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Fisher Global Gr. 10


Age of Absolutism (1600's-1700's) Period in European history when nations were ruled by absolute monarchs.
Absolute monarch King or queen with total control of their nation.
Divine Right Idea that kings and queens got their power to rule from God.
Peter the Great Absolute monarch of Russian. Westernized Russia by imitating customs of Western Europe in order to strengthen nation.
Suleiman the Magnificent Absolute monarch of Ottoman Empire.
Louis XIV Absolute monarch of France.
Phillip II Absolute monarch of Spain.
Scientific Revolution (1500's-1600's) Major change in how people viewed the world. Reason (logic) used to explain how the world worked.
Copernicus Astronomer who developed Heliocentric Theory.
Heliocentric Theory The planets revolve around the sun.
Galileo Galilei Astronomer who proved Heliocentric Theory using telescope. Put on trial by Church for opposing their geocentric teaching.
Sir Isaac Newton Mathematician and astronomer. Developed calculus and theory of gravity.
Key effects of Scientific Revolution Spread of new ideas throughout Europe, challenged traditional authority of Catholic Church, scientists proved many church teachings incorrect. Led to Enlightenment.
Enlightenment (1700's) Period in European history when reason (logic) was used to understand and improve society. Also called Age of Reason.
Key ideas of Enlightenment 1. Society could be improved using reason (logic) and natural law 2. Governments get their power from the people (not God)
John Locke Believed all people have natural rights (life, liberty, property) and can overthrow a government that does not protect those rights.
Baron de Montesquieu Believed power in government should be separated into 3 branches with a system of checks and balances.
Voltaire Believed everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and religion.
Rousseau Believed society is a social contract (all people agree to work for the common good of society).
Key effects of Enlightenment 1. Inspired political revolutions in US, France, and Latin America 2. Enlightened despots in Europe ruled by enlightened ideals.
Political Related to government.
Political Revolution Overthrow of an existing government to create a new one.
English Revolution / Glorious Revolution (1689) English people successfully limited the power of their monarchs.
Key Effects of English/Glorious Revolution England's government becomes a constitutional monarchy. Power of monarch is limited by written laws.
Documents that limited the power of English monarchs The Magna Carta, The Petition of Rights, The English Bill of Rights.
The French Revolution (1789-1815) French people overthrew King Louis XVI and fought for more rights in government.
Key causes of the French Revolution 1.Third Estate angry that they had few rights but paid all taxes 2. Kings abused power 3. The Enlightenment 4. Debt
Declaration of the Rights of Man Document written during French Revolution that gave equal rights to men in France and created a fair tax system.
Reign of Terror Radical Jacobins, led by Robespierre, executed royalty and those believed to be loyal to the king during the French Revolution.
Key results of the French Revolution 1. Louis XVI executed 2. Middle class gainedpower and rights.
Napoleon Bonaparte Ruler of France at end of French Revolution. Expanded territory by conquering other countries. Increased nationalism in France.
Fall of Napoleon Defeated in 1812. Invasion of Russia during winter killed thousands of French soldiers and led to defeat.
Latin American Revolutions (1800-1830) Colonies in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean fought to gain independence from Spain, Portugal, and France.
Key causes of the Latin American Revolutions 1. Colonies being governed by Peninsulares who mistreated Latin American people. Creoles, Mestizos, Natives Americans and Africa slaves wanted more rights. 3. Enlightenment ideas 4. Success of American and French revolutions.
Latin American Independence Leaders Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Miguel Hidalgo, Toussaint L'Ouverture. All nationalist who worked to free their countries from European control.
The Industrial Revolution (1700's-1800's) Change from producing goods by hand to production by machines in factories. Began in Great Britain because it had natural resources necessary for production (coal, iron, waterways, etc.).
Key effects of the Industrial Revolution Industrialization, urbanization (growth of cities), Formation of labor unions to combat poor working conditions, legislation passes to set minimum wage and child labor laws.
Laissez-faire Capitalism / Market Economy 1. Businesses and factories owned by individuals, not government. 2. Business/economic decisions made by individuals without government interference. 3. Prices should be set by supply and demand.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Wrote "Communist Manifesto" pamphlet 1848
Communist Manifesto Written by Marx and Engels, criticized capitalism as the exploitation of the working class. Supported worker revolution.
Nationalism Pride, loyalty, and devotion to nation. Supported by a common culture, language, and history.
Unification of Italy 1870 Separate states unified to form nation of Italy. Achieved due to the efforts of nationalists Guiseppe Garibaldi, Guiseppe Mazzini, and Count Camillo di Cavour.
Unification of Germany 1871 Separate states combined to form one united nation.
