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JBQ Question Set #5

Junior Bible Quiz (AG)

Question for 10 points: Where did Jesus l...ive as He was growing up? (#179) Nazareth
Question for 10 points: About how o...ld was Jesus when He began His public ministry? (#181) [About] 30 years old
Question for 10 points: About how did Jesus preach and teach before His crucifixion? (#182) [About] 3-1/2 years
Question for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What g...reat statement did Peter make about Jesus? (#199) Matthew 16:16 You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Has... Jesus always been God? (#314) John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Question for 20 points: What is Jesus' title of d...ivinity? (#315) Son of God
Question for 20 points: What is Jesus' title of h...umanity? (#316) Son of Man
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse says Jesus is always the same. (#317) Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.
Question for 20 points: O...ver how many different Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by the life and death of Jesus? (#319) [Over] 300
Question for 20 points: How wa...s God's first promise of a Savior fulfilled? (#321) Through Jesus' death and resurrection, Satan's power was conquered.
Question for 20 points: What prom...ise did God make to Abraham? (#322) God promised Abraham that through his seed [descendant] all the earth would be blessed.
Question for 20 points: Who f...ulfilled God's promise that Abraham's seed would bless the whole earth? (#323) [Jesus] Christ
Question for 20 points: What is the d...octrine of Jesus' Incarnation? (#324) God the Son became flesh and lived among us.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. According to J...ohn's Gospel, why did Jesus come to earth? (#325) John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. According to L uke's Gospel, why did Jesus come to earth? (#326) (NIV) Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Question for 20 points: What is the meaning of the w...ord "Christ"? (#331) The Anointed One of God
Question for 20 points: How did God a...noint Jesus? (#332) With the Holy Spirit and power
Question for 20 points: What He...brew word is the same as the Greek word "Christ"? (#333) Messiah
Question for 20 points: Where i...s Jesus now and what is He doing? (#341) Jesus is at the right hand of the Father interceding for believers.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What is J...esus' great "I am" saying in the Book of Revelation? (#342) Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Question for 30 points: Give f...ive of Jesus' "I am" declarations from the Gospel of John. (#500) [I am the] Bread of Life; [I am the] Resurrection and the Life; [I am the] Light of the World; [I am the] Way, [the] Truth, and [the] Life; [I am the] Gate; [I am the] True Vine; [I am the] Good Shepherd
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. When... Thomas asked about the way to heaven, what did Jesus say? (#506) John 14:6 ...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Question for 30 points: What does the Bible t...ell us about the life of Jesus between the time He was 12 and 30? (#508) He obeyed His parents, grew mentally and physically, and gained favor with both God and people.
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What prophecy did I...saiah make concerning Jesus' atoning death? (#565) Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Question for 10 points: What happened to Joh...n on the isle of Patmos? (#271) God showed him what was going to happen in the last days.
Question for 20 points: What is the Chr...istian's Blessed Hope? (#446) The return of Jesus [Christ]
Question for 20 points: What is the R...apture? (#447) When Jesus [Christ] returns to take His Church--the saints both dead and living--out of this world
Question for 20 points: Who kn...ows when the Rapture will occur? (#448) Only God the Father
Question for 20 points: Why should th...e coming of Jesus not surprise the Christians? (#449) Because Christians do not live in the darkness
Question for 20 points: What two e...vents will happen in heaven shortly after the Rapture? (#450) The judgment of Christians and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Question for 20 points: What is the G...reat Tribulation? (#451) The Great Tribulation is a period of extreme trouble and turmoil before the final judgment.
Question for 20 points: What do we mean when we speak of the A...ntichrist? (#452) The man who will rule the world during the Great Tribulation and will attempt to make all people worship him as God
Question for 20 points: What is the Mi...llennium? (#453) A future period of one thousand years when Jesus [Christ] shall rule over the earth
Question for 20 points: What will happen t...o Satan during the Millennium? (#454) He will be imprisoned in a bottomless pit so that he cannot tempt people.
