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creating a nation

what was the South's first cash crop tobacco
what was the reason for New England not developing large plantations the land in New England wasn't ideal for growing crops
what led to the size of the plantations the economy of the New World depended on crops for food , so the plantations were split into large plantations so the crops could grow in large amounts
what is the glorious revolution and what effect does it have the colonies happened in Europe, involved the exiling of King James II, the colonies were allowed to go back to their original colonies
what do enlightenment thinkers emphasize they value science, reason, religion, religion, and natural rights
what are your natural rights asserted by John Locke life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
what are indentured servants where someone works for a certain amount of time in exchange for a passage out of Europe
from its onset, the Southern colonies developed an economy based on what farming
what is subsistence farming only farm for their families
name the main cash crop in Virginia and some of North Carolina tobacco
what is triangular trade a form of trading that was used in America, Europe, and West Africa
what are entrepreneurs a person who organizes and operates a business
what crop does the middle colonies produce for money grains
what is the middle passage the passage of the triangular trade
what religion was James III that offended many English citizens catholic
what was the French and Indian war fought over dominance
which countries were involved in the French and Indian war France and England
which famous president made his debut in the French and Indian war George Washington
what is the name of the treaty that ended the french and Indian War Treaty of Paris, granted Britain a great deal of valuable North American land
why did England feel the colonies should have to repay the debt from the f/i war They felt that they had the right to tax the colonists
describe the sugar act and all it entailed a law to keep the smuggling of sugar and molasses to minimum by reducing previous tax
list all the aspects of the stamp act a direct tax on all printed materials
the British finance minister set new regulations and taxes called the Townshend acts, what were they a tax on lead, glass, paper, tea and paint
who were the sons of liberty and how can they be described Protested and disobeyed the rules of England "home gown terrorists"
the Boston massacre can be described as what a large protest that may have set off the revolutionary war
what is the result of the Boston massacre 5 died and 6 were wounded
list the details of the tea act, and describe to me the story behind it Britain made a tax on tea, so the sons of liberty fought back by dumping the tea in the Boston Harbor
what is meant by "the shot heard around the world" the start of the Revolutionary war
what happened at Lexington and Concord Patriots attacked the Brits all the way from Lexington to Concord (guerrilla warfare)
why were the British even interested in concord to arrest the Massachusetts congress
what happened at the Boston tea party, and why was this such a big problem the colonists dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor, it was really expensive
where did the 1st continental congress meet Philadelphia
what was the congresses purpose to discuss separating from Britain
who is Paul revere and what was his importance to the revolutionary war Paul Revere warned the minute men about the British invasion
the 2nd continental congress met in the same place as the 1st and what was its purpose
what is the Olive Branch Petition
Thomas Paine wrote an important pamphlet, what was its name and purpose
Thomas Jefferson wrote which founding document and what can it be described as
list advantages and disadvantages of both sides during the war
what is guerrilla warfare
who is Nathan Hale and what famous quote is he associated with
the turning point of the revolutionary war, according to your books, is which battle
who s General Cornwallis
Benedict Arnold fought for which cause, loyalist or patriots what is special about him
where did the British eventually surrender and what is he importance of the song that was played as they laid down their guns
what treaty ends the Revolutionary war and what were its provisions
Created by: abby f.
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