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Reverse Definitions

medical definitions

A disorder characterized by seizures Epilepsy
Abnormal, deep unconsciousness Coma
Abnormally small head Microcephaly
All- consuming desire to remain thin Anorexia Nervosa
Binging and purging Bulima Nervosa
Brain injury causing transient loss of conciousness Concussion
Cavity of a organ Ventricle
Circular opening make in the skull to relieve ICP Trephination
Conveys impulses to the glands, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles Autonomic Nervous system
Conveys impulses for voluntary functions Somatic Nervous system
Depress CNC functions to induce sleep Hypnotic
Disease of the myelin sheath Multiple sclerosis
Disease of the spinal cord Myleopathy
sensory perception and interpretation, muscular movement and emotional aspects of behavior and memorey Cerebrum
Inability to comprehend auditory, visual, spatial,olfactory and other sensations Agnosia
Inability to move or talk Catatonic
Inability to speak Aphsia
Incision into the skull Craniotomy
Includes all nervous tissue of the body found outside the CNS Peripheral nervous system
Inflammation of the brain Encephalitis
Innermost membrane of the brain and spinal cord Pia mater
Involuntary tremble or shake Tremor
Involuntary, spasmodic muscular contractions Tics
Lack of muscle coordination Ataxia
Lack of response; sluggishnesss Lethargy
Major emotional disorder Psychosis
Measures the speed impulses travel through a nerve Nerve conduction velocity
Middle layer covering the brain and spinal cord Arachnoid membrane
Moves away from a central structure Efferent
Moves towards a central structure Afferent
Needle puncture of spinal cavity Lumbar puncture
Network of nervous tissue found in the brain and spinal cord Central nervous system
Non psychotic mental illness Neurosis
Occurring without a known cause Idiopathic
Outermost layer covering the brain and spinal cord Dura mater
Pain in the spinal cord Myelagia
Painful, acute infectious disease; aka shingles Herpes zoster
Poor development Dystrophy
Premonitory awareness of an approaching physical or mental disorder Aura
Produce loss of sensation Anesthetics
Psychological "worry" disorder Anxiety
Records electrical activity of brain patterns Electroencephalography
Refines muscular movements; aids in equilibrium Cerebellum
Relieves pain Analgesic
Sudden and violent contraction of the muscles Convulsion
The functional cell of the nervous system Neuron
Three membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord Meninges
Transmits impulses across synapses Neurotransmitter
weakness or debility Asthenia
White fat like sheath Myelin sheath
Created by: jilliangard
Popular Medical sets




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