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MT - Ch. 13

Essentials of Medical Terminology - Ch. 13

whole blood about 55% liquid (plasma) & 45% solid (formed element)
three types of blood cell red blood cells (REB-erythrocytes), white blood cells (WBC-leukocytes) & platelets (thrombocytes)
plasma carries the blood cells, fats, proteins, gases, salts, & hormones to various destination throughout the body & pick up waste materials from organ cells
fats triglyceride, phospholipid, & cholesteral are transported to tissues by attaching to proteins
proteins albumin, globulin, & fibrinogen
fibrinogen blood-clotting agent
serum is plasma w/fibrinogen & other clotting factors removed
hemocytoblasts (stem cells) develop into blood cells by hematopoiesis(specialized blood cells)
specific processes are erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis, & thrombopoiesis
RBCs-biconcave shape (erythrocytes) contain hemoglobin which transports oxygen & carbon dioxide
reticulocytes develop into RBCs
RBCs live about 120 days, then rupture
WBCs (leukocytes) - pg273 fight infection (have ability to migrate from the bloodstream into tissues to the site of infection)
platelets (thrombocytes) release prothrombin & fibrinogen for blood clotting
type A blood has only type A antigens
type B blood has only type B antigens
type AB has both AB
type O has neither AB but can donate to all other
agglutination antigen-antibody reaction may cause a clumping of red blood cells
most ppl are Rh positive mean have Rh antigen
anis/o unequal
bilirubin/o bilirubin (a bile pigment)
cholesterol/o cholesterol
granul/o granules
lipid/o fat
norm/o normal
poikil/o variation; irregular
-edema accumulation of fluid
chrom/o color
hyperchromia excessively pigmented red blood cells
hypochromia underpigmented red blood cells
-ia condition; state of
normochromia normally pigmented red blood cells
erythr/o red
-cyte cell
erythrocyte red blood cell
hemat/o; hem/o blood
-lysis breakdown separation; destruction
hemolysis breakdown of blood
hematologist specialist in the study of blood & blood disorders
hematology study of blood and blood disorders
leuk/o white
leukocyte white blood cell
myel/o bone marrow
-genous produced by
myelogenous produced by the bone marrow
-oid resembling
myeloid resembling bone marrow
reticul/o network
thromb/o clot
thrombocyte clotting cell; platelet
thrombolysis breakdown of a clot that has formed in the blood
-osis abnormal condition
thrombosis blood clot; abnormal condition of clot formation
-blast immature; growing thing
hemocytoblast immature blood cell
lymph/o lymph
lymphoblast immature lymphocyte
monoblast immature monocyte
-crit separate
hematocrit laboratory test that determines the % of erythrocytes in blood sample
-cytosis increase in the number of cells
anisocytosis increased variation in the size of cells, particularly red blood cells
leukocytosis marked increased in the number of white blood cells
poikil/o variation; irregular
poikilocytosis increased variation in the shape of cells, particularly red blood cells
-emia blood condtion
an- no; not; lack of
anemia lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin content in the blood
erythremia abnormal increased in the number of red blood cells (is chronic, life threatening...polycythemia vera)
hyperbilirubinemia excessive amt of bilirubin in the blood
hypercholesterolemia excessive amt of cholesterol in the blood
hyperlipidemia excessive amt of fats in the blood
leukemia malignant increased in the number of white blood cells in the blood
-penia deficient; decreased
erythrocytopenia decreased in the number of red blood cells
leukocytopenia decreased in the number of white blood cells
pan- all
pancytopenia decreased in the number of all blood cells
thrombocytopenia decreased in the number of clotting cells
-phoresis transmission; carry
electrophoresis laboratory test in which substances in a mixture usually proteins, are separted by an electrical current
-poiesis production; manufacture; formation
erythropoiesis production of red blood cells
hematopoiesis production of blood cells
-poietin hormones regulating the production of blood cells
erythropoietin hormone in the kidney that stimulates the production of red blood cells
-stasis stopping; controlling
hemostasis stoppage of blood
Created by: ltravis
Popular Medical sets




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