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Phleb 1 blood system

What is blood Connective tissue
What is the purpose of blood life line, carries oxygen and nutrients along with taking-out cell waste products
What is plasma Whole blood minus formed elements
What does plasma consist of 90% water (liquid portion of blood) 10% solute ( glucose, electrolytes, etc.) Plasma proteins
Most abundant in plasma Plasma proteins
Produced by the liver Plasma protein
Three classes of plasma protein ALBUMINS, GLOBUINS, FIBRINOGEN
ALBUMINS maintain H2O volume + blood pressure
What makes up Globulins Alpha, beta, gamma
Transports fat and fat solute vitamins Alpha, beta
Makes antibodies Gamma
Normal clotting of blood Fibrinogen
Erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte What is cellular components
Erythrocytes, a.k.a. RBCs
Bi concave disks and a thin center with round edges RBC
Three types of RBCs Red, white, platelets
The production of formed elements in the blood Hemopoiesis
Hemopoiesis AKA Hematopoiesis
Afterbirth most of the production of red blood cells occurs in the red bone marrow and what regions of the body Skull, sternum, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis
All blood types that develop from undifferentiated stage or unspecialized stage are called Hemocytoblast
Before the differentiation stage the blood cell has A nucleus
Main function of an RBC Carry O2 & CO2
Main component of RBCs Hemoglobin
Heme Iron
Globin Protein
O2 and hemoglobin come together Oxyhemoglobin
CO2 added to hemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin
Blood cell range for women 4.8-6 million per cubic millimeter of blood
Normal range of blood cells in men 4.5-6 million per cubic millimeter
Leukocytes a.k.a. Wbc's
Leukocytes have ___ types & ___ categories 5 & 2
1st category of leukocytes is Granulocytes ( multi-lobed nucleus)
Leukocyte 2nd category Agranulocytes
What are the three types of granulocytes Neutrophils, Basophils, & Eosinphils
60 to 70% of WBCs Neutrophils ( phagocyte)
Histamine for an allergic reaction and heparin for an anticoagulant Basophills
Increase in number in response to an allergic reaction Eosinophils
2 Types of Agranulocytes Monocytes, lymphocytes
Agranulocyte that is a phagocyte Monocyte
A.k.a. platelets Thrombocytes
Thrombocytes stem from Megakaryocytes
Thrombocytes function Normal clotting of blood
Avereage platelet count per cubic millimeter of blood 250 K - 500 K
Known as coagulation, it's purpose is to plug ruptured blood vessels to stop bleeding. Mechanism of clotting
Coagulation cascade Platelets > Thromboplastin (enzyme)->Prothrombin (protein)-> Thrombin (enzyme) ->Fibrinogen (plasma protein) -> Fibrin. ( threads)
Substance on RBC Antigen
Substance in plasma Antibody
Antigen and Antibody combination can result in Agglutination
Blood type that is the Universal Receiver AB
Blood type that is the universal donor O
True universal donor O-
True Universal receiver AB +
(-) RH factor No RH protein
+ RH factor Has RH protein
RH factor rules - > - or + + > +
Blood type that Has no antigen O
Blood type that has no antibody AB
Created by: Georgia1984
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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