Otto von Bismarck Leader who used "Blood and Iron" policy to unify German lands.
Potato Famine (1845-1850) About 1 million Irish people died of starvation when potato crop failed. Over 1 million migrated to the U.S.
Nationalism in Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire Two large empires that ruled over many diverse ethnic groups. Minority groups wanted independence. Both empires broke up due to nationalist movements among minority groups.
Nationalism in Ireland 1801-Great Britain took over Ireland. Ireland wanted sovereignty . Southern Ireland (mostly Catholic) gained independence. Northern Ireland (mostly Protestant) remains a part of the United Kingdom.
Imperialism aka colonization. A stronger country takes over a weaker country. In the 1800's, many European (western) nations took over lands throughout Africa and Asia.
Causes of (reasons for) imperialism 1. Europeans wanted raw materials/natural resources to make manufactured goods. 2. "White Man's Burden" 3. Social Darwinism.
White Man's Burden Poem by Rudyard Kipling encouraging imperialism and the responsibility of white people to "civilize" the African and Asian people whose land was taken.
Social Darwinism The idea that it was natural for strong countries to take over weaker countries.
Imperialism in Asia and Africa (1800's-1914) European imperialism had negative impact on Asia and Africa. Colonies fought for self-determination.
Scramble for Africa Over 90% of Africa was colonized by European countries as they raced to take over the continent
Imperialism in China Chinese fought British for smuggling in opium. China defeated and carved into Spheres of Influence by European nations
Imperialism in India Ruled by England for almost 200 years
Sepoy Mutiny Failed attempt by India to gain independence from England
Boxer Rebellion Failed attempt by Chinese to gain independence from Western nations that controlled them
Commodore Matthew Perry 1854, US sailed into Japan demanding trade
Meiji Restoration in (1868-1912) Japan modernized, industrialized and westernized.
Japanese Imperialism Japan took over Korea and part of China to get raw materials for industry
World War I (1914-1918) Global military conflict between Allied Powers and Central Powers.
Underlying (background) Causes of WWI MAIN: militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
Militarism Countries in Europe (esp Germany and Britain) building up military and weapons supply in late 1800's
Alliances Groups of nations agree to protect/defend each other in conflict. WWII opposing alliances - Triple Alliance and Triple Entente
Imperialism - WWI European countries compete to take over lands in Africa, Asia, and Balkans. Tensions grow
Nationalism - WWI Ethnic groups in the Balkans want independence from Austria-Hungary
Treaty of Versailles Ended WWI. Germany must: take blame for war, pay $30 billion in reparations, reduce military, give up colonies.
Immediate Cause of WWI Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated by Serbian nationalist. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Armenian Massacre During WWI, Turks in Ottoman Empire commit genocide against Christian Armenians living in the empire
Key results of WWI Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empires broken up to create new nations in Eastern Europe
Russian Revolution of 1917
Causes of the Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas II
Effects of the Russian/Bolshevik Revolution
Kemal Ataturk
Indian Nationalism
Mohandas Gandhi
Salt March
Totalitarian Dictatorships
Dictatorships after WWI
One political party
Totalitarianism under Joseph Stalin
Command Economy
Five-Year Plans
WWII (1939-1945)
Japanese Aggression leading to WWII
Rape of Nanking
Italian Aggression leading to WWII
German Aggression leading to WWII
League of Nations role in WWII
Invasion of Poland
Pearl Harbor
Battle of Stalingrad
D-Day Invasion
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Holocaust
Formation of the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights
Nuremberg Trials
The Cold War (1945-1991)
Satellite Nations
Iron Curtain
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Germany Post-WWII
Berlin Wall
Berlin Airlift
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Warsaw Pact
Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Arms Race
Cuban Missile Crisis
Korea and Vietnam
European Union (EU)
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Communism in China (1949-present)
Mao Zedong
Great Leap Forward
Cultural Revolution
Deng Xiaoping
Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)
Current issues in China
Decolonization in India (1948)
India after independence
Decolonization in Africa (1945-1980)
Jomo Kenyatta
Kwame Nkrumah
South Africa after independence
Nelson Mandela
Rwanda after independence
Decolonization in Southeast Asia
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam after independence
Cambodia after independence
Pol Pot
Nationalist leaders of decolonization
Creation of Israel
Islamic Fundamentalism
Iranian Revolution (1979)
Collapse of communism in the Soviet Union (1991)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
Collapse of communism in Germany (1989)
Traditional Economy
Market Economy
Acid Rain
Greenhouse Effect
Green Revolution
Nuclear Proliferation
Berlin Conference add this...connect to scramble for africa
Created by: fisher_lisa
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