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med term basic

Combining Forms, Prefixes, Suffixes (chapter 1 & 2)

acanth(o) spiny; thorny
actin(o) light
aer(o) air; gas
alge, algesi,algio, algo pain
amyl (o) starch
andro masculine
athero plaque;fatty substance
bacill(i) bacilli; bacteria
bacteri(o) bacteria
bar(o) weight; pressure
bas(o), basi(o) base
bio life
blasto immature cells
cac(o) bad; ill
calc(o), calci(o) calcium
carcin(o) cancer
chem(o) chemical
chlor(o) chlorine; green
chlondrio;chondro cartilage,grainygritty
chore(o) dance
chrom,chromat,chromo color
chrono time
chyl(o) chyle, a digestive juice
chym(o) chyme, semifluidpresent duringdigestion
cine(o) movement
coni(o) dust
crin(o) secrete
cry(o) cold
crypt(o) hidden; obsecure
cyan(o) blue
cycl(o) circle; cycle;ciliary body
cyst(o),cysti bladder,cyst,cystic duct
cyt(o) cell
dextr(o) righttoward the right
dips(o) thirst
dors(o), dorsi back
dynamo force; energy
echo reflected sound
eosin(o) red; rosey
ergo work
erythro(o) red, redness
esthesio sensation, perception
ethmo ethmoid bone
ectio cause
fibr(o) fiber
fluor(o) light; luminous;fluorine
fungi fungus
galact(o) milk
gen(o) producing; being born
gero, geront(o) old age
gluco glucose
glyco sugars
gonio angle
granulo granular
gyn(o), gyne, gyneco women
home(o), homo same; constant
hydr(o) hydrogen, water
hypn(o) sleep
iatr(o) physician; treatment
ichthy(o) dry; scaly; fish
idio disinct: unknown
immun(o) safe; immune
kal(i) potassium
karyo nucleus
ket(o), keton(o) ketone; acetone
kin(o), kine movement
kinesi(o), kineso motion
kyph(o) humpback
lact(o), lacti milk
latero laternal, to one side
lepto light, frail, thin
leuk(o) white
lip(o) fat
lith(o) stone
log(o) speech, words, thought
lys(o) dissolution
macr(o) large; long
medi(o) middle; medial plane
meg(a), megal(o) large; million
melan(o) black; dark
mes(o) middle; median
micr(o) small; one-millionth;tiny
mio smaller; less
morph(o) structure; shape
narco sleep; numbness
necr(o) death; dying
noct(i) night
normo normal
nucle(o) nucleus
nyct(o) night
oncho, onco tumor
orth(o) straight; normal
oxy sharp; acute; oxygen
pachy thick
path(o) disease
phag(o) eating; devouring; swallowing
pharmaco drugs; medicine
phon(o) sound; voice; speech
phot(o) light
physi,physio physical; natural
physo air; gas; growing
phyt(o) plant
plasma, plasmo formative; plasma
poikilo varied; irregular
pseud(o) false
pyo pus
pyreto fever
pyro fever; fire; heat
radio radiation; x-ray; radius
salping(o) tube
schisto split
schiz(o) split; division
scler(o) hardness; hardening
scolio crooked; bent
scoto darkness
sidero iron
sito food; grain
somat(o) body
somn(o), somni sleep
sono sound
spasmo spasm
spher(o) round; spherical
spir(o) breath; breathe
squamo scale; squamous
staphyl(o) grapelike clusters
steno narrowness
stere(o) three-dimensional
strepto twisted chains; streptococci
styl(o) peg-shaped
syring(o) tube
tel(o), tele(o) distant; end; complete
terato monster (as a malformed fetus)
therm(o) heat
tono tension; pressure
top(o) place; topical
tox(i), toxico, toxo poison; toxin
tropho food; nutrition
vivi life
xanth(o) yellow
xeno stranger
xer(o) dry
xiph(o) sword; xiphoid
zo(o) life
zym(o) fermentation; enzyme
a, an- without
ab, abs, de- away from
ad- toward, to
ambi- both, around
ana- up, toward
ante- before
anti, contra- against
apo- derived, separate
aut(o)- self
bi- twice, double
brachy- short
brady- slow
cata- down
circum- around
co-,col-,com-,con-,cor- together
di-,dif-,dir-,dis- not, separated
dia- through
