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VNPT51 CH.12 Terms

VNPT51 Chapter 12 Physical Assessment Terms-MB

acute begins abruptly with marker intensity of severe signs and symptoms and then often subsides after a period of treatment
anorexia expelling of flatus, the lasted bowl movement, and any reports of nausea, vomiting, or altered or decreased appetite
assessment evaluation or appraisal of the patient's condition
auscultation process of listening to sounds produced by the body
borborygmi increased sounds with a characteristically high-pitched, loud, rushing sound
bruits abnormal "swishing" sounds heard over organs, glands, and arteries
chronic disease develops slowly and persists over a long period, often a persons lifetime
crackles produced by fluid in the bronchioles and the alveoli, are short, discrete, interrupted, crackling, or bubbling sounds
disease a pathogenic condition of the body, is any disturbance of a structure or function of the body
drainage passive or active removal of fluids from a body cavity, wound, or other source of discharge by one or more methods
dullness liver produces a low-pitched, thud-like sound
edema swelling
erythema redness
etiology cause
exudate fluid, cells, or other substances that are slowly exuded, or discharged, from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in the cell membrane, usually as a result of inflammation or injury
flatness percussion over a muscle produces a soft, high-pitched, flat sound
focused assessment attention is concentrated or focused on a particular part of the body, where signs and symptoms are localized or most active, to determine their significance
functional disease often appear to be those of organic disease, but careful examination fails to reveal evidence of structural of physiologic abnormalities
infection caused by an invasion of microorganisms, such a bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, that produce tissue damage
inflammation a protective response of body tissues to irritation, injury, or invasion by disease-producing organisms
inspection purposeful observation
level of consciousness level of orientation
neoplastic an abnormal growth of new tissues
nursing health history initial step in the assessment process
nursing physical assessment the physical examination performed
organic disease structural change in an organ that interferes with its functioning
palpation the nurse uses the hands and sense of touch to gather data
percussion the use of fingertips to tap the body's surface to produce vibration and sound
pruritus itching
purulent pus
remission a partial or complete disappearance of clinical and subjective characteristics of the disease had occurred
wheezes sounds produced by the movement of air through narrowed passages in the tracheobronchial tree
symptoms subjective indicators of illness that the patient receives
thrill a vibrating sensation the nurse perceives during palpation along the artery
turgor the elasticity of the skin caused by the outward pressure of the cells and interstitial fluid
tympany stomach produces a high-pitched, drum-like sounds
Created by: barragan_93230
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