Question for 20 points: What will happen a...t the conclusion of the Millennium? (#455) Satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit, and Christ [Jesus] will completely conquer him and his followers.
Question for 20 points: What two a...ppointments will all people keep? (#456) Death and judgment
Question for 20 points: What is by everyone who looks for Christ's appearing? (#458) They purify themselves.
Question for 20 points: Who will spend eternity in h...eaven? (#459) Those who accept Christ [Jesus] as Savior and whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life
Question for 20 points: N...ame five things that will not be found in heaven. (#460) Tears [crying], death, sorrow [mourning], pain, sin "
Question for 20 points: What is the l...ast enemy to be destroyed? (#461) Death
Question for 20 points: Who will spend eternity in th...e lake of fire? (#464) All who refuse Christ [Jesus] as Savior and whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life
Question for 20 points: Who will b...e resurrected? (#472) Both the righteous and the wicked--the righteous to receive eternal life and the wicked to receive eternal punishment
Question for 20 points: In F...irst Corinthians chapter 15, what illustration does Paul use to explain the resurrection of Christians?(#474) The sprouting of a new plant from a seed
Question for 20 points: There… are over how many references in the New Testament to the second coming of Christ? (#475) [Over] 300
Question for 20 points: When w...ill Christians who have died be resurrected? (#476) At the rapture of the Church
Question for 20 points: Jesus said that th...e age or time of His return will be like the days of whom? (#477) Noah and Lot
Question for 20 points: What do we mean when we speak of the "r...evelation" of Christ? (#478) His return to earth to rule and reign for one thousand years following the Great Tribulation
Question for 20 points: What two g...reat events comprise the second coming of Christ? (#479) The Rapture and Christ's revelation
Question for 20 points: Which o...f Jesus' parables tells us that some who claim to be Christians will be unprepared for His return? (#480) The Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What g...reat promise did Jesus make to His disciples concerning His return? (#566) John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. At... Jesus' ascension, what prophecy was made concerning His return? (#567) Acts 1:11 ...This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.
Question for 30 points: What are different signs of Jesus' soon return? (#568) Increase in knowledge; increase in evil; wars and rumors of war; return of Jews to Israel; false prophets and messiahs; earthquakes; famine and pestilence
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the t...wo verses of First Thess. in which Paul describes the rapture of the Church. (#569) [For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command,with the voice of the archangel,and...] 1 Thess. 4:16,17...with the trumpet call of God,and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that,we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse of F...irst Corinthians chapter fifteen in which Paul describes what will happen when Jesus returns. (#570) 1 Corinthians 15:52 In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
Question for 30 points: Wi...ll all people be judged? (#571) Yes, Christians will be judged by Christ [God] to determine who deserves rewards, while those who refused Christ as Savior will be judged unworthy of eternal life.
Question for 10 points: What ru...ler of the Jews came to Jesus by night seeking the way to eternal life? (#188) Nicodemus
Question for 10 points: What do we c...all the first statements of the Sermon on the Mount which all begin with the word "blessed"? (#193) [The] Beatitudes
Question for 10 points: Why did the r...ich young ruler fail to follow Jesus? (#197) He loved the things he owned more than he loved Jesus.
Question for 10 points: What did Jesus prophesy w...ould happen to the stones of the Temple? (#198) Not one stone would be left on another
Question for 10 points: Who did Jesus say was like the f...oolish man who built his house upon sand? (#201) Those who hear His teachings but do not do them
Question for 10 points: Who did Jesus say was like the w...ise man who built his house upon the rock? (#202) Those who hear His teachings and do them
Question for 10 points: In J...esus' parable, who helped the man who had been beaten and robbed? (#203) The Good Samaritan
Question for 10 points: In the P...arable of the Sower, to what did Jesus compare the seed? (#204) The Word of God
Question for 10 points: What did Jesus t...each about material possessions? (#205) Don't be greedy. A person's life does not consist of what he owns.
