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Wahowski Cy Lakes

Area in which an individual moves about as he or she pursues regular day to day activities ACTIVITY SPACE
Period of time where the domestication of plants and animals meant that human beings crated larger and more stable sources of food; therefore, more people survived. AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION (Neolithic Revolution)
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS
Land that is suited for agriculture ARABLE LAND
The total number of people divided by total land area ARITHMETIC DENSITY
Knowledge of opportunity locations beyond the normal activity space AWARENESS SPACE
The number of people an area can support on a sustained basis CARRYING CAPACITY
A stream of people out of an area as first movers communicate with people back home and stimulate others to follow later CHAIN MIGRATION
Type of short-term, repetitive movement that occurs on a regular basis CIRCULATION
The distance beyond which cost, effort, and means strongnly influence willingness to travel CRITICAL DISTANCE
The number of live births in a given year for every thousand people in a population. CRUDE BIRTH RATE
The number of deaths in a given year for every thousand people in a population CRUDE DEATH RATE
Theory that states that population patterns vary according to different levels of technological development. All countries go through the same four to five stages depending on which point in the "transition" the country is in. DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION THEORY
Study of population DEMOGRAPHY
The number of people that live in a given area of land POPULATION DENSITY
When people are forced from their home due to ethnic strife, war, or natural disasters DISLOCATION
The decline of an activity or function with increasing distance from ist point of origin DISTANCE DECAY
Type of map where each dot represents a certain number of people DOT MAP
The length of time needed to double the popualtion DOUBLING RATE
Migration from a location EMIGRATION
When a fatal disease no longer threatens an group of people because the population developed partial immunities ENDEMIC
When the drop in the death rates becase significant in the the mid-19th century EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRANSITION(MORTALITY REVOLUTION)
Shared cultural heritage ETHNICITY
Part of Thomas Malthus' theory, where people grow at a geometric rate EXPONENTIAL GROWTH
The killing of baby girls FEMALE INFANTICIDE
Type of involuntary migration where people are forced to move out of their homelands due to ethnic strife, wars, or natural disasters FORCED MIGRATION
Measure of the interaction of places. Model states that spatial interaction is directly related to the size fo teh populations and inversely realted to the distance between them. GRAVITY MODEL
Migration to a location IMMIGRATION
Time period, especially in England, where major improvements in technology were introduced that helped create an unprecedented amount of wealth INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
The number of deaths among infants under one year of age from each 1,000 live births ina given year INFANT MORTALITY RATE
Where more people immigrate to an area than emigrate from an area. MORE PEOPLE IN THAN OUT. IN-MIGRATION
Migration within a country's borders INTERNAL MIGRATION
Migration between regions INTER-REGIONAL MIGRATION
Physical features that slow or halt migration from one place to another INTERVENING OBSTACLES
Fact that many who set out to move a long distance find good opportunities to settle before tehy reach tehir destinations INTERVEINING OPPORTUNITY
Migration within one region INTRA-REGIONAL MIGRATION
The measure of the average number of years that a child can expect to live if the current mortality rates hold LIFE EXPECTANCY
Part of Thomas Malthus' theory where food is grown at an arithemtic rate. Food can not produce it self as quick as humans produce LINEAR GROWTH
Permanent move to a new location MIGRATION
Certain types of people are more likely to move based on age, education, and kinship/friendship ties MIGRATION SELECTIVITY
The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a specific period. NATURAL INCREASE
People who are alarmed by the population increase in the world; based on Thomas Malthus' theory NEO-MALTHUSIANS
The difference between the emigration and immigration within a region or country NET MIGRATION RATE
Policy in China that included both incentive and penalities to keep families in China from only having one child ONE CHILD POLICY
More people emigrate from an area than immigrate to an area. MORE ARE LEAVING THAN COMIGN IN. OUT-MIGRATION
Teh circumstance of too many people for the land to support OVERPOPULATION
Widespread epidemic PANDEMIC
Measures the pressure that people may place on the land to produce enough food PHYSIOLOGIC POPULATION DENSITY
Areas of the world where 2/3 of teh world's population are concentrated at. Included the following regions: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe POPULATION CONCENTRATIONS
The trend of rapid population increases in place since 1750 POPULATION EXPLOSION
Study of population that focuses on the number, composition, and distribution of human beings on earth's surface. POPULATION GEOGRAPHY
Graphic device to analyze population growth. Represents a population's age and sex composition POPULATION PYRAMID
Factor that attracts someone to a new region. PULL FACTOR
Factor that encourages someone to move from the region that they live in. PUSH FACTOR
Category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important RACE
People that have been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return for fear of persectution because of their religion, race, nationality, or political opinions. REFUGEE
Government programs used to reduce teh rate of natural increase through various policies RESTRICTIVE POPULATION POLICIES
People have limited time for their activities SPACE TIME PRISM
Term for the movement of peoples, ideas, and commodities within and between areas. SPATIAL INTERACTION
Period of time where population will stop growing STATIONARY POPULATION LEVEL
When long distance migration is done in steps STEP MIGRATION
First critic to note that the human population was increasing faster than the food. Exponential Growth vs. Linear Growth THOMAS MALTHUS
The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years. TOTAL FERTILITY RATE
Type of migration where the migrant chooses to leave their region VOLUNTARY MIGRATION
Leveling off the world's population growth in order to insure the Earth could supply for the current population ZERO POPULATION GROWTH
Created by: smw11209
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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