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Unit7 study stack

German and italian unification & Latin American revolution

Absolute Ruler A ruler with absolute power meaning they have large unchecked power.
Divine Right When an absolute ruler said they were chosen by God to be leader
King Louis XIV An absolute ruler of France who said "I am the State" and also claimed he was the "Sun King." He built the Palace of Versailles
Ivan the Terrible The first Czar of Russia. Built the first secret police force and executed nobles who went against him. Reinforced Orthodox Christian church and separated Russian society into nobility
Peter the Great Modernized and Westernized Russia. Made St. Petersburg into a port city as a gateway into the west and made modern weapons.
Charles I the leader of the Cavaliers in the English Civil war. Parliament felt that Charles was an absolute ruler so they revolted
King George III A King from England that had high tariffs.
The English Civil War A war between the Parliament and Charles I to fight over who would have power over England.
The Roundheads People on the Parliament's side
The Cavaliers People on Charles I's side
The Restoration of the monarchy Dissatisfaction with Cromwell's commonwealth led to restoring the monarchy starting with Charles II, Charles I's son.
The Glorious Revolution The replacement of James II with William and Mary who signed the English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights Established a constitutional and limited monarchy where the Parliament had more power than the monarch
Thomas Hobbes believed in absolutism, thought that government should control man because humanity is bad at heart
The Leviathan Book written by Thomas Hobbes
John Locke Said that government should protect humanity's unalienable rights like life, liberty, and property
Two Treatises on Government Book written by John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu Believed in the separation of powers into executive, judicial, and legislative branches.
In The Spirit of Laws Book written by Montesquieu
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believed government had no other deed than to carry out the will of the people
The Social Contract Book written by Rousseau
Voltaire Believed in separation of church and state
The American Revolution Revolution led by America against England
The French Revolution Revolution led by France against absolute ruler Louis XVI
Louis XVI absolute ruler of France.
The Reign of Terror A period of time in France of a Jacobin government led by Maximillian Robespierre.
Maximillian Robespierre the leader of the Jacobin government that had led to the suffering of several people.
Napoleon Napoleon stages overthrow of Robespierre and becomes emperor of france
Napoleonic Code established a legal code for the French empire inspired by many enlightenment thinkers.
Created by: melii
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