Question for 10 points: Which of J...esus' parables tells us that God is willing to forgive and restore the sinner who repents? (#207) The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Question for 10 points: How did Jesus a...nswer those who asked if it was right for them to pay taxes to Caesar? (#208) Give Caesar what belongs to him, and give God what belongs to Him.
Question for 10 points: Who c...limbed a tree in order to see Jesus? (#210) Zacchaeus
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. How did Jesus say baptism would be different from John's? (#334) Acts 1:5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Question for 20 points: In th...e Parable of the Good Shepherd, what did Jesus say the Good Shepherd would do for the sheep? (#335) Give His life
Question for 20 points: What did th...e prodigal son say to his father when he came back home? (#362) I have sinned against heaven [God] and you and am no longer worthy to be your son.
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What prophecy did J...esus make to Nicodemus concerning His atoning death? (#502) John 3:14,15 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.
Question for 30 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. In... the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say was His relationship to the Law and the Prophets?(#509) Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Question for 30 points: J...esus' parables in Luke chapter 15 deal with what three lost things? (#514) A lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son
Question for 30 points: Whe...n the prodigal son told his father he was only worthy to be a servant, what did the father do? (#515) Put the best robe on him; put a ring on his finger; put sandals [shoes] on his feet; gave him a banquet
Question for 30 points: In... the Parable of the Sower, to what four kinds of people did Jesus compare the soils? (#516) Those who allow Satan to steal the Word; those who deny Christ [Jesus] when persecuted; those who allow worldly things to dominate their lives; those who receive the gospel and share it with others
Question for 10 points: How did Jesus c...ome into Jerusalem at the Triumphal Entry? (#211) Jesus came riding on the colt of a donkey.
Question for 10 points: How did Jesus t...each His disciples humility at the Last Supper? (#212) He washed the disciples' feet.
Question for 10 points: Where did Jesus p...ray the night before His crucifixion? (#213) [The Garden of] Gethsemane
Question for 10 points: Which ap...ostle betrayed Jesus? (#214) Judas Iscariot
Question for 10 points: In b...etraying Jesus, how did Judas show the soldiers who Jesus was? (#215) He kissed Jesus.
Question for 10 points: What did Jesus prophesy P...eter would do on the night of His betrayal? (#216) Peter would disown Him three times.
Question for 10 points: What pe...rson did the people ask Pilate to spare instead of Jesus? (#217) Barabbas
Question for 10 points: What does the word "Gol...gotha" mean? (#218) The Place of the Skull
Question for 10 points: What ti...tle did Pilate have placed on Jesus' cross? (#219) [JESUS OF NAZARETH], THE KING OF THE JEWS
Question for 10 points: How did Jesus (#220) He was crucified, or nailed to a cross.
Question for 10 points: What happened i...n the realm of nature when Jesus was crucified? (#221) The sun became dark for three hours and there was an earthquake.
Question for 10 points: What did the R...oman officer who had been in charge of Jesus' execution say about Jesus? (#222) ...Surely he was the Son of God.
Question for 10 points: Who b...uried Jesus? (#223) Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
Question for 30 points: What three pr...ophecies did Zechariah make about Jesus' betrayal? (#511) The betrayer would be paid thirty pieces of silver. The money would be thrown down in the temple. The money would be used to buy the potter's field.
Question for 10 points: Who was ch...osen to replace Judas as an apostle? (#228) Matthias
Question for 10 points: About how many people saved as a result of Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost? (#232) [About] 3,000
Question for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What did Pe...ter say to the lame man at the temple gate? (#233) Acts 3:6 ...Silver or gold I do not have, but what do I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.
Question for 10 points: What was the of Ananias and Sapphira? (#234) They lied to the Holy Spirit.
Question for 10 points: Why did the a...postles rejoice after being beaten for preaching the gospel? (#235) Because they were counted worthy to suffer disgrace for Jesus' name
Question for 10 points: Who was the first person to b...e martyred for being a Christian? (#236) Stephen
Question for 10 points: According to ch...urch history, who was the only one of the twelve apostles not martyred for his faith in the risen Christ? (#237) John
Question for 10 points: Why did S...aul of Tarsus go to Damascus? (#238) To arrest Christians
Question for 10 points: What happened to S...aul of Tarsus near Damascus? (#239) Jesus [Christ] appeared to him in a great light, and Saul accepted Him as Lord.
