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Agriculture Unit 5

Define Agriculture? Modification of the earths surface with the use of cultivation. Growing a crop and raising animal for the human needs. Cultivation- growing a crop, growing something.
When people started deliberately raising plants and animals? Agricultural Revolution
Cultivation? Preparing, planting, caring for a plant crop. Growing a crop, growing something.
Domestication? Modifying a plant or animal species through selective breeding so it becomes dependent of humans. Over generations and generations. EX: cows, flowers, cats, dogs.
Where are the different hearths for potatoes? Latin America
What are the different hearths for plant crops? Latin America, Southwest Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia
Main food for Latin America? Spuash, Cassava, Pepper, Cotton, Maize, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes.
Main food for Southwest Asia? Barley, Wheat, Oats, Lentil, Rye.
Main food for Sub-Sahara? Yam, Sorghum, Coffee, Cowpea
Main food for Southeast Asia? Tropical Fruit Mango, Taro, Coconut.
Main food for East Asia? Rice and Soybeans
What is subsistence agriculture? It is when a person grows food or crop for their own personal needs, not to sell but to keep.
What is commercial agriculture? It is the production of food or crop in which it would be sold to some market or person. Selling your crops to a business. Not for your own personal use.
Characteristics of a Developing Country's agriculture? Pastoral Nomadism, Shifting Cultivation, Intensive Subsistence: Rice,
Characteristics of a Developed Country's agriculture? Mixed crop and livestock, dairy farming, commercial gardening and fruit farming, grain farming, Mediterranean
Differences between Developed and Developing Countries? Developed countries are the countries that have experienced the agriculture revolution as well as industrial revolution and use different tools in which it increases the production of food production or crop production.
When did the first agricultural revolution occur? It began in the neolithic age or the stone age with the domestication animals and the raising of crops.
When did the second agricultural revolution occur? It began in the same time as the industrial revolution and they began to integrate more technology into growing of the crop. Increasing production. 19th to 20th century.
Dry Land Agriculture? Pastoral Nomadism. Where they would herd animals in certain areas but since it is nomadic they usually move around. This is due to the dryness of the area where it is too dry to plant crops.
Tropical Region Agriculture? Shifting Cultivation. This is where they cut down trees in order to make sutible land for farming and when they just about use up the soil they keep it fallow for when they come back to the area. This style is used in the tropics because of the suitable c
High Population Agriculture? Intensive Subsistence. This form of agriculture is used in densely populated area because you use this farming technique to get a large maximum feistable yield of crop.
Intensive Subsistence of other crops. In some regions of Asia, where for say it is too dry that can't support growing wet rice.
Mixed Crop and Livestock farming? It is the integration of growing livestock as well as growing crops. Mainly feeding the livestock the crop that a person has gw
Dairy Farming? Farms that herd cows in order to produce milk, which is usually sold.
Commercial Gardening? Growing a form of crop which would then be sold to a conglomerate or a market for money.
Grain Farming Growing a form of grain which is used for human consumption. Not like mixed grain and livestock. They sell the grains to manufactures of food products.
Mediterranean Farming? Growing crop or food products that are relative to the same climate and landscape of the Mediterranean area. Mainly growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
Livestock ranching? Raising livestock or animals over a large area as well as the commercial grazing of these animals over an extensive area.
Ester Boserup Thesis. As the population grows than there would be a intensified pressure for the subsistence farmers which will have to adapt to this intensification to feed the population. Reversal of Thomas Malthus theory well sort of.
Thomas Malthus Theory. It is said that as the population increases exponentially that the linear increase of the food supply will not meet the demands of the growing population.
Von Thunen model. It says that a farmers will choose crops the distance they are from the market. So cheaper crops will be farther away from the market. More expensive crops will be closer to the market.
Green Revolution? It is the increase in food crop due to the development of more advance tools, pesticides, herbicides, and GMOs. 20th to 21st century.
Positives of Agriculture? Sustainability over the long term. But this is with organic agriculture. Food supply for a population of people. Employment for people within developing countries.
Negatives of Agriculture? Land conversion and habitat loss. Wasteful water consumption. Soil erosion and degradation.
Metes and Bonds. A survey system in which natural features are used to demarcate individual parcels of land. EX: in between the tree and the hill is my side of the land.
Township and Range. The land ordinance of 1785 created this. Divided land into 1 mile parcels called section. 36 sections square is called a township.
Long Lots. Called string farms or strip farms. They are long and narrow land divisions, usually lined up along a waterway for irrigation. Created by the French as a formation of irrigation for rivers.
Differences between clustered/nucleated, dispersed, and linear settlement patterns? Clustered instead of having isolated settlements that are more spread out like dispersed settlements they are more in a relative vaccinate and are close together. Linear is like clustered but the settlements for a line.
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