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AP Human Geo

define Ecumene The portion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement.
What would non-ecumene mean? portions of earth NOT occupied by permanent human settlement
Define arithmetic density The total number of people divided by the total land area.
Define physiological density The number of people supported by a unit of arable land
what occurs when the rate of physiological density increases land becomes overpopulated
Define agricultural density The ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land
Define crude birth rate (CBR) the number of births per 1,000 individuals per year
Define crude death rate (CDR) the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals per year
Define NIR The percentage growth of a population in a year, computed as the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate (after conversion to %)
What is the NIR today? 1.2%
When did the global NIR peak, and what was it? 1963, 2.2%
About how many people are being added to the world yearly? 82 million people
Define doubling time The number of years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase.
In what world regions is most growth occurring? South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
Define total fertility rate average number of children a women is expected to have throughout her childbearing years
What is the global average TFR 2.5
note the rates and locations of the global highs and lows in TFR high is Africa with 5.0 Low is Europe with 2.0
the shape of a pyramind is primarily determined by what demographic rate? sex ratio
what is the dependency ratio? The number of people who are to young or too old to work, compared to the number of people in their productive years.
what age groups are categorized as dependent? 0-14 and 65+
what does the "graying" of a population refer to ? the increase in old people who need medical care after they retire
what is sex ratio? the number of makes per hundred females
what types of countries/ regions are likely to have more males that females? Why? Asian countries because of the child policies
the demographic transition is a ___________ with several _______ and every _______ is in one of the stages process, stages, country
how many countries are still in stage one? zero
how many countries are in stage 2 and 3 majority of the countries
how many countries are in stage 4 very few countries
What two strategies have been useful in reducing birth rates? education and healthcare
Where was Malthus wrong? the population did not outgrow food
Where was Malthus right? He accurately estimated food production
What is the epidemiological transition? Documents what causes death in each stage of the demographic transitions
define infant mortality rate the number of deaths of infants under age of 1 per 1000 live births in given year
define life expectancy the number of years a person can expect to live
How is our population distributed across the Earth it is very unevenly distributed
areas too dry for farming cover approximately how much of Earth s surface? 20%
What are wet areas? Areas that receive high levels of precipitation
Where are wet areas located? Near the equator
Where are the cold areas located? Near the north and south poles
Define carrying capacity Largest number of individuals of a population that a given environment can support
Epidemiology the study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population
What is the epidemiology transition model? The shift in diseases as a country develops
What order does the epidemiology transition model go through? Endemic, epidemic, pandemic
What is endemic? a disease native to a region
What is epidemic a disease that spreads to another region
What is pandemic a disease that spreads worldwide
What is the first stage of ETM age of pestilence and famine
What is the 2nd stage of ETM age of receding pandemics
What is the 3rd stage of ETM age of degenerative and human made diseases
What is the 4th stage of ETM age of delayed degeneratve disease
What is the 5th stage of ETM return of infectious diseases
What is and example of stage 1 of ETM death by animal and human attacks
What is the example of stage 2 of ETM public health form water or sewage
Example of stage 3 of ETM smoking and getting lung cancer
Example of stage 4 of ETM Maybe cancer or heart disease but can be delayed
Example of stage 5 of ETM AIDS, Malaria
What is the population pyramid? a population pyramid is a graph that shows the characteristics between the age structure and female/male ratio. You can determine a country's development by looking at its population pyramid
What is the birth and death rate in stage 1 of DTM birth high death high
What is birth and death rate in stage 2 of DTM birth high death falling rapidly
What is the birth and death rate in stage 3 of DTM birth falling death falls more slowly
What is the birth and death rate in stage 4 of DTM birth low death low
What is birth and death rate in stage 5 of DTM birth very low death low
Created by: rachelmccoy
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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