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al-Mahdi Third of the Abbasid caliphs; attempted but failed to reconcile moderates among Shi'is to Abbasid dynasty; failed to resolve problem of succession.
al-Rashid Most famous of Abbasid caliphs; renowned for sumptuous and costly living; dependent on Persian advisors early in reign; death led to civil wars over succession.
Buyids Regional splinter dynasty of the mid-10th century; invaded and captured Baghdad; ruled Abbasid Empire under name of sultan; retained Abbasids as figureheads.
Seljuk Turks Nomadic invaders from central Asia via Persia; staunch Sunnis; ruled in name of Abbasid caliphs from mid-11th century.
Crusades Series of military adventures initially launched by western Christians to free Holy Land from Muslims; temporarily succeeded in capturing Jerusalem and establishing Christian kingdoms; later used for other purposes such as commercial wars and exterminatio
Sail al-Din Early 14th century Sufi mystic; began campaign to purify Islam; first member of Safavid dynasty.
Ibn Khaldun A Muslim historian; developed concept that dynasties of nomadic conquerors had a cycle of three generations–strong, weak, dissolute.
Rubiyat Epic of Omar Khayyam: seeks to find meaning in life and a path to union with the divine.
ulama Orthodox religious scholars within Islam; pressed for a more conservative and restrictive theology; increasingly opposed to non-Islamic ideas and scientific thinking.
Sufis Mystics within Islam; responsible for expansion of Islam to southeastern Asia.
Mongols Central Asian nomadic peoples; smashed Turko-Persian kingdoms; captured Baghdad in 1258 and killed last Abbasid caliph.
arabic numerals Actually an Indian system of numerical notation transported by Arabs to West; central to two scientific revolutions.
Harsha Descendent of Guptas in India; briefly constructed a loose empire in northern India between 616 and 657 c.e.
sati Ritual in India of immolating surviving widows with the bodies of their deceased husbands.
bhaktic cults Groups dedicated to gods and goddesses; stressed the importance of strong emotional bonds between devotees and the god or goddess who was the object of their veneration; most widely worshipped gods were Shiva and Vishnu.
Shrivijaya Trading empire centered on Malacca Straits between Malaya and Sumatra; controlled trade of empire; Buddhist government resistant to Muslim missionaries; fall opened up southeastern Asia to Muslim conversion.
Malacca Portuguese factory or fortified trade town located on the tip of the Malayan peninsula; traditionally a center for trade among the southeastern Asian islands.
Demak Most powerful of the trading states on north coast of Java; converted to Islam and served as point of dissemination to other ports.
Created by: mcdougcf
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