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Early Middle Ages

Baker's Early Middle Ages in Europe

Dates of early middle ages 500-1000 AD
Dates of central middle ages 1000-1350 AD
Dates of late middle ages 1350-1500 AD
"Barbarian" tribes of Scotland Picts
Ethnic background of Picts Celt
3 barbarian tribes of Germany Goths, Vandals, Lombards
converted German barbarian tribes to Christianity Ulfilas
Oldest living human institution in the world papacy
writer of first non-scriptural papal text Clement
recipient of Clement's letter Corinth
Date of Clement's letter 95 AD
Biblical passage used to establish papacy Matthew 16:18
name given to the seat of the bishop of Rome Roman see
first pope to claim the authority of Matthew 16:18 Damasus
1st pope to claim Peter's authority Leo I
Pope who defended Rome against the Lombards Gregory I
Pope who sent 30 missionaries, including Augustine, to England Gregory I
papal tradition established by Gregory I pope's involvement in world affairs
1st western ascetic monk St. Anthony
name given to solitary monks eremetic
established communal life of monks Pachomius
name given to communal monks cenobitic
place where communal monks live monastery
head of a monastery abbot
established the standard rules for monks St. Benedict
name of the rule for monks Benedictine rule
name of the place where monks copied manuscripts scriptorium
term used for illustrating manuscripts illuminating
main Benedictine monastery Monte Cassino
founder of the Merovingian dynasty of Frankish rulers Clovis
name of office whose holder gained more power as Merovingians became weak mayor of the palace
Mayor of the Palace who defeated the Islamic invaders at the Battle of Tours Charles Martel
Charles Martel's son Pepin the Short
pope who confirmed Pepin's sovereignty Stephen II
Pepin's son Charlemagne
Charlemagne's reign 768-814
Charlemagne's weak son Louis the Pious
what happened to the Frankish empire after Louis the Pious death? divided among his three sons
names of Louis the Pious' three sons Charles the Bald, Louis the German, Lothar I
name of the period during which Charlemagne and his successors encouraged learning and culture Carolingian Renaissance
what important effect on the Latin language occured during the Carolingian Renaissance? Medieval Latin was standardized
Why was it important that Latin be standardized? everyone in Europe could communicate in a common language
what did the standardization of Latin do for the areas' local languages freed them to develop independently of each other
what is the familiar language in use in an area called? vernacular
What handwriting innovation developed during the Carolingian Renaissance? addition of lower case letters
What were the lower case letters called? Carolingian miniscules
What was the name for the standard subjects taught in Carolingian schools? 7 liberal arts
What were the verbal arts called? the trivium
What were the mathematical arts called? the quadrivium
What were the trivium? grammar, rhetoric, logic
What were the quadrivium? arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music
What was the name of the North African invaders of the Frankish empire? Saracens
What was the name of the Hungarian invaders? Magyar
What was the geographic area from which the Vikings invaded? Scandinavia
What was the Viking settlement in North America called? Vinland
Who was the first king of a unified England? Alfred of Wessex (the Great)
What did Alfred call the region where he allowed the Christianized Danish invaders to settle? Danelaw
What historical work did Alfred have brought up to date? The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Which English king was forced to pay tribute to the increasingly powerful Danish invaders? Ethelred
What was the tribute to the Danish invaders called? Danegeld
Which Danish king ruled a combined England, Denmark, and Norway? Canute
Which king died in 1066, leaving the sovereignty to the very short-reigning Harold? Edward the Confessor
Who conquered England in 1066? William of Normandy (the Conqueror)
In what year did the Normans conquer England? 1066
At which battle did William of Normandy defeat Harold? Battle of Hastings
Which 6th century Italian Christian translated Aritstotle into Latin? Boethius
What work did Boethius write, explaining how philosophy, without the aid of Christian faith, can comfort people in the face of death? The Consolation of Philosophy
What 20 volume encyclopedia did Isadore of Seville write? Etymologies
Which two works is Gregory the Great known for writing? Moralia in Job, Dialogues
Which work did the Venerable Bede write? Ecclesiastical History of the English people
Who prepared a standard version of Jerome's Vulgate? Alcuin of York
What was the name of the Bible translated into Latin? the Vulgate
Who translated the Bible into Latin? Jerome
Created by: mrsbear1024
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