Question for 10 points: Who was r...aised from the dead in answer to Peter's prayer? (#240) Tabitha [Dorcas]
Question for 10 points: Who was the R...oman officer who sent for Peter to come and preach to him? (#241) Cornelius
Question for 10 points: What happened whi...le Peter was preaching at Cornelius' house? (#242) The Holy Spirit came on all those who heard the message.
Question for 10 points: In what ci...ty were Jesus' followers first called "Christians"? (#243) Antioch
Question for 10 points: How did Pe...ter escape from prison the night before Herod planned to kill him? (#244) An angel opened the prison for him.
Question for 10 points: Who h...elped Paul on his first missionary journey? (#245) Barnabas
Question for 10 points: What happened to P...aul at Lystra after the people had thought he was a god? (#246) He was stoned and left for dead, but God healed him.
Question for 10 points: How did Pa...ul know he was supposed to preach in Macedonia? (#247) God showed him a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for help.
Question for 10 points: Who were P...aul's chief helpers on his second missionary journey? (#248) Silas and Timothy
Question for 10 points: Who wrote th...e Book of Acts? (#249) Luke
Question for 10 points: What was the oc...cupation of Luke? (#250) Doctor
Question for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What did Pa...ul tell the Philippian jailer to do in order to be saved? (#251) Acts 16:31 ...Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household.
Question for 10 points: Who were the te...ntmakers who assisted Paul at Corinth? (#252) Aquila and Priscilla
Question for 10 points: What did the p...eople of Ephesus do with their books of witchcraft to show they had turned to God? (#253) They burned them.
Question for 10 points: Who was the sl...ave Paul won to the Lord while in prison? (#269) Onesimus
Question for 10 points: Why sh...ould we wear all of the armor of God? (#259) So that we can resist the attacks of the devil
Question for 10 points: In the Christian's armor, what is b...uckled around the waist? (#260) Truth
Question for 10 points: In the Christian's armor, what is the b...reastplate? (#261) Righteousness
Question for 10 points: In the Christian's armor, what is w...orn on the feet? (#262) Readiness [preparation] that comes from the gospel of peace
Question for 10 points: In the Christian's armor, what is the sh...ield? (#263) Faith
Question for 10 points: In the Christian's armor, what is the h...elmet? (#264) Salvation
Question for 10 points: What sh...ould Christians use to protect themselves from Satan's flaming arrows? (#265) The shield of faith
Question for 10 points: What is the Sp...irit's sword? (#266) The Word of God
Question for 20 points: How did God g...ive us the Bible? (#289) The Holy Spirit inspired holy men, giving them both the truth and the words to write.
Question for 20 points: What do we mean when we say the Bible is i...nfallible? (#290) The Bible cannot fail and has no errors.
Question for 20 points: What do we mean when we say the Bible is v...erbally inspired? (#291) God inspired each word of the Bible, not just the thoughts or ideas.
Question for 20 points: What do we mean when we say the Bible is o...ur authoritative rule of faith and conduct? (#292) The Bible has the right to command us in what we believe and what we do.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. How will the Bible last? (#293) Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Question for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Why… is it important to memorize Bible verses? (#294) Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Question for 20 points: Does the B...ible claim to be inspired? (#295) Yes. The words, "and God said," or their equivalent, are found over 2,500 times in the Bible.
Question for 20 points: What ch...apter of the Bible is known as the "love chapter"? (#296) 1 Corinthians 13
Question for 20 points: Who wr...ote the first five books of the Bible? (#297) Moses
Question for 20 points: Who are the f...our major prophets? (#298) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
Question for 20 points: Which two a...postles wrote a Gospel? (#299) Matthew and John
Created by: amydevries1000
Popular Religion sets




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