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Chap. 7 Vocab

Chap. 7 Quiz 1 Vocab

religion belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
secularism a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations
monotheistic religion belief in a single God
polytheistic religion belief in multiple Gods
animistic religion belief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life
universal religion belief system that espouses the idea that there is one true religion that's to be spread by missionary work/evangelism
ethnic religion a religion or belief associated with a particular ethnic group
Hinduism the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices
caste system the strict social segregation of people-specifically in India's Hindu's society-on the basis of ancestry and occupation
Buddhism encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on original teachings attributed to the Buddha and resulting interpreted philosophies
Shintoism a Japanese religion related to Buddhism. that focuses on nature and ancestor worship
Taioism a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao-Tsu focusing on the proper form of political rule and the oneness of humanity and nature
Feng Shui a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy
Confucianism a philosophy of ethics, education, and public service based on writings of Confucius and traditionally thought of as one of the core elements of Chinese culture
Judaism the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and Torah
diaspora populations s of an ethnic or religious group that originated from the same place but dispersed to different location
Zionism the movement to unite the Jewish people of the diaspora and to establish a national homeland for them in the promised land
Christianity religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices
Eastern Orthodox Church one of three major branches of Christianity-arose out of the division of the Roman Empire by Emperor Diocletian into 4 governmental regions
Roman Catholic Church one of three major branches of Christianity-claims the most followers of all Christian denominations, centered in Rome, led by the Pope
Protestant one of three major branches of Christianity-challenged fundamental teachings of Roman Catholic Church
Islam based on teachings of Muhammad
Sunni largest branch of Islam-believe in family and community to solve life's problems
Shi'ite one of two branches of Islam-believe in the infallibility and divine right to authority of Imams, descendants of Ali
Shamanism community faith where people follow their shaman* *most shamans remain local figures*
pilgrimage Voluntary travel to a sacred site to pay respects or participate in a ritual at the site
sacred sites place or space people infuse with religious meaning
minarets a tall slender tower attached to a mosque with a balcony from which a crier calls Muslims to prayer
hajj the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad
interfaith boundaries the boundaries between the world's major religions
intrafaith boundaries the boundaries dividing denominations within the same faith
genocide the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation
activity space the space within which daily activity occurs
religious fundamentalism religious movement to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy
religious extremism religious fundamentalism carried to the point of violence
Shari'a Laws religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition-derived from Qu'ran
Jihad doctrine within Islam-commonly translated as "holy war", it represents a personal/collective struggle on the part of Muslims to live up to religious standards set up by the Qu'ran
Created by: a.bby
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