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Period 6

Blitzkrieg Manchukuo Japanese puppet state established in Manchuria in 1931. Marshall Plan Huge U.S. government initiative to aid in the post-World War II restoration of Europe that was masterminded by U.S. secretary of state George Marshall and German term meaning "lightning war," used to describe Germany's novel military tactics in World War II, which involved the rapid movement of infantry, tanks, and airpower over large areas.
European Economic Community The EEC (also known as the Common Market) was an alliance formed by Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg in 1957; dedicated to developing common trade policies and reduced tariffs; it developed into the European Union.
European Union The final step in a series of arrangements to increase cooperation between European states in the wake of World War II; the EU was formally established in 1994, and twelve of its members adopted a common currency in 2002.
Fascism Political ideology marked by its intense nationalism and authoritarianism; its name is derived from the fasces that were the symbol of magistrates in ancient Rome.
Flappers Young middle-class women who emerged as a new form of social expression after World War I, flouting conventions and advocating a more open sexuality.
Fourteen Pionts Plan of U.S. president Woodrow Wilson to establish lasting peace at the end of World War I; although Wilson's views were popular in Europe, his vision largely failed.
Franco-Prussian War German war with France (1870-1871) that ended with the defeat of France and the unification of Germany into a single state under Prussian rule.
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke Heir to the Austrian throne whose assassination by a Serbian nationalist on June 28, 1914, was the spark that ignited World War I.
World trade organization International body representing 149 nations that negotiates the rules for global commerce and is dedicated to the promotion of free trade. Please allow access to your computer’s microphone to use Voice Recording
Great Depression Worldwide economic depression that began in 1929 with the New York stock market crash and continued in many areas until the outbreak of World War II.
Great War Name originally given to the First World War (1914-1918).
Hitler, Adolf Leader of the German Nazi Party (1889-1945) and Germany's head of state from 1933 until his death.
Holocaust Name commonly used for the Nazi genocide of Jews and other "undesirables" in German society; Jews themselves prefer the term Shoah, which means "catastrophe,"
Kristallnacht Literally, "crystal night"; name given to the night of November 9, 1938, when Nazi-led gangs smashed and looted Jewish shops throughout Germany.
League of Nations International peacekeeping organization created after World War I; first proposed by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson as part of his Fourteen Points.
Created by: avary
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