 1:5 about? Ecclesiastes 1:5 The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.
What is Psalm 93:1 about? Psalms 93:1 The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty; the lord is robed, he is girded with strength. Yea, the world is established; it shall never be moved.
What is a Galen? Galen: two separate vein and artery systems
What is some people's opinions about why things happen in the world that are good and bad? immediate direct action of angels and demons causing
What train of thought was prominent during the Renaissance? Renaissance: idea of empiricism (v. revelation)
What happened during the Reformation? Reformation: challenged church and traditional thinking
What awesome invention did Gutenberg create? How did this impact the transfer of information? Gutenberg: Introduced printing into Europe, and moveable printing later one; key role in the Renaissance and everything to come after due to the printing press
Who owes Gutenberg the greatest debt? The average person who was able to buy mass-produced books because they were more reasonably priced.
Who invented the cannon? What was the impact of it? cannon: origin China, ended feudalism, gunpowder empires
Who was Copernicus? Renaissance-era mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic clergyman who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center.
What word would define Copernicus' theories? Copernicus: heliocentric by calculation
Who was Brahe? Brahe: late 1500’s planetary motion; Danish astronomer who was best known for developing astronomical instruments and measuring and fixing the positions of stars.
Who laid the groundwork for Galileo? Kepler; laid the groundwork for Galileo.
What did Galileo do? Galileo: combined math and experiment. as an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath, from Pisa
Who said that scientists should not rely on subjective elements like color, smell, etc. but only those things that could be measured. (author notes the pros and cons of this approach) Galileo
Who are the "Falling objects Brainiacs?" Falling objects Brainiac - Do heavy objects fall faster than light objects? Aristotle v. Galileo
What happened to the Telescope Heliocentric? Telescope heliocentric, STORY forced to recant
When did Descartes Descartes: early 1600’s
Who created the Scientific Method? Bacon: 1600 scientific method
What were Vesalius and Harvey known for in the 1600's? Vesalius and Harvey: 1600s circulation Horrible Histories Anatomy
Who formed the laws of gases, temperature and pressure? Boyle laws: of gases, temperature, pressure mid 1600’s
What invention did Pascal come up with? Pascal: mechanical calculator
Who designed the microscope and when? Leeuwenhoek: microscope 1700
What scientist came up with the law that relates to the APPLE? Whose work did he build on? Newton: built on Kepler’s astronomy and Galileo’s falling objects work and derived laws of motion. (apple story) Best Idea Ever! calculus, gravity
Whose theories held true until Einstein came along? Alexander Pope Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night; God said, "Let Newton be." and all was light. His major work Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy held true until Einstein.
Whose theories did Newton's book combine? Newton’s book: combined Bacon’s empiricism and Descartes’ deductive reasoning
What other subjects interested Newton? author notes Newton’s interest in other things like theology and magic
What was Newton's view of God? Newton believed God: created the world but it was presently a machine (Deism)
Newton was accused to creating theories that pushed aside what view? Newton provides further knowledge has pushed God aside: * 1. A body moves in a straight line unless impeded. (Inertia). * 2. Every action has equal and opposite reaction.
Who came up with the idea of Inertia? Newton A body moves in a striaght line unless impeded?
Every action... has an equal and opposite reaction. Newton
Relation between Renaissance and Reformation and science? Both the Renaissance and Reformation moved towards more scientific centered societies, allowing science to be the supreme authority when compared to religion.
Previous view? STORY of exchange student from east Germany
What is Newton's 1st Law? Newton’s 1st law: object at rest/motion stays at rest/motion unless acted upon by outside force
What is Newton's 2nd Law? 2nd law: F=ma
What is Newton's 3rd Law? 3rd law: for every action, an equal and opposite reaction
What was the House of Medici? it was an Italian banking family that had both economic and political influence; it started in the Republic of Florence mid-way through the 15th century. They eventually had control of Florence, and under their rule, humanism and art flourished
Who eventually had control of Florence? How id impact the people? The House of Medici
Who was Machiavelli? (1469-1527) He was a Renaissance diplomat, philosopher and writer best known for his work on The Prince (Il Principle) which he wrote in 1513.
Whose work led the way to modern republicanism in a way? Machiavelli. His work lead the way to modern republicanism in a way, but, it goes without saying that he was also encouraging evil and immoral acts by those in power, such as murder.
Who was considered to be the founding father of Renaissance architecture? Filippo Brunelleschi was an Italian sole supervisor, architect and designer.
What were some of Brunelleschi's greatest pieces of archicture? His most famous contributions are designing the dome on the Florence Cathedral, and creating the method of linear perspective in art.
Who were some of the greatest ARTIST's during the Renaissance? Michelangelo (painter, sculptor, architect), Miguel de Cervantes (writer), and Johann Sebastian Bach (musician)
Who was Michelangelo? (1475-1564) A famous sculptor, architect, painter and poet of the High Renaissance, and was born in the Republic of Florence. Michelangelo is credited with the most influence on Renaissance art and art as a whole,.
Who was the original "Renaissance man" Michelangelo. Some said that his art is the greatest of all times, and other supporters saying that he is close to being called Renaissance man
Who was credited with the influence on Renaissance art and art as a whole? Michelangelo.
Who is Miguel de Cervantes? (1547-1616) A Spanish writer credited with being the best writer in the Spanish language, and is best known for his novel Don Quixote, a work cited to be the first modern novel, and one of the pinnacles of literature.
Who is Johann Sebastian Bach? : (1685-1750) A German composer credited with being one of the greatest composers of all time since the Back Revival after the 19th century. His work included compositions such as Brandenburg Concertos and Goldberg Variations.
What is the name of the system that attaches prime importance to human life? Humanism: An outlook or system thought attaching prime importance to human life rather than divine or supernatural behaviors. Belief that humans can do good, and need to strive to work together to make life better.
Who wrote Don Quixote? Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) It was a story about a man who loses his mind keeps charging at windmills because he thought they were dragons. It was the FIRST modern novel.
What is the name of on of the GREATEST Composers of all time from the Renaissance? Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
What type of cultural movement was Humanism seen to be? What interests did it revive? A Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest into Roman and Greek thought
Created by: Saenz2004
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