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CulAnth Ex3
Term | Definition |
first order of meaning | superficial thing that a film, TV show, book, etc. is about |
second order of meaning | deeper, ideological meaning of film, TV show, book etc. |
Manifest Destiny | old American ideology that the destiny of the US should be settled and taken over by white people; Little House on the Prarie's Second Order of Meaning |
Frankfurt School | German school that believed that mass culture was s form of brainwashing/a way to create compliant citizens in a society; two main criticisms: assumes everyone is stupid & creates mass culture as a monolithic thing |
culture industry | popular culture in the capitalist society functions like an industry in producing standardized products which produce standardized people |
fax theory | we see images and buy into them totally |
practice theory | have to look and see how other people react to things; inspired by De Certeau |
Michel De Certeau | people are not passive; "The Procedures of Everyday Creativity" -- people are presented with thins in the modern world but can respond in ineffective ways |
Dogtown and the Z-Boys | kids that invent lots of modern skateboarding/skateboard culture; skated in dried-up pools |
indigenous media | forms of media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous peoples around the globe as vehicles for communication; media created by native people that criticize how they have been treated |
"The Fast Runner" | movie about Innuit people; gives us distinctive cultural vision of a distinctive place |
queering Barbie | use of Barbie to make a different statement than the traditional Barbie (example: bulimia Barbie) |
third wave | digital wave of human history; new relationships that go along with it; faster; technology transforms the way we relate to each other |
cyborg | machine-organism hybrid; have begun to be able to do more things and are everywhere |
Bruno Latour | we are hybrids; organic and artificial are mixed; humans, food, etc. |
nature/culture object | part nature, part engineered (example: using frog DNA in putting greens) |
hybrids | organic and artificial are mixed |
The Frankenstein Myth | once people mix the border between human and machine, it is bad and will lead to severe repercussions |
luddites | British weavers who knew they were going to lose their jobs due to the Industrial Revolution --> radically opposed to technology |
neo-luddites | position in which people are radically opposed to technology/technological advancement; inspired off of the luddites |
technoutopians | every new invention is good; technology is great; algorithms can solve everything |
Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski) | had radical views against technology; technology=original sin; brother (David) rats out TEd |
second self | idea that we all have a way we present ourselves to each other (first self) and online (second self); idea by Sherry Turkle |
anonymous self | a self where one's identity is not determined; some are very mean and some reveal very important things about themselves |
curated self | public, acknowledged Intent self; what people want their life to look like |
Donna Haraway | there is no way out of social media; "pleasure and responsibility in relationship to technology"; "I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess" |
religious syncretism | many religions mix together (example: Transatlantic Slave Trade) |
santeria | Afro-Cuban religion that has mixed West African religions with Catholicism |
cognitive need | religion gives an explanation for the world and why/how it is |
substantive need | hope to get something substantial/real out of their faith (example: first fruit ceremonies) |
first fruit ceremonies | sacrifice first fruit of a season to the gods (example: salmon run: first salmon not eaten, offered to the spirits) |
Yemayá | goddess of the ocean and mother of living things in Santería |
Victor Turner | worked a lot in Southern Africa; human life is designed by a structure of positions |
structure of positions | human life is designed by these; pass through statuses as we age; transitions in different cultures of these are marked by rituals |
separation--margin--aggregation | series of structure of positions during ritual |
liminality | intermediate stage of ritual; often space associated with poverty, invisibility, vulnerability |
interstructural human | a person who is caught in the margins between stages; often space associated with poverty, invisibility, vulnerability |
ritual scapegoating | goat sent by priest that represents all bad things --> when killed, it is a sacrifice that renews society (examples: Jesus Christ, manager of a poorly performing team, Tiger Woods, etc.) |
Max Weber | rational explanation vs. driven by demons; interested in capitalism -- capitalism and Protestant connection |
Protestant asceticism | the idea that Protestant values and capitalism are related and that the rise of Protestantism led to the growth of capitalism |
religious fundamentalism | your faith is the one true faith; division between light and darkness |
religious tolerance | okay with other religions; tremendous expressions of beauty |
Peace Wall | war between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland; built Peace Wall to divide Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods |
Sinan | designer of mosques; Hagia Sofia |
communitas | something that characterizes movement, anti-structure; moments of brotherhood, togetherness |
structure | command, order |
anti-structure | horizontality |
Victor Turner | society can be defined in structure vs. anti-structure |
Burning Man | pagan festival held in nevada in the desert; anti-structure, communitas |
Sudan protests | Sudan has been ruled by dictator for decades; lots of criminal oppression; protesting; image --> woman symbolizing revolution |
institutionalization | helping agencies and non-profit groups |
professionalization of development | desire to help others has created all of these jobs |
developed vs. underdeveloped | we're developed, you aren't, we'll help you to develop; our way is good, you need to be more like us |
Arturo Escobar | service is just another way to assert western dominance |
the new humanitarianism | a product of the late 20th century crisis of Third World development; offers new solutions to overcome past values; very political |
NGOization of the Third World | subset of the new humanitarianism; some of their claims are outright lies |
Millenium Villages Project | picked 12 villages across the world to improve; claims were bogus, all for publicity; situation in villages was actually worse; created tensions/divisions within the communities |
Jeffrey Sachs | "foremost expert on extreme poverty" |
moral consumerism/brand aid | idea that when you buy some sort of good it will help someone/something else in the world |
Slavoj Zizek | cultural capitalism; capitalism where moral consumerism is apart of the picture |
basic income | possible resolving problems |
Diane Ackerman | humans are destructive but creative, we will find a way to survive |
anthropology of chickens | artifacts of globalization; of religious significance; never spork mascots; cyborgs |
totemism and taboo | chickens are totemic animals and groups will never eat their totemic animal (taboo); why chickens are never mascots --> we eat them, therefore it would be taboo if they were a totemic animal |