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7th Grade

Unit 6: Middle Ages to Renaissance Age

The dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobles protected lands of the king in exchange for military service. Feudalism
Economic and social system of middle ages where a lord received a piece of land, usually from a king to keep in order and produce for the kingdom. Manorialism
A person who controlled land could therefore grant land to vassals. Lord or Noble
The wife of a lord or nobleman in medieval Europe. Lady
A person in the middle ages who promised to by loyal to a lord who would then protect him or her. Vassal
An agricultural worker or craftsmen bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate. Serf or peasant
The Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided/settled in many parts of northwest Europe in the 8th to 11th centuries. Vikings
A member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great classic civilizations. Barbarian
A unit in the middle ages consisting of an estate under a lord enjoying a variety of rights over land and tenants including the right to hold court. Manor
A group of people, especially traders or pilgrims, traveling together across a desert in Asia or North Africa. Caravan or nomads
Empire founded in the 12th century by Genghis Khan, which reached its territorial extent in the 13th century to the larger part of Asia. Mongol
Religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. Islam
Religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices in the bible. Christianity
Medieval black plague that ravaged Europe and killed a third of its population. Black Death or Bubonic plague
How the plague was transmitted to Europe. By a bacteria transmitted to humans from fleas on infected rats through trade routes.
A medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans, to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th to 13th centuries. Crusades
A code of conduct for knights to follow that stressed good behavior, loyalty, bravery and honor. Chivalry
The church that was very wealthy and influential during the Middle Ages. Roman Catholic Church
Why did feudalism decline? Population decreased from Black Death, serfs fled manors for better opportunities, trade decreased.
Name two famous artists of the Renaissance. Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael
How did ideas spread quickly during the Renaissance? The invention of the printing press help spread new ideas and news quicker.
Name two native tribes of the Americas that were conquered by Spanish or French explorers. Aztec, Inca
Why did European rulers start exploring across the Atlantic ocean? Looking for shorter trade routes, looking for more territory to expand, looking for more resources like gold and minerals, improvements to navigational equipment made sailing easier.
A monarch who ruled a kingdom or territory and whose position is hereditary. King or Queen
A medieval gentleman or soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire. Knight
The poorest people of the medieval era. peasants or serfs
The home of the monarch. Castle
What were two features of a castle that protected it from an attack? Drawbridge, moat, towers, outer wall, inner wall
What was the busiest, most used room in a castle? The Great Hall
What continent was most stricken by the black plague? Europe
A time period after the middle ages, when the people of Europe began to look at education and science for answers let human beings be more inventive and creative. Renaissance
What were two things that came out of the Renaissance period? Famous artists, the comeback of classical Greek and Roman ideas, more education and science, creativity, paintings, exploration.
In 1492, this explorer was sponsored by Spain to find a shorter route to Asia. Christopher Columbus
Name three explorers who came to the Americas. Vespuci, Columbus, Magellan, Cortes, Pizarro, DeSoto, Coronado, Balboa, DaGama, Cartier, Drake
How did the French explorers treatment of natives in the Americas differ from the Spanish explorers treatment of natives? The French created trading partnerships with the natives, while the Spanish took a more assertive approach battling and conquering them.
What ultimately weakened most natives in the Americas when the explorers came? Exposure to diseases
Many Spanish and French explorers tried converting natives to this religion. Christianity
Who was the most powerful force in medieval Europe; even the kings respected this force. The Roman Catholic Church or Pope
What do you call a group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence and status? Social class
A system in society where people are ranked by their social class. Social hierarchy or social pyramid
The movement of people between social classes. social mobility
A social system where there is no mobility; a person remains in the same class their entire life. Rigid class system; rigidness
The time period after the collapse of the Roman empire when Europe was split into the East and the West; 476CE to 1450sCE. Middle Ages or Medieval Age
What was the main difference between how Western Europe and Eastern Europe ruled in the Middle Ages? Western Europe was divided into kingdoms ruled by kings who fought against one another and each kingdom was based on a culture and self-sufficient; while Eastern Europe was called the Byzantine empire and ruled much like that of the Roman empire.
What was the main economic difference between Western and Eastern Europe? Western Europe was based on Manorialism with each manor being self-sufficient while Eastern Europe was based on trade making the entire region prosperous and wealthy from the trade routes.
Where was the most common area to build a castle? On top of a hill/cliff or near water
Created by: comstockpark
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