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Unit 1 Global I

Intro, Paleolithic Era, Neolithic Revolution, River Valleys

political map map that shows boundaries, cities, etc
physical map shows the geographic features (rivers, mountains, etc), usually uses different shades for different elevation
topographic map shows elevation using contour lines
primary source a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study. Examples: Autobiographies, news film, interviews, diaries, speeches
secondary source provide interpretation and analysis of primary sources
prehistory the time period before the development of writing
archaeologist Use artifacts to study how people lived
artifact any object made by humans
anthropologist study the physical and cultural characteristics of humans and their ancestors
Great Rift Valley "the birthplace of humanity"
paleontologist studies fossil remains
fossils remains of living things
economist studies the production and distribution of goods (trade and money)
geographer studies how humans interact, impact, and are impacted by their physical surroundings
Neolithic Revolution Development of agriculture and the domestication of animals
domesticate to tame for personal use
nomad person who travels from place to place in search of food
silt mineral rich soil
river valleys location of the first civilizations
theocracy form of government where the political leader is also the religious leader
polytheistic belief in more than one god
hierarchy organized according to rank/importance
Mesopotamia the land between the rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) and location of the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations
cuneiform written language of the Sumerians
ziggurats stepped pyramids of the Sumerians
Hammurabi's Code first written law code (written by the Babylonians); "an eye for an eye...", harsh punishments
river around which the Shang Dynasty developed Huang He (yellow) river
river around which the Harappans developed Indus River
River(s) where the Sumerians and Babylonians flourished Tigris and Euphrates
exchange of goods, beliefs, etc. between cultures cultural diffusion
Written language of the Egyptians hieroglyphics
these were built as tombs for pharoahs pyramids
seasonal winds that bring rain to India monsoons
belief that your culture is superior to others ethnocentrism
Chinese idea that the emperor's authority comes from the heavens Mandate of Heaven
River around which the ancient Egyptians lived Nile
Created by: mrfordglobal
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