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Chapter 10

The Nervous system: The brain and cranial nerves

Each half of the cerebrum Hemisphere
The "little" brain the coordinates voluntary muscles movements Cerebellum
An individual subdivision of the cerebrum that regulates specific functions Lobe
The portion of the brain that contains the thalamus and hypothalamus Diencephalon
Connects the spinal cord with the brain Brainstem
The largest part of the brain Cerebrum
The weblike middle meningeal layer Arachnoid
Venous channel between the two outermost meninges Subarachnoid space
The innermost layer of the meninges, the delicate membrane in which there are many blood vessels Pia mater
The area in which cerebrospinal fluid collects before it's return to the blood Dural sinus
The vascular network in a ventricle that forms cerebrospinal fluid Choroid Plexus
The projections in the dural sinuses through which CSF is returned to the blood Arachnoid Villi
The outermost layer of the meninges, which is the thickest and toughest Dura mater
A shallow groove that separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes lateral sulcus
Masses of gray matter deep within the cerebrum that help regulate body movement and the muscles of facial expressions Basal ganglia
A band of white matter that carries impulses between the cerebrum and the brainstem Internal capsule
An elevated portion of the cerebral cortex Gyrus
A band of myelinated fibers that bridges the two cerebral hemispheres Coupus Callosum
The neurotransmitter used by the basal nuclei neurons Dopamine
The portion of the cerebral cortex where visual impulses from the retina interpreted Occipital Lobe
The portion of the cerebral cortex where auditory impulses are interpreted Temporal Lobe
Location of a sensory area for interpretation of pain, touch, and temperature Parietal Lobe
The lobe controlling voluntary muscles Frontal Lobe
The portion of the brainstem composed of myelinated nerve fibers that connects to the cerebellum Pons
The superior portion of the brainstem Midbrain
The part of the brain between the pons and the spinal cord Medulla oblongate
The region of the diencephalon that acts as a relay center for sensory stimuli Thalamus
The region consisting of portions of the cerebrum and diencephalon that is involved in emotional states and behavior Limbic System
Nuclei that regulate the contraction of smooth muscles in blood vessel walls Vasomotor Center
The portion of the brain controlling the autonomic nervous system Hypothalamus
3 Functions of the cerebellum are 1. Balance 2. Coordination 3. Muscle Tone - Produce charges
Technique that produces a picture of brain activity levels in the different parts of the brain PET
Technique that measures electric currents in the brain EEG
X-Ray technique the provides photos of bone, cavities, and lesions CT
Technique used to visualize soft tissue, such as scar tissue, hemorrhages, and tumors that does not use x-rays MRI
A motor nerve controlling the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, and larynx muscles Accessory nerve
The nerve that controls contraction of a single eye muscle Trochlear nerve
The nerve that carries visual impulses from the eye to the brain Optic nerve
The most important sensory nerve of the face and head Trigeminal nerve
The nerve the supplies most of the organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities Vagus nerve
The nerve the supplies the muscles of facial expression Facial nerve
The nerve that carries sensory impulses for hearing and equilibrium Vestibulocochlear nerve
A brain tumor derived from neuroglia Glioma
A chronic brain disorder that usually can be diagnosed by Electroencephalography Epilepsy
Damage to brain tissue caused by a blood clot, ruptured vessel, or embolism OVA (Cerebrovascular accident)
Loss of the power of expression by speech or writing Aphasia
A degenerative brain disorder associated with the development of amyloid Alzheimer disease
A condition that may result from obstruction of the normal flow of CSF Hydrocephalus
Bleeding between the dura mater and the skull Epidural hematoma
The general term for inflammation of the brain Encephalitis
Tom/o Cut
Chori/o Membrane
Gloss/o Tongue
Encephal/o Brain
Cerebr/o Brain
Cephal/o head
Phasia Speech, ability to talk
Later/o Lateral, side
Gyr/o Circle
rhage Bursting forth
The thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebrum Cortex
Created by: zifkokat003
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