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World History


Divine Right Theory was a reason leading to absolutism True
Increased power of central government, wars, and lawlessness led to absolutism True
Phillip II of Spain weakened the Catholic Church True
Louis XIV upheld the Edict of Nance False
Peter the Great wanted to modernize & Westernize Russia True
Thomas Hobbes believed men were naturally good False
John Locke believed men were naturally good True
The American colonists created the Declaration of Independence to state their complaints True
Ideas of the Enlightenment did not impact the American Revolution False
The French Revolution was a bloodless event False
An important goal of Phillip II of Spain was to Defend the Catholic Church
In 1598, the Edict of Nance helped ensure That French Protestants would not be persecuted
One result of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia was France gained territory from the Holy Roman Empire
After years of civil war, England did this Replaced absolute rule with a Constitutional Monarchy
Thomas Hobbes believed that Best form of gov’t was absolute rule
John Locke believed that Gov’t was formed to protect the natural rights of the people
Montesquieu believed that Gov’t should be divided into 3 branches
Voltaire used wit and sarcasm to attack his critics True
Rousseau believed that Only freely elected gov’t should have control
Which of the following is not a result of the Enlightenment Gov’t power does not come from the people
Which of the following are reasons that fueled the American Revolution Diversity
The Declaratory Act stated that Britain had 100% control of the colonies True
The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War in 1787 True
One cause of the French revolution was Economic issues
What did the National Assembly Acts cause Nobles vote away rights and Church becomes state controlled
French citizens stormed the Bastille believing there were weapons inside True
One important result of the Estates General was The National Assembly
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man was modeled after the Declaration of Independence True
The Congress of Vienna redrew the boundaries of Europe To create balance of power
What nation was able to remain outside of Napoleon's Empire Britain
Napoleon’s downfall was a disastrous attempt to invade this country Russia
Napoleon's rise to power was due in part to His military success
Many people saw the Bastille as a symbol of Tyranny
Ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people absolute monarchy
Argued people are “brutish” & need to be controlled by an absolute monarchy. People enter into a social contract, giving up their freedom for an organized society. People are cruel, greedy, and selfish Hobbes
Argued people are moral & reasonable. People have natural rights, right to life, liberty, & property. Rejected absolute monarchy, best government has limited power. People can overthrow government Locke
Exposed abuses of power & defended the principle of freedom of speech. Battled inequality, injustice, and superstition Voltaire
Believed that the good of the community should be placed above individual interests Rousseau
Published a vindication of the rights of women because free and equal did not apply to women Mary Wollstonecraft
Was principal author of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
In 1783 this document officially ends the War Treaty of Paris
A grim and medieval fortress used as a prison for political and other prisoners Bastille
A popular military hero who had won a series of brilliant victories against the Austrians in Italy Napoleon
A village in central Belgium, south of Brussels: Napoleon decisively defeated here on June 18, 1815 Waterloo
Ruler’s authority to rule comes directly from god Divine Right
His reign, the longest (72 years) in French history, was characterized by a magnificent court, the expansion of French influence in Europe, and the establishment of overseas colonies. Crushed nobles military power. Left france in dept Louis XIV or "Louis the Great”
A Russian czar of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries who tried to transform Russia from a backward nation into a progressive one by introducing customs and ideas from western European countries Peter the Great
French intellectuals or social philosophers of the18th century, as Diderot, Rousseau, or Voltaire Philosophe
Tolerance/Freedom for French Protestants Edict of Nance
Created by: Elise.Postma
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