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MWHB Unit 5 French, Haitian and Latin American Revs

estate one of three social classes in France in the late 1700s
Estates General an assembly of representatives from all three social classes in France
Old Regime the social and political system of France in the 1770s
Louis XVI king of France in the 1770s and 1780s, known for his extravagant spending and being executed in the French Revolution
Marie Antoinette queen of France who spent so much money that she was called “Madame Deficit”; killed in French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath pledge by Third Estate delegates to meet until they created a new constitution
National Assembly first deliberate act of revolution by France’s Third Estate ; new law-making body that replaced Estates General
Great Fear wave of senseless panic that spread through the French country side after the Storming of the Bastille
Maximilien Robespierre The Jacobin leader who ruled over the Reign of Terror, in which thousands of French citizens were executed
Reign of Terror period from mid1793-1794 when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France nearly as a dictator and thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens were executed
Napoleon Bonaparte took over as Emperor of France after the French Revolution failed
Napoleonic Code a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon
coup d’etat violent overthrow of the state
Battle of Trafalgar an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon’s forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson
Waterloo Battle where Napoleon was finally defeated by British, Austrian and Prussian forces
Congress of Vienna series of meetings of European powers to ensure the security and stability of a new European order after Napoleon’s defeat
Klemens von Metternich The foreign minister of Austria who wanted to restore a balance of power in Europe
Continental System Napoleon’s blockade of Europe’s ports, which was intended to make continental Europe more self-sufficient
Hundred Days Napoleon’s last bid for power after breaking free from the island of Elba
Plebiscite vote of the people
Toussaint L’Ouverture leader of Haitian Independence – former slave.
Simon Bolivar Creole Venezuelan general Won independence for Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador by
Jose de San Martin Argentine Creole Won independence for Argentina, Chile and Peru
Father Miguel Hidalgo started Mexican independence movement, followers were mestizos and natives.
Grito de Dolores event where Hidalgo rang the church bell and called for a revolution
Creole people who were the children of peninsulares, but born in the colonies.
Created by: amygilstrap7
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