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Jude 7th - Chapter 1

Chapter 1: A Light to the Nations

Herod king who wanted to kill Jesus
Sadducees means righteous
high priest came from the Sadducees
Pharisees means separated
great Jewish thinkers came from the Pharisees
census count of the population
Bethlehem town where Jesus was born
King David born in Bethlehem
Yeshua God's salvation
Temple in Jerusalem where all Jews worshiped at
Egypt where Mary, Joseph, and Jesus fled to
Nazereth town where Jesus grew up
John the Baptist Jesus' cousin
wedding feast at Cana Jesus' first miracle
Messiah anointed one
Christ's passion Jesus' suffering and death
Passover Jewish ceremonial meal and feast commemorating the Exodus
Last Supper where Jesus instituted the Eucharist
transubstantiation when the bread and wine transform into Jesus' body and blood
Barabbas criminal chosen over Jesus
Golgatha hill on which Jesus was crucified
blood and water flowed out of Jesus' side
Joseph of Arimathea offered his tomb for Jesus
Peter and John ran to the tomb
Thomas doubted the Resurrection
Upper Room place where Pentecost took place
Pentecost Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and Mary
Matthias replaced Judas
Peter head of the Apostles
Matthew tax collector
James and John sons of thunder
Mary first disciple
Stephen first martyr
martyr someone who dies for their faith rather than deny it
Paul 13th Apostle
14 letters that Paul wrote
Saul Paul's original name
Simon Peter's original name
epistle another name for letter
Rome city where Peter and Paul died
Paul was killed by beheading
Peter was killed by upside down crucifixion
Created by: MissMisiak
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