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What cells are designed to support weight? Bone, meant to carry the weight of the human body
Is the common origin for the hamstring group? Ischial tuberosity
How many curvatures are in the spine? 4 Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, Sacral
This muscle provides flexion of forearm, supination of forearm and flexion of arm? Biceps branchi
This muscle aDDucts thigh and causes extension of thigh? (part of hamstring group)? ADDuctor magnus
Posterior also can be referred to as? Dorsal
Anterior is also referred to as Ventral
Is the membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones, except at the joints of long bones? Periosteum
Is a thin layer of connective tissue which lines the surface of the bony tissue that forms the medullary cavity of long bones? Endosteum
The water or fluid portion of the blood is called? Plasma
What would best describe the movement of the foot so the plantar surface is rolled OUTWARD? Eversion
What forms the ball of the foot? The head of first metatarsal
What major artery passes deep and medial to the SCM and is the primary supplier of blood to the neck and head? Carotid artery- where we check pulse in neck
The 4 bilateral flexors of the cervical spine? Sternocleidomastoid, Anterior Scalene, Longus Capitis, Longus Colli Longus Colli
The bottom # in the blood pressure? The diastolic (when heart is relaxed)
The top # in the blood pressure? The systolic (when heart is contracted)
The deoxygenated blood from the body enters what part of the heart first? The right atrium
The two chambers of the heart? Atria
The number of cervical nerves is? Eight
What is skeletal system is composed of what 4 main components? 1) bones, 2) Cartilage, 3) Ligaments, 4) joints
ADDuction muscles of arm and shoulder? There are 7? 1) Subscapulis, 2) Teres Major, 3) Pectoralis Major, 4) Infraspinatus, 5) Triceps Brachi, 6) Lat Dorsi, 7) Corabranchialis
How many bones are in vertebral column? 26 in adults, 33-35 in embryo
What muscles perform lateral thigh rotation? Obturator Internus, Gemellus, Piriformis
4 rotators cuff muscles in the shoulder are? SITS, Supraspinatus-, Infraspinatus-, Teres Minor-, Subscapulris
What structure of the endocrine system controls the function of the anterior pituitary in the nervous system? Hypothalamus - released protein GH, which stimulates growth for bones, and muscles
What 3 muscles perform flexion at vertebral column? Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique
What results of stimulus to the sympathetic nervous system? Constriction of blood vessels and increased blood pressure
The human body is approx what % of water? 50% females, 60% is males
The general process of breaking down larger molecules into smaller molecules so they're able to enter the body is called? Digestion
Golgi complex tendon does what function? Acts as a stretch receptor
What action is limited by the coxal joint because of the four femoral neck ligaments? EXtension
What are the terms for the small openings on the vertebrae? Vertebral foramen, transverse foreman
What gives smoothness and contour to the body? Subcutaneous tissue
On the humerus, what separates the greater, and lesser tubercles? Intertubercular groove, or biciptal groove
Adducts humerus, stabilizes humerus?, Inserts on greater tubercle of the humerus Supraspinatus
What organ contains straited muscle? Heart
Which bone is 1/4 of the persons height? Femur
The carotid artery carries blood from the, and then to the? Heart, and then head
This is the articulation point for the humerus, and the ulna? Trochlea
The stance both feet are placed in line w/ the edge of the table? Horse
Narrow ridge of a bone? Crest
What four muscles elevate scapula? 1) Trapezius, 2) Rhomboid major, 3) Rhomboid minor, 4) Levator Scapula
What position is it best to place a client when palpating the vastus medialis? Supine
Where do the ribs originate on the thoracic vertebra? Demifacet
There are 7 aDDuctors of the humerus? 1) Lat Dorsi 2) Teres Major 3) Infraspinatus 4) Teres Minor 5) Pec Major 6) Triceps Brachi (long head) 7) Coracobrachialis
Term for the upper area of the scapula? Superior angle , this is where levator scapula inserts
When it pertains to wrist? Carpals
Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck, and enlargement on the bone that usually articulates with another bone? Head of bone
What is the name of the bone proximal to the radius and ulna? Humerus
What landmark is on the distal anterior surface of the humerus? Radial fossa
ABBuction of the humerus is done by two muscle? Deltoid, and Supraspinatus
Another word for thorax is? Chest
The domain season Spring is what element? Wood
What forms the coccyx? The coccygeal vertebrae
What muscle divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities? Diaphragm forms floor of thoracic cavity
Group of muscles that laterally rotate hip? Biceps femoris, Piriformis, Psoas Major
The two bones that comprise the hind foot are the Talus and calcaneus
How many bones are contained in the cervical spine? There are 7 bones in the cervical spine C1-C7.
