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Chapter 3 God's Myst
Question | Answer |
"For the word of God is __________ and effective and sharper than any two-edged___________." Heb. 4:12 | living, sword |
How would you answer, "Is Sacred Scripture true?" | It teaches God's Truth without error. |
"Ignorance of __________ is ignorance of __________." St. Jerome | scripture, Christ |
What does "bible" mean? | books |
What is the canon of scripture? | The list of books determined to be Divinely inspired by God. |
This word means testament of promise. | covenant |
The literal understanding of scripture is called_____. | exegesis |
Where do we get our Catholic Faith or What is the Deposit of Faith? | Sacred Scripture + Sacred Tradition |
Easter Triduum = | Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil/Easter |
Turning our hearts back to God is called... | conversion |
The tiny words at the bottom of a page that further explain the passage | footnotes |
The birth of the Church happened on ________. | Pentecost |
When you examine your ___________, you ask yourself how you behaved/did not behave as Christ would. | conscience |
This season begins in late November or early December. The readings focus on the coming of Jesus. | Advent |
This season ends on the Epiphany. The readings focus on the Incarnation. | Christmas |
This is the "green" season. The readings focus on the miracles and teachings of Jesus. | Ordinary time |
This begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. Readings focus on conversion. | Lent |
This season stretches 50 days! It ends on Pentecost. | Easter |
How many books are in the Catholic OT? | 46 |
How many books are in the NT? | 27 |
Are Catholic bibles longer than Protestant bibles? | Yes |
What 3 languages was the bible originally written in? | Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic |
Who has the responsibility for interpreting scripture for us with the help of the Holy Spirit? | The Magisterium |
OT or NT? tells about how Jesus fulfills the covenants of the past | NT |
The OT tells us about God's plan of salvation from creation until just before _______ was born. | Jesus |
The last book of the NT was written by John the Evangelist. What is it? | Revelation |
Who is the New and Everlasting covenant? | Jesus |
Who received the promise of the Promised Land? | Moses |
Who received the promise of a rainbow? | Noah |
Who received a promise that He would have a ton of descendants even though he was OLD and hadn't had any children yet? | Abraham |