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Ch. 6 Kinns MA

Medicine and Ethics

Advocate One who pleads the cause of another; one who defends or maintains a cause of proposal.
Allocating Apportioning for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things
Annotations notes added by way of comment or explantion
Beneficence The act of doing or producing good, especially preforming acts of kindness or charity.
Clinical trials research studies that test how well new medical treatments or other interventions work in the subjects, usually human beings.
Disparities marked differences or distinctions
Disposition The tendency of something or someone to act a certain way under given circumstances.
Duty obligatory tasks, conduct service, or functions, that arise from ones position, as in life or in a group.
Euthanasia The act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.
Fidelity Faithfullness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.
Gamete Mature male or female germ calls, usually possession of haploid chromosomes set and capable of initiating formation of a a new diploid individual. a sex whether a sperm or ovum.
Genome The genetic material of an organism.
Idealism The practice of forming ideas or living under the influence of ideas.
Impaired Being in a less than perfect or less than whole conditions, it includes having handicaps or functional defects and being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and/or controlled substances
Infertile Not fertile or productive; not capable of reproducing.
Introspection An inward, reflective examination of ones thoughts and feelings
Justice With regard to medical ethics, the fair distribution of benefits and burdens among individuals or gorps in society with legitimate claims on those benefits.
Nonmaleficence Refraining from the act of harming or committing evil.
Opinions Formal expressions of judgement or advice by an expert; formed expressions of the legal reasons and principles on which a legal decision is based.
Philosopher A person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment; an expounder of theory in a certain area of expertise.
Post mortem Done, collected. Occurring after death.
Procurement to get possession of, to obtain by particular care and effort
Public Domain The realm embracing property rights that belong to the community at large, are unprotected by copyright or patent and are subject to use or appropriation by anyone
Ramifications Consequence produced by a cause or following from a set of conditions
Reparations Amends, act of atonement, or satisfaction given as a result of a wrong or injury
Sociologic Oriented or directed toward social needs and problems
Surrogate A substitute; to put in place of another
Unique Identifiers Codes used instead of names to protect the confidentiality of the patient in a method of anonymous HIV testing
Veracity A devotion to or conformity with the truth.
Created by: marez.isabelle
Popular Medical sets




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