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stateless societies African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority associated with states.
Maghrib The Arabic word for western North Africa.
Almoravids A puritanical reformist movement among the Islamic Berber tribes of northern Africa; controlled gold trade across Sahara; conquered Ghana in 1076; moved southward against African kingdoms of the savanna and westward into Spain.
Almohadis A reformist movement among the Islamic Berbers of northern Africa; later than the Almoravids; penetrated into sub-Sahara Africa.
Ethiopian kingdom A Christian kingdom that developed in the highlands of eastern Africa under the dynasty of King Lalaibela; retained Christianity in the face of Muslim expansion elsewhere in Africa.
Sudanic states Kingdoms that developed during the height of Ghana's power in the region; based at Takrur on the Senegal River to the west and Gao on the Niger River to the east; included Mali and Songhay.
Mali Empire centered between the Senegal and Niger rivers; creation of Malinke peoples; broke away from control of Ghana in 13th century.
Sundiata The "Lion Prince"; a member of the Keita clan; created a unified state that became the Mali Empire; died about 1260.
Timbuktu Port city of Mali; located just off the flood plain on the great bend in the Niger River; population of 50,000; contained a library and university.
Songhay Successor state to Mali; dominated middle reaches of Niger valley; formed as independent kingdom under a Berber dynasty; capital at Gao; reached imperial status under Sunni Ali (1464–1492).
Hausa states Combined Muslim and pagan traditions; emerged following the demise of Songhay Empire among the Hausa peoples of northern Nigeria, based on cities such as Kano.
East African trading ports Urbanized commercial centers sharing common Bantu-based and Arabic-influenced Swahili language and other cultural traits; included Mogadishu, Mombasa, Malindi, Kilwa, Pate, and Zanzibar.
Ibn Batuta Arabic traveler who described African societies and cultures in his travel records.
Demographic Transition The change from a high birth rate and high infant mortality to low rates, as in western Europe and U.S. in late 19th century.
Yoruba City-states developed in northern Nigeria c. 1200 c.e.; Ile-Ife featured artistic style possibly related to earlier Nok culture; agricultural societies supported by peasantry and dominated by ruling family and aristocracy.
Mwene Mutapa Ruler of the Great Zimbabwe; controlled a large territoryreaching the Indian Ocean.
Created by: mcdougcf
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