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Medi Term Mid term

Mod 1-9 (mixed) All terms & definitions_4

nucleus central, controlling structure in a cell; contains chromosomes with DNA (genetic material)
pelvic cavity pertaining to the space surrounded by the bones of the hip region
peritoneum membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen
pharynx throat
pituitary gland endocrine gland at the base of the brain; secretes many hormones that stimulate growth of bones & influence other glands such as the thyroid, adrenal & sex glands (ovaries-testes)
pleura a delicate membrane surrounding each lung & divided into two layers
pleural cavity space between the layers of the pleura in the chest
posterior pertaining to the back-dorsal side of the body-structure
prone lying in a horizontal position with face downward
proximal pertaining to a location near the point of attachment-beginning of an organ
sacral pertaining to the sacrum
sacrum large, triangular bone below the lumbar vertebrae at the dorsal part of the pelvis
sagittal plane vertical plane that divides the body into right-left portion
sarcoma tumor or fleshy tissue such as bone, fat, muscle-cartilage
spinal cavity space surrounded by the backbones-spine
spinal column series of backbones (vertebrae) located on the posterior side of the body
spinal cord nervous tissue within the spinal cavity
superficial pertaining to on the surface of the body
supine lying horizontally on the back with face upward
thoracic cavity space in the chest surrounded by the ribs, spinal column, breastbone, diaphragm & chest wall muscles.
thoracotomy incision of the chest
thyroid gland endocrine gland in the neck; secretes the hormone thyroxine (T4)
trachea windpipe, tube leading from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchial tubes
tracheal pertaining to the trachea
transverse plane horizontal plane that divides the body into upper-lower portions
umbilical region region in the area of the naval-umbilicus
ureter one of two tubes carrying urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder
urethra tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
uterus muscular organ in a female that nourishes the developing embryo during pregnancy; womb
ventral pertaining to the front-anterior of the body
vertebra backbone
vertebrae two or more backbones
vertebral pertaining to backbones
viscera internal organs
visceral pertaining to internal organs
abdominocentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen
achondroplasia inherited disorder of cartilage formation in the fetus leading to dwarfism.
hypodermic injection placement of a needle below the skin
hypoglycemia high levels of sugar in the bloodstream; diabetes mellitus
infracostal pertaining to below the ribs
insomniac pertaining to without sleep; someone who cannot sleep
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
intravenous pertaining to within a vein
macrocephaly condition of a larger than normal head
malaise general feeling of bodily discomfort
malignant cancerous; harmful
metacarpal bones hand bones
metamorphosis condition of change of shape-form
metastasis spread of malignant tumor beyond its original location to a distant site
microscope instrument to view small projects
neonatal pertaining to a newborn infant
neoplasm new growth
pancytopenia deficiency of all blood cells; erythrocytes, leukocytes & platelets
paralysis destruction of nerve tissue leading to loss of sensation-motion in a part of the body
parathyroid glands four endocrine glands on the posterior region (dorsal) of the thyroid gland
percutaneous pertaining to through the skin
periosteum membrane surrounding a bone
polymorphonuclear pertaining to a nucleus with several-many shapes; polymorphonuclear leukocytes are white blood cells with a multiobed nucleus
polyneuritis inflammation of many nerves
postmortem after death
postpartum after birth
precancerous pertaining to occurring before a malignant condition
prenatal pertaining to before birth
prodrome symptom that appears before the onset of a more serious illness; i.e. fever that signals onset of viral illness
prolapse sliding forward-downward
pseudocyesis false pregnancy
recombinant DNA insertion of a gene from one organism into DNA of another organism
relapse sliding-falling back; i.e. recurrence of symptoms-decline after apparent recovery
remission send back to good health; disappearance of disease symptoms
retroflexion bending backward
retroperitoneal pertaining to behind the peritoneum
subacute between acute & chronic
subcutaneous pertaining to under the skin
suprapubic pertaining to above the pubic bones
symbiosis close association of different species-state in which (2) people are emotionally dependent on each other
symmetry equality of parts; measured together
symphysis bones that grow together separated by a piece of fibrocartilage; i.e. pubic symphysis of the pelvis
syndactyly fusion of fingers-toes; congenital anomaly
syndrome group of symptoms that occur together indicating a particular condition-disorder
synthesis combination of simple substances to create something new & more complex
tachypnea rapid breathing
transfusion transference of blood from one person to another
transurethral pertaining to across-through the urethra
ultrasonography use of high frequency sound waves that are beyond range of normal hearing to produce a record-picture of organ-tissue
unilateral pertaining to one side
absorption passage of materials through the walls of the small intestine, into the bloodstream
achalasia Failure of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle (LES) to relax; dilation of the esophagus above the stonosis (narrowing) & loss of peristalsis occur
achlorhydria absence of hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice
amino acids the chief constituents of proteins, there are 20 amino acids that contribute to protein synthesis. amino acids form when large protein molecules are digested.
amylase an enzyme that digests starches into simpler substances
anal fistula abnormal tube-like passageway near the anus
anastomosis surgical procedure that creates a new opening between (2) previously unconnected tubular organs or parts of the same organ
anorexia lack of appetite
anus opening of the rectum to the outside of body
aphthous stomatitis inflammation of mouth with small painful ulcers; canker sores
Created by: lfrancois
Popular Medical sets




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