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Med Term Mod 16

Terms & Definitions

integumentary system skin & accessory organs
hair, nails & glands are the skin accessory organs
integument means covering
sweat glands glands under the skin that produce sweat
sebum oily secretion made by sebaceous glands
sweat watery secretion that carries heat out of the skin
first function of the skin is protection
second function of the skin is to produce important secretions
third function of the skin is sensation receptors for pain, pressure, temp & touch
fourth function of the skin is thermoregulation
thermoregulation maintaining body temp
nerve fibers coordinate thermoregulation by carrying messages to skin from heat centers in brain sensitive to changes in body temp
blood vessels in skin dilate in order to bring blood to the surface to reduce body heat
epidermis outermost, thin, totally cellular layer of stratified squamous epithelium; contain keratin
dermis dense, fibrous, connective tissue layer; contains collagen; middle layer of skin
squamous epithelium flat, scale-like cells composing epidermis
albino person with skin deficient in melanin
apocrine sweat gland one of largest dermal exocrine glands located in axilla & genital areas
secertes sweat that acts with bacteria causing body odor
basal layer deepest region of epidermis, giving rise to all epidermial cells
collagen structural protein found in skin & connective tissue
cuticle band of epidermis at base & sides of nail plate
eccrine sweat gland most numerous sweat-producing exocrine gland in body
epithelium layer of skin cells forming outer & inner surface of body
hair follicle sac within which each hair grows
keratin hard protein material found in epidermis, hair & nails
means horny, & commonly found in horns of animals keratin
lipocyte a fat cell
luluna half-moon=shaped, whitish area at base of nail
melanin major skin pigment; formed by melanocytes in epidermis
paronychium soft tissue surrounding nail border
pore tiny opening on surface of skin
sebaceous gland oil-secreting gland in dermis associated with hair follicles
stratified arranged in layers
stratum layer of cells
plural for stratum strata
stratum corneum outermost layer of epidermis, consisting of flattened, keratinized cells
subcutaneous layer innermost layer of skin; contains fat tissue
skin is a multilayered organ
avascular layer of the skin is the epidermis
spongy, porous layer of the skin with a rich blood supply & wealth of fat producing cells subcutaneous
stratum corneum or squamous epithelium most superficial layer
epidermis cells are continually being shed and replaced by new cells generated at the deepest level of the epidermis the basal layer or stratum germinativum
when new cells migrate towards the stratum corneum they shrink, flatten & die
when stratum corneum cells shrink, flatten & die their cytoplasma is replaced by keratin
keratin cells are eventually sloughed off of the skin's surface
the barrier area of the skin stratum corneum; prevents excessive loss of water, salts, and heat from the body
the membrane of cells at the skin's surface becomes thick and chemically resistant during what process keratinization
melanocytes special cells distributed throughout basal layer of epidermis; contain melanin
melanin black pigment
the amount of melanin in the skin determines skin color
melanin fiters ultraviolet light
dermis is also known as corium
accounts for most of the skin's mass corium
papillary layer one of two layers of dermis; superficial layer of the dermis raised into papillae that fit into corresponding depressions on the inner surface of the epidermis
contains ridges which form fingerprints & foot prints papillary layer
reticular layer deeper layer of the dermis formed of a dense network of fibrous tissue
along with collagen, elastic fingers are found within the reticular layer
most of the fibers of the dermis are made up of collagen
collagen protein that gives skin its strength
collagen & elestic fibers give skin the ability to be flexible; stretch & rebound
this allows us to sense pain, pressure, touch, and temperature receptor endings of nerves within the dermis
dermis also contains blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, muscle fibers, hair follicles, and sebaceous & sweat glands
in the dermis this plays a critical role in the regulation of body temperature blood vessels
subcutaneous tissue anchors dermis & epidermis to underlying muscle & bones
nerves & blood vessels that supply the skin run through the subcutaneous layer
subcutaneous layer composed of loose connective tissue filled with lipocytes
production & storage of fat in subcutaneous layer creates a cushion for skin, as well as insulation against excessive heat loss
the hair is an outgrowth from skin of flexible, keratinized fibers
hairs covers the surface of the body except on hands, soles of feet, & external reproductive organs
hair is formed at the junction of dermis & epidermis
the function of hair is to provide protection to delicate body structures
each hair consists of a root & hair follicle
hair is formed from cells at the base of follicale that push upward
hair shaft visible portion of hair; network of horny cells
hair color is determined by melanocytes at the root of hair follicle
texture & color of nails can give clues to patient's health
nails hard flat plates of keratin covering fingers & toes, protecting from injury
visble portion of the nail is called nail body
the pink color of the nail body is from highly vascular nail bed underneath
nail root is found at cuticle
cuticle fold of skin at the base of each nail
lunula mark site of nail growth
soft tissue that surrounds the nail border is called paronychium
sebum is able to help protect against infections because it is acidic
sebaceous glands of the skin are most numerous on the scalp, face, back & upper chest
sebaceous glands are found in the dermal layer of the skin
there are two types of sweat glands eccrine & apocrine
eccrine glands tiny, coiled structures located in dermis
ducts open directly onto the surface of skin as pores eccrine glands
apocrine glands larger excretory organs deeply embedded in dermal layer
located under arms & near genitals apocrine glands
persperation watery secretion produced by sweat glands to help regulate body temp
pores ducts of sweat glands emerging on skin's surface
keratinzed cells horny cells
poison ivy is a contact dermatitis
Created by: lfrancois
Popular Medical sets




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