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the stereotypical presentation is an older male with bone pain and an isolated raised ALP Paget
characterised by the presence of fever, salmon pink rash and arthralgia. It can also present with chest symptoms including pleurisy and pleural effusions. Other features include negative RF and ANA tests, anaemia, thrombocytosis and neutrophilia with dera Adult Onset Stills Disease
Fever, lethargy, neuropathy, testicular pain and renal dysfunction are consistent with polyarteritis nodosa (PAN).
The age of the patient (7 years) combined with 'punched out' osteolytic skull lesions make a diagnosis of ......... likely. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
young male, recurrent episodes of macroscopic haematuria typically associated with a recent respiratory tract infection nephrotic range proteinuria is rare renal failure is unusual and seen in a minority of patients Ig A nephropathy
Diabetes insipidus This is indicated by polyuria, hypernatraemia, lithium use
Renal biopsy membranous GN electron microscopy: the basement membrane is thickened with subepithelial electron dense deposits. This creates a 'spike and dome' appearance
Causes membranous GN idiopathic: due to anti-phospholipase A2 antibodies infections: hepatitis B, malaria, syphilis malignancy: lung cancer, lymphoma, leukaemia drugs: gold, penicillamine, NSAIDs autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus (class V disease), thyroidit
Good prognostic features membranous GN include female sex, young age at presentation and asymptomatic proteinuria of a modest degree at the time of presentation
CMV in transplanted CMV infection presents with a mononucleosis-like syndrome with fever, myalgia and arthralgia. There is often a leukopaenia, atypical lymphocytosis with a mild rise in transaminases and graft dysfunction. Specific organ involvement can lead to hepatitis,
Alport's syndrome features usually presents in childhood microscopic haematuria progressive renal failure bilateral sensorineural deafness lenticonus: protrusion of the lens surface into the anterior chamber retinitis pigmentosa renal biopsy: splitting of lamina densa seen on elect
Factors which increase the likelihood of pulmonary haemorrhage in Goodpasture's syndrome smoking lower respiratory tract infection pulmonary oedema inhalation of hydrocarbons young males
This is a case of a young man presenting with frank haematuria 3 days after an upper respiratory tract infection. This is a classic presentation of IgA nephropathy
Young woman presenting with AKI and visual disturbance Symptoms include fever, weight loss and painful, red eyes. Urinalysis is positive for leukocytes and protein think TINU (tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis)
abdominal pain, arthritis, haematuria and a purpuric rash over the buttocks and extensor surfaces of arms and legs Henoch-Schonlein purpura
dyspnoea and hypoxaemia around 72 hours postoperatively Atelectasis
sub acute respiratory symptoms, alveolar and/ or blood eosinophilia, and peripheral pulmonary infiltrates on imaging. Eosinophilic pneumonia
Fever, malaise, tonsillitis 'Strawberry' tongue Rash - fine punctate erythema sparing the area around the mouth (circumoral pallor) Scarlet Fever Reaction to erythrogenic toxins produced by Group A haemolytic streptococci
Mild systemic upset: sore throat, fever Vesicles in the mouth and on the palms and soles of the feet Hand, foot and mouth disease Caused by the coxsackie A16 virus
Created by: Dr.Selma
Popular Medical sets




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