Which muscle originates at the occiput and the ligamentum nuchae of the cervical vertebrae? The trapezius muscle originates at the occiput and the ligamentum nuchae as well as the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae.
How many pairs of nerves branch off of the spine? There are 31 pairs of nerves branching off of the spine. 8 cervical nerves, 12 thoracic nerves, 5 lumbar nerves, 5 sacral nerves, and 1 coccageal nerve off the spinal cord.
group of muscles that works together to laterally rotate the hip The lateral or external rotators of the coxal joint: Biceps femoris, gluteus maximus (all), gluteus medius (posterior), sartorius, piriformis, quadratus femoris, obturator internus / externus, gemellus superior / inferior, psoas major and iliacus.
Which muscles action is protraction of the scapula? The serratus anterior muscle does depression and protraction or ABduction of the scapula. It is a key muscle in the stabilization of the scapula, it is also known as the boxer muscle.
What can be found on the superior border of the scapula? The scapular notch can be found on the superior border of the scapula. It is where the nerves run through the scapula.
Which muscle inserts at the superior third of the vertebral border of the scapula? Levator scapula
What part of the femur articulates with the tibia? Medial condyle
As the blood travels throughout the body it moves from the left ventricle to the? Aortic arch Correct Oxygenated blood flows from the heart out of the left ventricle into the aortic arch.
The location of the kidneys extend from: T12 to L3
What system regulates the uptake and release of calcium? Endocrine
are glands belonging to the endocrine system The major endocrine glands are: Pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, and gonads. Calcitonin and androgen are hormones.
What are considered the main supportive components of the nervous system? Neurons Neurons are the main structural component of the nervous system where much of the activity happens.
For post-fracture care, what massage stroke is most effective? Friction Friction= a stroke that compresses soft tissue into underlying structures. Can be static, linear, circular, or cross fiber and can also be done by rubbing the skin briskly.
If a client has chronic low back pain, which muscle would be stretch weakened and given as homework for strengthening? Rectus abdominus Strengthening the abdominal muscles or core, will relieve the shortened QLs and ESGs, creating a better balance between these muscle structures.
When there is a mass of blood trapped in the tissue, it is known as: Hematoma is discoloration and tenderness of tissue from blood being trapped.
is the lack of blood flow to a specific area? Ischemia= Voiding blood from the tissue.
An inflammation of the paratendon or paratendinitis is also called? enosynovitis (inner surface) and tenovaginitis (outer surface) are other names given to paratendinitis: inflammation of the paratendon or tendon sheath.
When treating a client with torticollis, you should avoid: Working over the pulse of the carotid triangle and full stretches to the SCM
Of the following physiological effects of linear or circular friction, which is reflexive? Increases circulation
Relaxing the muscles and decreasing hypertonicity (HT) is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Direct pressure friction
What side of the wrist can the DeQuervain's tenosynovitis be palpated? Radial Repetitive thumb use, ulnar/radial deviation and gripping that is forceful lead to this condition.
What's the proper order of massage for a client that presents edema in bilateral ankles? Sternum, clavicle, hip, leg, ankle, and foot When working to reduce edema with lymphatic massage, always clear the upper channels first to properly apply and reduce symptoms.
