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World History

World History Enlightenment test

Name 3 reforms that physiocrats believed were needed in economic reform? 1. believed in Laissez Faire 2. rejected mercantilism 3. believed that real wealth came from making the land productive, not looking for gold and silver
Name 3 ways enlightenment ideas spread? 1. people read work of enlightenment thinkers 2. pamphlets spread ideas of the enlightenment 3. people discussed and exchanged new ideas in coffee houses and salons
Name 3 reasons why Britain became a global power in the 1700's? 1. geography 2. successes at war 3. favorable business climate
Name 3 new political institutions in Britain after the Glorious Revolution? 1. Constitutional Government 2. The Cabinet System 3. Prime Minister
Name 3 reasons why English colonies in America were important to Britain? 1. American ports ans ships linked Britain's global trade 2. Britain applied mercantilist polices to the colonies 3. colonist paid British Taxes
Name 2 reasons why the colonists began to resent England? 1. Britain raised taxes on the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War 2. Colonist resented being taxed without representation in Parliament
Name 3 ways enlightenment ideas were reflected in the constitution of the U.S.? 1. based on social contract theory of government 2. established government divided into 3 branches 3. Bill of Rights recognized the basic rights that government must protect
Name 2 ways the American Revolution affected other Nations? 1. sparked revolution in Europe and Latin America 2. the Constitution was copied or adapted by many countries around the world
Name 3 beliefs of Thomas Hobbs? 1. argued that people were naturally cruel 2. believed in Social Contract 3. believed that only a powerful government like an absolute monarchy could insure an orderly society
Name 4 beliefs of John Locke? 1. believed people were moral 2. believed in natural rights 3. rulers can protect natural rights 4. people have right to overthrow government if it doesn't ensure natural rights
Name 1 belief of Baron de Montesquieu? believed government should be separated into executive, legaslative, and judicial branches to prevent one group from gaining too much power
Name 3 beliefs on Jean Jacques Rousseau? 1. believed people were basically good 2. believed people were corrupted by society 3. believed in an ideal society that people would make the laws and obey them willingly
period of time known as the Age of Reason when people tried to apply the laws of nature to human society Enlightenment
laws that govern human nature natural laws
agreement by which give up the state of nature, or freedom, for an organized society or strict government social contract
right to life, liberty, and property given to people at birth natural rights
enlightenment thinkers who focused on economic reforms physiocrats
policy of allowing business to operate with little or no government interference Laissez Faire
informal social gatherings salons
the European old society based on divine right and strict class system Old Order
absolute monarchs who used their power to bring about social and political change Enlightened Despots
form of government combining ideas of Absolute Monarchy and democratic governments Constitutional Monarchy
a government who power is defined and limited by law Constitutional Government
separate political groups within a single government who pool their votes together to advance their common interests Political parties
conservative political party in England who preserved older traditions tories
political party in England which backed more liberal reforms whigs
small group of leaders of a majority party who met separately to set policy Cabinet System
the leader of the Majority Party in the Parliament of England who also serves as the chief official of the British government Prime Minister
pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that called on American colonies to declare independence from Britain common sense
wrote the pamphlet Thomas Paine
Created by: VickieJ10
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