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Somatic & Special Senses

How many special senses are there? 5
How many thermoreceptors, that detect the temperature of skin, are there? There are 2 types: cold receptors and warm receptors
Where are warm receptors found? Dermis
What do proprioceptors detect? Body position and movement
Proprioception means awareness of Position
Olfactory receptors are found Only in the inferior portion of the nasal cavity
Physical support, nourishment and electrical insulation for olfactory receptors is provided by Supporting cells
What does the olfactory tract do? Projects to the limbic system and hypothalamus
Taste buds are found on the Soft palate, Epiglottis, Pharynx
Which papillae do not contain taste buds? Filiform
Which nerves serves in a gustatory function? Vagus
List the order in the flow of tears? Lacrimal gland, excretory lacrimal duct, superior of inferior lacrimal canal, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, nasal cavity
How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving the eye? Six
This is the transparent coat that covers the iris. Cornea
The main function of this structure is to regulate the amount of light entering the eyeball through the pupil. Iris
This lies between the lens and the retina. Vitreous chamber
Binocular vision Gives depth perception
What is the first step in visual transduction? absorbing light by photopigments
Organs for equilibrium? semi-circular canals, saccule, utricle
List 3 somatic senses: Pain, Proprioception, Temperature
Rapidly-adapting touch receptor in the skin? Meissner corpuscles
Where are cold receptors found? Epidermis
What do nociceptors detect? Pain
What do Proprioceptive sensations tell us in the body? have receptors embedded in muscles and tendons, are from slowly adapting receptors, allow us to determine position of body structures
These are found in the articular capsules of synovial joints. Kinesthetic receptors
These cells provide for the sense of smell. Olfactory cells
These are the stem cells in the olfactory epithelium. Basal cells
These cells provide for the sense of taste. Gustatory cells
List 3 accessory structure of the eye: Lacrimal apparatus, Eyelashes, Eyebrows
This tough outer coat protects the inner parts of the eyeball. Sclera
This darkly pigmented structure reduces light reflection within the eyeball. Choroid
Which of the below receptors function in bright light and provide color vision? Cones
Where are the organs for hearing and equilibrium or balance located? Inner ear
The organ of hearing is located within the Cochlea
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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