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Early Man SS7 Unit 2

For Early Man test

BCE Before Common Era – The time period before the birth of Jesus (Ex. The Agricultural Revolution occurred about 10,000 BCE which means about 12,017 years ago.) Newer, less religious synonym of BC.
CE Common Era – The time period after the birth of Jesus (Ex. Leif Erikson discovered America in CE 1,001, almost 500 years before Christopher Columbus in CE 1492.) Newer, less religious synonym of AD.
BC Before Christ – The time period before the birth of Jesus (Ex. The first form of written language, Cuneiform, is created about 3,500 BC.)
AD Anno Domini – Means, “the year of the lord” – The time period after the birth of Jesus (Ex. We are currently living in AD 2017, which means it has been 2017 years since the birth of Jesus.)
Archeologist A social scientist who studies the past by examining artifacts (things that people have left behind like tools, cave artwork, pottery etc.)
Paleoanthroplogist A social scientist who studies the earliest human development and culture. For example, they might study Australopithecus afarensis and their ability to walk on 2 legs.
Prehistory Any time before writing was invented (about 3,500 BCE) since we could not record historical events (ex. Homo erectus could communicate but couldn’t write, therefore, they existed during this period.)
HIstory Any time after writing was invented (about 5,517 years ago) (ex. We know a lot about the history of the Romans and their amazing military since they were able to record their history.)
Artifacts Made or used by people in the past (tools, bones, cave art etc.) that scientists can study to learn more about the group’s daily lives.
Paleolithic Era The beginning of the stone age when people lived as nomadic hunters and gatherers following their food source. The time period was started by Homo habilis and their simple stone tools and continued until farming was invented.
Biped An animal that walks on 2 feet (ex. All 5 species we studied had this ability.)
Nomad People who wander from place to place following their food source (ex. During the Paleolithic Era hominids were nomadic, moving with the herds of animals throughout the year.)
Hominid All forms of early human that have already gone extinct, and modern man.
Migrate to move from one place to another, usually for more comfortable climate or more resources like food or water (ex. Homo erectus was the first species to migrate out of Africa and into Asia.)
Australopithecus Afarensis 1 of 5, earliest hominid we studied, they were - walked on 2 feet, Australopithecus means "Southern Ape” and afarensis means Lucy was found in the Afar triangle in Africa, didnt make tools found (used resources around them), basic communication skills .
Homo Habilis 2 of 5, second group of hominids studied, their nickname, “handy man” comes from ability to make tools (sharp rocks for cutting, sharp bones/sticks for digging) biped, simple tools, lived in small groups, started the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era)
Homo Erectus 3 of 5, biped, first to migrate out of Africa to Europe and Asia, first to control fire, first to build shelter, made tools like the hand axe. Homo Erectus means “upright man” ( oldest Biped when found ) were around for the longest time.
Homo Neanderthalensis biped, larger communities, cared for each other, first to bury their dead, wore clothes, made complex tools .lived/hunted in organized groups, co-existed with early modern man, name means, "man from the Neander Valley” in Germany. Adapted to ice age.
Homo Sapiens Biped, created the most advanced tools (spear thrower, bow/arrow) hunt from a safe distance, semi-permanent shelter and fitted clothing, art, musical instruments, name means, “wise man”, considered early modern man. Spread out all over the world.
Specialization when people don’t have to hunt and gather all the time, they become really good at one task, like making spear throwers, or weaving baskets. Allows a community to organize themselves more efficiently and People became better at one job
Neolithic Era Began when people started to grow crops and domesticate animals First permanent settlements Ended when people stopped making tools out of stone, and starting using bronze instead.
Domesticate (animals and plants) - raising and using animals for food and to do work for humans
Handy Man Who started the Paleolithic Age.(Use nickname)
Created by: TNT_Pro
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