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Ch 11 & 12 Eucharist

Key terms on the Eucharist

eternal life a life of happiness with God forever
Real Presence The presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated species of bread and wine
Bread of Life Jesus said "I am the B****of L**** He is The Flesh we must eat and the Blood we must drink in order for us to have eternal life.
covenant a solemn agreement
transubstantiation Catholic belief that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ.
consecrate to make holy, sacred, hallow
Last Supper A Passover meal which literally became the last meal taken by Christ with his apostles, the night before his Passion. Through this meal, Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood.
Holy Communion A name for the Eucharist commonly used in the Mass (Hint: we are in union with Christ and other Catholics)
bread and wine What is the "matter" of the Eucharist that the priest consecrates? (Hint: offerings of fruit of the earth b*** and fruit of the vine w**)
Ascension The "going up" into Heaven of the Risen Christ forty days after his Resurrection.
In what four ways is Jesus present at Mass? Priest, People, Word of God, and in the Holy Communion
In the early Church the Eucharist was known as the breaking of the bread
Paschal a word that means "of or relating to the Passover"
Paschal Lamb In Jewish history, the P***** L*** was what the Israelites were commanded to eat as part of the Passover celebration. Jesus is the new P***** L*** because he shed his blood for the Redemption of the world.
Mass The celebration of the Paschal Mystery, heaven and earth unite
Body of Christ A term that when capitalized designates Jesus' Body in the Eucharist, or the entire Church
Sacrament of Redemption the Eucharist
Paschal Mystery The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Location
Church Body of Christ People of God
Created by: theophilus
Popular Religion sets




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