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French Revolution

Mr. Sandee's class

Estate A Social Ranking System
Bourgeoisie The highly educated and wealthy members of the third estate
Louis XVI King in France. His failure to grant land led to the French Revolution. Was indecisive.
Marie Antoinette (Madame Deficit) Queen of France who led a lavish lifestyle, sister to the king of Austria. Spent money excessively
Sans Culottes A lower class, Parisian republican.
Clergy Leaders of the church, part of the first estate, paid no taxes
Nobility Royalty, and family of royalty by birth, first class paid little to no taxes
National assembly Formed by the third estate, elected legislature
Estates General A meeting held by Louis XVI to discuss taxation of the first and second estate by suggestion from Jacques Necker
Tennis court Oath A vow that took place on a Tennis Court, not to separate and reassemble whenever necessary.
Bastille A French prison raided by the National Assembly in search guns and ammunition.July 14th
Jacobins Radical group of working class people, leaders of the radical movement
Suffrage The right to vote.
Robespierre Was a french lawyer and politician who lead the Committee of Public Safety and killed over 40,000 people using a guillotine.
COPS Committee Of Public Safety
Reign of Terror a period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular Reign of Terror, lead by the directory
Napoleon The man who ended the French Revolution by leading the revolutionists. Temporary emperor.
Napoleonic Code A new set of laws and rules written by Napoleon. Women did not like this.
September Massacre An attack on the clergy and churches.
Scorched Earth Policy When Russia burnt down miles of crops to create an artificial famine.
Annex Add a territory to an existing state or country
Plebiscite A popular vote by ballot through this, Napoleon received permission to invade all countries
Secular Having to do with worldly, rather than religious,matters; nonreligious
Blockade The blocking off of a port, limiting trade
Abdicate To step down from power
Committee of public safety An extension of the National Convention set up by the Jacobins with the sole purpose of finding monarch supporters and putting them to death, lead by Robespierre.
Mass levy A policy saying that all people must contribute to the French war effort, a mass tax on all French citizens, including the first two estates. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the US to pay for war efforts.
Explain 3 estates and the people in them 1st: Clergy, which was made up of churches and the corrupt church system. No tax.2nd: Nobility, has less power than the first estate, but has more riches. Moderate Tax. 3rd: Peasants, farmers, bourgeoisie. Paid half of their income in taxes.
List the four phases of the French Revolution Moderate(National assembly), Radical(Sans-culottes), Reign of Terror(Directory), and Age of Napoleon(Napoleon)
Explain the 4 reasons why the French people revolted The French people revolted because of poor leadership, economic troubles, separation of classes or mistreatment of lower classes, and enlightenment ideas.
Created by: SarahVanDam16
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