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Unit 4 Key Terms

Unit 4 test key terms

State A political territory organised as a political unit with a government and sovereignty
Autonomy Freedoms to a certain point (Child)
Nation A group of people united by a common descent, history, and/or culture
Nation-State A state whose citizens are members of one nation
Stateless Nation A nation that does not control its own state
Multinational State A state that contains more than one nation within its borders
Autonomous Region A region within a state that possesses a high degree of self-governance
Multi-State Nation A nation that is spread out among more than one state
Sovereignty The right to decide what happens within a territory
What is the first step to state hood? You must exist and have population
What is the second step to state hood? You must define your borders
What is the third step to state hood? You must declare your independence
What is the fourth step to state hood? You must defend your sovereignty
What is the fifth step to state hood? You must form a government
What is the sixth and final step to state hood? You must get diplomatic reconition
Where was the nation-state concept born? Peace of Westphalia (1648)
Imperialism The desire to extend your power
Colonialism The process of gaining and maintaining full or partial control over other territories of countries
Westphalian State System Treaty that ended the 30 Years War and defined clear boundaries between Europe’s kingdoms
Nationalism Loyalty and devotion to a particular nationality.
Self Determination Every nation should have its own state
Decolonization Nationalistic movements in which colonies of major empires broke off primarily in the 1960’s
Democratization The time period in early 1990's when the Soviet Empire broke up
Territoriality The connection of people, their culture and their economic systems to the land. Often expressed in a desire to control a particular area.
Geopolitics The study of how control over geographical features play a role in shaping relationships within and among countries
Landlocked A piece of land surrounded by other land
Organic Theory States are like biological organisms. They need nourishment, space, and they have a life cycle.
Friedrich Ratzel The creator of Organic Theory
Lebensraum Nourishment of a state needs adequate space so that it can thrive
Heartland Theory Needed to identify the most valuable piece of land
Halford Mackinder The creator of Heartland Theory
Rimland Theory The key is to control the outer ring (The Rimland) rather than the other way around (like Mackinder said)
Nicholas Spykman The creator of Rimland Theory
Delimit Drawing the boundary on a map
Define Legal language that describes the location of the boundary in the text of the treaty
Demarcate The physical, real-life markers that identify the boundary
Administer How the boundary is maintained and who/what can cross and how
Geometric boundary Boundaries drawn in straight lines using surveying tools
Physical boundary Boundaries that follow an existing physical feature such as coastline, river, or mountain crest
International boundary Boundaries between the outside of countries
Internal boundary Boundaries drawn to separate political units within countries
Locational Dispute Disputes that happen when there is no agreement on where a boundary should be located
Definitional Dispute Disagreement of the meaning of language in the boundary treaty
Operational Dispute Disputes over how a border should be administered
Allocational Dispute Dispute over the natural resources that overlap boundaries
Law of the Sea Is the international agreement that resulted from the third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), which took place between 1973 and 1982.
EEZ Area within which a state has control over resources (Exclusive Economic Zone)
Territorial Water State enforces laws and controls who enters
Redistricting The redrawing of congressional district boundaries
Gerrymandering The redrawing of congressional district boundaries in order to give a certain group an advantage in future elections
High seas No state has control over passage or use of resources (International Waters)
Contiguous Zone Zone of Transition
Antecedent boundary A boundary drawn before a cultural pattern is established
Subsequent boundary A boundary that is drawn after the culture has been established
Consequent boundary A form of subsequent boundaries that accommodates the cultural patterns
Superimposed boundary A Form of subsequent boundaries that ignores Cultural patterns
Relict boundary A boundary that is no longer functions as a working boundary but has left a cultural or physical imprint
Unitary State A state in as single, central government has sole governing power Gives power to a local government
Federal state A state in which governing power is divided between a central government and several sub-national units
Perforated State States that completely surround one or more other states
Compact State Uniform in shape, Distance from center to any point on boundary does not vary greatly
Prorupted State Have a projecting extension from an otherwise compact shape
Elongated State Long and narrow states
Fragmented State A state with a large amount of territory that is separated from the rest of the state by water or other states
Municipality A city/town with the authority to establish its own local government (police, courts, etc.)
Regional Planning Commission An agency set up by other government bodies in order to coordinate policy-making in a particular
County/Parishes/Borough A subdivision of a state that is created by the state government and is given certain powers by that same government
Local Government the administration of a particular town, county, or district, with representatives elected by those who live there
Metropolitan Government When the cities and county decide how land is used within the borders
School District forms of local government that decide the power to tax and decide district.
Supranationalism the phenomenon in which multiple states agree to work together in order to achieve shared goals
Multinational Organization an organization consisting of three or more states that exists to foster agreed-upon goals within an agreed upon legal framework.
NATO A military alliance based on if one soviet member attacks one state, we all go to war. To promote security among members. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
UN United Nations, 5 places who control who does what
EU European Union
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Devolution The transfer of power to form a central government to a local regional government
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Created by: kaden.royse
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