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WWI & Fascism

(Willis) WWI & The Rise of Fascism

The alliance system of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire. Triple Alliance
The alliance system of France, Russia, Britain, Japan, and eventually the United States. Triple Entente
The belief that a government should maintain a powerful military. Militarism
This sparked tensions all over Europe and is the cause for WWI. Nationalism
This term means to prepare for war. Mobilize
Not helping or supporting either side in a conflict. Neutral
This military plan was designed by German and it was supposed to avoid a two front war. Schlieffen Plan
Pride in one's country. Nationalism
A position where neither side is making an advantage during a time of war. Stalemate
The area of land between two opposing trenches. No Man's Land
These were created to move above and through the trenches. Tanks
The German's used these gas filled balloons to bomb the English coast. Zeppelins
These were used in dramatic aerial "dogfights." Airplanes
This new technology had the biggest effect on WWI and were used to sink enemy ships carrying vital supplies. U-Boats
A group of ships traveling together for protection. Convoy
A military conflict where a county is willing to make any sacrifice in the live and resources to obtain victory. Total War
Compulsory enlistment for military service, also known as the draft. Conscription
Information used to promote a particular political viewpoint. Propaganda
An agreement to stop fighting during a war for a certain time. Armistice
President Wilson's plan for achieving a just and lasting peace. Fourteen Points
The name for the victorious Allied leaders that discussed the fate of Europe after WWI. The Big Three
The peace treaty created at the end of WWI that Germany was forced to sign. Treaty of Versailles
President Wilson's plan for achieving a just and lasting peace. Fourteen Points
The guiding idea behind the Fourteen Points that allowed people in Europe to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live. Self-determination
An international association whose goal would be to keep peace among European nations. League of Nations
Payment for war damages. Reparations
The idea that several countries align with one another to strengthen the security of each. Collective security
He was the Czar of Russia during WWI. Russians lost confidence in his government. Nicholas II
He was the "mad monk" that was assassinated by Russian nobles. Rasputin
This event in Russia occured in 1917, when Russian workers went on strike changind for bread. March Revolution
To give up any ruling titles. Abdicate
The national elected legislature in Russian government. Duma
A socialist revolutionary group in the Russian government that favored gradual reform, higher wages, increased suffrage, and welfare programs. Mensheviks
A socialist revolutionary group in the Russian Duma that wanted radical change and favored total revolution. Bolsheviks
Another word for something that is temporary. Provisional
An extremist, especially in politics. Radical
He was the leader of the Bolshevik party. V.I. Lenin
In 1922, Lenin united Russian lands into this and adopted a new constitution. Union os Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
The word Karl Marx used to describe the working class. Proletariat
The Russian secret police. Cheka
Councils of workers and soldiers. Soviets
Communist party officals assigned to the army to teach party principles and ensure party loyalty. Commissars
France built massive fortifications along its border with Germany. Maginot Line
It was sponsored by the U.S. Almost every independent nation signed this agreement, promising to renounce war. Kellogg-Briand Pact
The reduction of armed forces and weapons. Disarmament
A strike by workers in many different industries at teh same time. General strike
A condition in which the production of goods exceeds the demand for them. Overprodution
The management of money matters, including the circulation of money, loans, investments, and banking. Finance
The central banking system of the United States. Federal Reserve
A painful time of global economic collapse. Great Depression
In 1932, Americans elected a new President to deal with the Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
A massive package of economic and social programs to try to ease the affects of the Great Depression. New Deal
In 1919, they began guerilla war against British forces for Irish independence. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
A temporary alliance of political parties forming a government. Coalition
A time when Americans feared radicals and communist. Red Scare
He was an extreme nationalist that formed the Fascist party. Benito Mussolini
Mussolini's party followers. Black Shirts
Tens of thousands of Fascists swarmed towards the capital of Italy. As a result, the King made Mussolini Prime Minister. March on Rome
In this form of government, a one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Totalitarian State
An authoritarian government that is not communist whose policies glorify the state over the individual and are destructive to basic human rights. Fascism
An economic system in which government officials make all basic economic decisions. Command economy
large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group. Collectives
The wealthy Russian farmers. Kulaks
A system of brutal labor camps. Gulag
Stalin required artists and writers to create their works in this style. Its goal was to show Soviet life in a positive light and promote hope in the communist future. Socialist realism
Making a nationality's culture more Russian. Russification
The belief that there is no God. Atheism
The purpose of this group was to encourage world-wide revolution. Comintern
The leader of the Soviet Union, who turned it into a totalitarian state. Joseph Stalin
Stalin's plan to build up industry in Russia and bring the economy under state conrol. Five-Year Plan
This event is when the government seized all the grain to meet industiral standards, leaving the peasants to starve. Causing 8 million people to die in the Ukraine alone. Terror Famine of 1932
During this event in 1934, Stalin targeted former Communist army heroes, industrial managers, and ordinary citizens. Great Purge
Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda
To examine material that is about to be released, such as books, movies, news, and art, and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Censor
Another title for prime minister. Chancellor
When Germany fell behind in reparation payment, France occupied this coal-rich area. Ruhr Valley
Hitler wrote this book that would later become the basic book of Nazi ideology and goals. Mein Kampf
Hitler's empire where the German master race would dominate Europe for a thousand years. Third Reich
Hitler's secret police that rooted out opposition. Gestapo
The 1935 policy which deprived Jews of German citizen- ship and placed severe restrictions on them. Nuremberg Laws
An attack on Jews that took place November 9 and 10th all across Germany, Austria, and Nazi controlled Czechoslovakia. Kristallnacht
The leader of the Nazi party. Adolf Hitler
A democratic government set up in Germany after WWI. It faced many problems like infaltion and many political parties. Weimar Republic
When the prices of goods increase, but dollar value decreasing. Inflation
Discrimination against and hostility towards Jews. Anti-semitism
Another word for communists, since they follow the ideas of Karl Marx. Marxists
Hitler's plan to ruthlessely exterminate all European Jews. Final Solution
Where the Nazis indoctrinated young people, children were forced to join. Hitler Youth
Created by: chadmw
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