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C4 - Ancient Greece

Chapter 4 - Ancient Greece

Why did Greek cities develop independently? The mountains and seas separated them.
Where was the cultural base of Minoan civilization? The Palace at Knossos.
What most likely caused the fall of the Minoans? Myceneans invaded.
What was the 1st Greek state called? Mycenae.
Where did the Greeks spread to during the Dark Ages? Many Greeks sailed to islands and Ionian Greece.
Where was Ionian Greece located? On the West Coast of Asia Minor.
What two epic poems did Homer write? The Iliad and Odyssey.
What is the main idea of the Iliad? Achilles and the Trojan War.
What is the main idea of the Odyssey? Odysseus returning from the Trojan War.
What were used as two of the main textbooks for the Greeks? The Iliad and Odyssey.
What was used as the center of Greek life? The polis.
What is an acropolis? A fortess or temple that was used for worship and shelter.
What is an agora? A market.
What were the Greek soldiers called? Hoplites.
They marched in a large, rectangular formation. What was it called? The Phalanx formation.
What is the name of the most notable Greek colony? Byzantium.
How do tyrants gain power? They take control by force.
What is an oligarchy? Government ruled by few.
In an oligarchy, what are ephors responsible for? The education and behavior of citizens.
In an oligarchy, what is the council of elders responsible for? They debate about the problems in the city.
What kind of state was Sparta? Why did they decide to be this? A military state. Sparta needed to maintain control of their slaves.
What were the Spartan slaves called? What does it mean? Helots. It means "capture".
What did Solon do for Athens? He reformed their goverment and economy.
Who brought democracy to Athens? Cleisthenes.
What caused the Persian War? The Ionian cities rebeled against Greece. They had help from the Persians.
Athens defeated the Persian King, Darius, in 490 BC. Where did this happen? Which war was occuring? The Persians were defeated in Marathon. It happened during the Persian War.
In 480 BC, Xerxes defeated the Spartans. Where did this happen? Thermopylae.
How many men did Xerxes and the Spartans have? Xerxes had 180,000 and the Spartans had 300.
Why was the Delian League made and who controlled it? The Delian League was made to protect from invaders. Athens ended up controlling it.
Who took part in Athens direct democracy? All of the male citizens.
Why did Sparta create the Peloponnesian League? They were trying to prevent Athenian dominance in Greek.
When did Athens fall to Sparta? In 404 BC.
What did Greek philosophers study? Math, music, logic, ethics, and morals.
What did Sophists believe? They believed humans would never understand the universe, so everybody should only try to improve themselves.
Who said "The unexamined life is not worth living."? Socrates
What did Plato believe about government? "People cannot live a good life unless they live in a just and moral state."
Who opened the Lyceum? Aristotle.
What was architecture meant to show? Balance and harmony.
How did artists portray people? Artists portayed people as perfect.
Who wrote Oedipus Rex? Sophocles.
Who was Thucydides? He was considered to be the greatest historian of the ancient world.
What book did Herodotus write? "Father of History".
Where did the Greeks believe that the gods lived? On Mt. Olympus.
What 4 kingdoms did Alexander's empire get divided into after he died? Egpyt, Pergamum, Syria, and Macedonia.
What was created when Alexander mixed Greek and Persian culture? The Hellenistic culture.
What does Hellenistic mean? "To imitate greeks".
According to the Stoics, how could you achieve happiness? By gaining inner peace and harmony with God.
ESSAY: What was the importance of Homer's epic poems? -iliad -achilles-odyssey -odysseus-history -heroes -courage & honor
ESSAY: How did the Hellinistic kingdoms influence the spread of Greek culture to SW Asia? -define hellenistic -cities & kingdoms -Pergamum, Syria, Macedonia, Egypt -The Hellinistic kingdoms were the chief agents in the spread of Greek culture in SW Asia.
Created by: 629790882
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