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WH2 #6 - Ind Rev.

Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution Great increase in machine production that began in England in the 18th century
Crop Rotation Planting a different crop in a different field each year
Industrialization Process of developing machine production of goods
Factory Building where goods are made
Urbanization City building & the movement of people to cities
Middle Class A social class of skilled workers, professionals, business people & wealthy farmers
Stock Right of ownership in a company called a corporation
Corporation Business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not responsible for its debts
Adam Smith Philosopher who defended laissez-faire economics; Capitalism
Capitalism Economic system in which people invest money to make a profit
Socialism Belief that businesses should be owned by society as a whole
Karl Marx Economic thinker who wrote about a radical form of socialism
Communism Form of socialism in which all production is owned by the people
Union Organized groups of workers that bargain with business owners to get better pay & working conditions
Strike Organized refusal to work
Commercial Revolution an increase in general commerce, and in the growth of financial services such as banking, insurance, and investing
Agricultural Revolution a period of technological improvement and increased crop productivity that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe.
James Watt Inventor of the steam engine
Eli Whitney Inventor of the cotton gin
Henry Bessemer Inventor of the modern process for making steel
Edward Jenner Developed the smallpox vaccine
Louis Pasteur Discovery of bacteria and the germ theory of disease
Wealth of Nations the book by Adam Smith which forms the basis for modern capitalism.
Communist Manifesto Karl Marx's political platform, outlining his beliefs about Communism.
Joseph Lister surgeon who introduced new principles of cleanliness which transformed surgical practice in the late 1800s
Created by: csdavis
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