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med term ch9

agglutination the clumping of cells as a result of interaction with specific antibodies called agglutinins
albumin a plasma protein
allergen a substance that can produce a hypersenstitive reaction in the body
allergy a hypersensitive reaction to normally harmless antigens
anaphylaxis an exaggerteaed life-threatening hypersenstivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen
anisocytosis an abnormal condition of the blood characterized by red blood cells of variable and abnormal size
hemoglobin a complex protein-iron compound in the blood that carries oxygen to the cells from the lungs and carbon dioxide away from the cells to the lungs
heme the pigmented, iron-containing, nonprotein portion of the hemoglobin molecule
hematology the scientific study of the blood-forming tissues
hematologist a medical specialist in the field of hematology
granulocyte a type of leukocyte characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic granules
globulin a plasma portein made in the liver
globin a group of four globulin protein molecules that become bound by the iron in heme molecules to form hemoglobin
fibrinogen a plasma protein converted into fibrin by thrombin in the presence of calcium ions
fibrin a stringly, insoluble portein that is the substance of a blood clot
erythropietin a hormone synthesized mainly in the kidneys and released into the bloodsteam in response to anoxia (lack of oxygen)
erythropoiesis the process of red blood cell production
erythrocyte a mature red blood cell
erythroblast an immature red blood cell
erythremia an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells
eosinophil a granulocytic, bilobed leukocyte somewhat larger that a neutrophil characterized by large numbers of coarse, refractile, cytoplasmic granules that stain with the acid dye eosin
enzyme an organic substcane that initiates and accelerates a chemcial reaction
electrophoresis the movement of charged suspended particles through a lipid medium in response to changes in an elctric field
edema the abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstital spaces of tissues
dyscrasia an abnormal condition of the blood or bone marrow
differentiation a process in development in which unspecilaized cells or tissues are systemically modified and altered to achieve specific and chacacteristic physical forms, physiologic functions and chemcial properties
corpuscle any cell of the body- red or white blood cell
coagulation the process of transforming a liquid into a solid
bilirubin the orange-yellow pigment of bile formed principally by the breakdown of hemogoblin in red blood cells after termination of their normal life span
basophil a granulocytic white blood cell characterized by cytoplasmic granules that stain blue when exposed to a basic dye
ascites an abnormal intraperitoneal (within the peritoneal cavity) accumulation of a fluid contaning large amoubts of protein and electrolytes
antigens a substance, usually a protein, that causes the formation of an antibody and reacts specifically with that antibody
antibodies substances prodeuced by the body in response to bacteria, viruses or other foregin substances
hemolysis the breakdown of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin that occurs normally at the end of the life span of a red cell
hemorrhage a loss of a large amount of blood in a short period of time, either externally or internally
hemostasis the termination of bleeding by mechanical or chemical means or by the complex coagulation process of the body
heparin a naturally occuring anticlotting factor present in the body
hyperalbuminemia an increased level of albumin in the blood
hyperbilirubiemia greater than normal amounts of the bile pigment, bilirublin in the blood
hyperlipemia an excessive level of blood fats, usually caused by a lipoprotein lipase deficiency or a defect in the conservation of low-desity lipoproteins to high-density lipoproteins
hyperlipidemia an excessive level of blood fats, usually caused by a lipoprotein lipase deficiency or a defect in the conservation of low-desity lipoproteins to high-density
ion an electrically charged particle
leukocyte a white blood cell, one of the formed elements of the circulating blood system
leukocytopenia an abnormal decrease in number of white blood cells to fewer than 5,000 cells per cubic millimeter
megakaryocyte an extremely large bone marrow cell
monocyte a large mononuclear leukocyte
myeloid of a pertanining to the bone marrow or the spinal cord
neutrophil a polymorphonuckear (multiobed nucleus) granular leukocyte that stains easily with neutral dyes
pancytopenia a marked reduction in the number of the red blood cells, which blood cells and platelets
pica a craving to eat unusual substances(non food substances)
plasma the watery, straw-colored, flid portion of the lymph andthe blood in which the leukocytes, erythrocytes and plateltes are suspended
platlet a clotting cell
prothrombin a plasma protein prescursor of thrombin
reticulocyte an immature erythocyte characterizes by a meshlike pattern of threads and particles at the former site of the nucleus
septicemia systemic infection in which pathogens are present in the circulating bloodstream, having spread from an infection in any part of the body
seroconversion a change in serologic tests from negative to positive as antibodies developn in reaction to an infection or vaccine
serology the branch of laboratory medicine that studies blood serum for evidence of infection by evaluting antigen-antibody reactions
thrombus a clot
thromboplastin a complex substance that initiates the clotting process by converting prothrombin into thrombin in the presence of calcium ion
thrombocytopwnia an abnormal hematologic condition in which the number of platelets is reduced
thrombocyte a clotting cell
thrombin an enzyme formed from prothrombin, calcium, and thromboplastin in plasma during the clotting process
stem cell a formative cell, a cell whose daugther cells may give rise to other cell types
splenomegaly an abnormal enlagrement of the spleen
serum the clear, thin and sticky fluid portion of the blood that remains after cogualtion
agglutin/o to clump
aniso- unequal
myel/0 bone marrow or spinal cord
morph/0 form, shape
mono- one
-lytic destruction
kary/0 nucleus
is/o equal
hemat/o blood
hem/o blood
-globin conatining protein
erythr/o red
-emia blood condition
cyt/o cell
coagual/o clotting
chrom/o color
blast/o embryonic stage of development
bas/o base
thromb/o clot
-stasis stopping or controlling
spher/o round; sphere
sider/o iron
poikil/o varied, irregular
-poiesis formation
-philia attraction to
-phoresis transmission
phag/o to eat
-penia decrease in
-osis condition
-oid resembling
nucle/o nucleus
Created by: Courtneey
Popular Medical sets




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