dys- abnormal; difficult
ect(o)- outside
end(o), intra- within
epi- over
eu- well, good, normal
ex- out of, away from
exo- external, on the outside
extra- without, outside of
hemi- half
hyper- above normal; overly
hypo- below normal
infra- positioned beneath
inter- between
iso- equal, same
mal- bad; inadequate
meg(a)-, megal(o)- large
mes(o)- meddle, medium
meta- after
micr(o)- small, microscope
mon(o)- single
multi-, poly-, many
olig(o)- few; little; scanty
pan-, pant(o)- all, entire
par(a)- beside; abnormal;involving two parts
per- through, intensely
peri- around, about, near
pluri- several, more
post- after, following
pre- before
pro- before, forward
quadra-, quadri- four
re- again, backward
retro- behind, backward
semi- half
sub- less than, under,inferior
super- more than, above,superior
supra- above, over
syl-,sym-,syn-,sys- together
tachy- fast
trans- across, through
ultra- beyond, excessive
un- not
uni- one
-ad toward
-algia, -dynia pain
-asthenia weakness
-blast immature, forming
-cele hernia
-cidal, -cide destroying, killing
-clasis, -clast breaking
-crine secreting
-crit separate
-cyte cell
-cytosis condition of cells
-derma skin
-desis binding
-ectasis expansion; dilating
-ectasia expansion; dilating
-ectomy removal of
-edema swelling
-ema condition
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood
-emic relating to blood
-esthesia sensation
-form in the shape of
-gen producing;coming to be
-genesis production of
-genic producing
-globin, -globulin protien
-gram a recording
-graph recording instrument
-graphy process of recording
-iasis pathological conditionor state
-ic pertaining to
-ics treatment, practice,body of knowledge
-ism condition, disease,doctrine
-itis(pl.-itides) inflammation
-kinesia, kineisis movement
-lepsy condition of
-leptic having seizures
-logist one who practices
-logy study, practice
-lysis destruction of
-lytic destroying
-malacia softening
-mania obession
-megaly enlargement
-meter measuring device
-metry measurement
-oid like, resembling
-oma (pl.-omata) tumor, neoplasm
-opia, opsia vision
-opsy view of
-osis (pl. -oses) condition, state,process
-ostomy opening
-oxia oxygen
-para bearing
-parous producing; bearing
-paresis slight paralysis
-pathy disease
-penia dificiency
-pexy fixation, usuallydone surgically
-pepsia digestiion
-phage, -phagia, -phagy eating, devouring
-phasia speaking
-pheresis removal
-phil, -philia attractioin; affinity for
-phobia fear
-phonia sound
-phoresis carrying
-phoria feeling; carrying
-phrenia of the mind
-phthisis wasting away
-phylaxis protection
-physis growing
-plakia plaque
-plasia, -plasm, -poiesis formation
-plastic, -poietic forming
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
-plegic one who is paralyzed
-pnea breath
-poietin one that forms
-porosis lessening in density
-ptosis falling down; drooping
-rrhage discharging heavily
-rrhagia heavy discharge
-rrhaphy surgical suturing
-rrhea a flowing, a flux
-rrhexis rupture
-schisis splitting
-scope instrument for observing
-scopy use of an insrumentfor observing
-somnia sleep
-spasm, -stalsis contraction
-stasis stopping; constant
-stat agent to maintaina state
-static maintaining a state
-stenosis narrowing
-stomy opening
-tome cutting instrument,segment
-tomy cutting operation
-trophic nutritional
-trophy nutrition
-tropia, -version turning
-tropic turning toward
-tropy condition of turningtoward
-uria urine
Created by: mayling62769
Popular Medical sets




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