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APHG Ch 19 Vocab

functional zonation idea that parts of a city are split into zones with distinct purposes
central business district also known as CBD, this is the commercial heart of the city
concentric zone model model in which a city is split into "rings" (also known as the Burgess model)
zone of transition the ring of the concentric zone model characterized by industrial zoning mixed with low-income housing
Burgess Model model in which a city is split into "rings" (also known as concentric zone model)
sector model model in which a city is divided into sectors (also known as Hoyt's model)
Hoyt's model model in which a city is divided into sectors (also known as the sector model)
Chauncy Harris developed the multiple nuclei model, along with Edward Ullman
Edward Ullman developed the multiple nuclei model, along with Chauncy Harris
multiple-nuclei model model in which there are multiple business districts
peripheral model variant of multiple-nuclei model, where suburban (peripheral) neighborhoods surround an inner city along roads or beltways
galactic city model model where cities spread outward, leaving a declining inner city (this model specifically mentions edge cities)
edge cities node in a suburb that acts as a mini-downtown
Griffen-Ford model city model also known as the Latin American city model
spine area along which businesses or residential zones develop, usually along roads or highways
mall in the Latin American model, an area that grows along a spine and is filled with restaurants, parks, theaters, etc.
periferico outer ring of a Latin American city, characterized by poverty, lack of infrastructure, and shantytowns
shantytowns areas of poorly built housing
favelas neighborhoods where extreme poverty is common (also known as barrios)
barrios neighborhoods where extreme poverty is common (also known as favelas)
disamenity zones areas not connected to city services, usually controlled by drug lords and/or gangs
traditional CBD CBD that existed before European colonization
colonial CBD CBD established by empires in their colonies
informal economy zone stall-based business sell goods without formal regulations
periodic markets small scale merchants congregate weekly or yearly to sell goods
informal settlements areas of a city without planning, usually insufficient water and public transport or other services
squatter settlements parts of a city where people reside wherever they can find space, usually due to a rapid influx of people
mosque Muslim place of worship
citadel a fort designed to protect the city, usually found in Islamic communities
suqs market streets, found typically in Middle Eastern countries
McGee model Southeast Asian city model, where the port is the focal point of the city
residential zones areas devoted to where people live
residential density gradient population density declines as you move out from a city
zoning ordinances regulations that define what buildings can be built in certain areas
urban planning process of promoting growth and controlling how land is used
filtering houses pass from one social group to another
invasion and succession where one ethnic/social group replaces another
gated communities planned suburban areas where the access is controlled
big-box retail large commercial stores, such as Walmart and Target
suburbanization of business movement of commerce out to the suburbs
municipal local government in a town/city
municipality small area under the same legal jurisdiction
annexation adding land to a city's territory
incorporation legally joining together to form a city
bedroom communities a commuter suburb
consolidation one or more elements of government are handled jointly across municipalities
special districts area of a city that solves a special need (ex. public transport)
unincorporated areas areas that do not fall within the legal boundary of a city or municipality
census tracts geographic region that forms the basis of the census
census block small subdivision in a census tract
social area analysis analyzing data about cities, such as crime, pollution, etc.
Created by: trisjohnson
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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