Increasing cellular activity is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? apotement Tapotement's mechanical effects: loosens mucus in thoracic cavity, temporary ischemia. Reflexive effects: hyperemia (secondary to ischemia),
In CPR/First aid you must think F.A.S.T. for a stroke. What does F.A.S.T. stand for? Face - Arm - Speech - Time F.A.S.T.= Face, ask a person to smile if there is weakness or drooping on one side of the face. Arm, numbness or weakness in one arm, ask them to raise both arms to check for weakness. Speech, is slurred or trouble
What are the two most popular stances among MT's? The parallel and one-foot forward stance
Of the following physiological effects, which is a reflexive effect for deep effleurage? Dilation lasts longer Deep effleurage mechanical effects: stretches veins and lymph vessels, + venous and lymph flow, + waste removal (lymph), moves nutrients through vessels, compresses and stretches fascia, warms superficial tissue
Broadening and stretching muscle tissue is a mechanical effect of what type of treatment technique? Cross-fiber friction
What action is used to assess scapulohumeral rhythm at the shoulder or glenohumeral joint? ABduction Scapulothoracic rhythm is the ratio of motion between the scapulothoracic articulation and the glenohumeral joint, as the arm ABducts through full range. It tests for all joints of the shoulder
Which type of pain arises from visceral distension or ischemia, or strong, abnormal gastrointestinal conditions? Visceral pain Visceral pain arises from visceral distension or ischemia, or strong, abnormal gastrointestinal conditions. Visceral pain is often diffuse.
The two joints which create inversion and eversion are: Talocalcaneal (subtalar) and talocalcaneonavicular The talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular joints are modified gliding joints, they function in unison to produce pronation (eversion) and supination (inversion) of the foot.
What two ligaments stabilize the AC joint? Coracoclavicular and acromioclavicular
Metal does what in the Generation Interaction Cycle? Condenses Water Generation Cycle of Elemental Interactions, one element leads to the generation of the next. Positive cycle with all elements in balance and clockwise progression.
The lumbar region houses what structure to make it an endangerment site? kidney
Lymphatic drainage technique reduces: edema and pain
A burn is a type of wound that is specific and is caused by an external thermal agent, which type of burn affects the epidermis and dermis? Second degree Burns= (thermal agents) superficial burn, 1st degree on epidermis; partial-thickness burn, 2nd degree extends to dermis; full-thickness burn, 3rd degree epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue
Hyperkyphosis has concentric and eccentric muscles, what are they? Concentric: Pec major and minor; Eccentric: Rhomboids and middle trapezius Hyperkyphosis: Concentric (shortened): Pec major and minor; Eccentric (lengthened)
Iliotibial band contracture is a thickening of the IT band and termed a: Postural dysfunction Postural dysfunctions include; pes planus, iliotibial band contracture, patellofemoral syndrome, hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis, and scoliosis. Fascial and muscle imbalances may be functional and structural.
What's the proper order of massage for a client that presents edema in bilateral ankles? Sternum, clavicle, hip, leg, ankle, and foot When working to reduce edema with lymphatic massage, always clear the upper channels first to properly apply and reduce symptoms.
In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy the joints become less stable and require caution on the part of the MT when performing ROM because of what hormone: Relaxin Relaxin prepares the body for birth. ROM, if nauseated, is painful and uncomfortable. Prolactin is for milk production.
This muscle can compress the sciatic nerve when hypertonic and can cause pain and tingling down the posterior leg? Piriformis The sciatic nerve runs deep to and can sometimes pass through the piriformis muscle. This means that there is considerable potential for the nerve to be compressed or entrapped by the piriformis.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a motor function disorder that results from damage to the immature brain, it is termed a: Condition of the CNS
Inflammatory bowel disease is a gastrointestinal concern defined as a(n): Identifier for two conditions: ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease Inflammatory bowel disease is an identifier for two conditions: ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease.
At 11pm-3am and 11am -3pm, which Dosha resides in the Small intestine? Pitta The Doshas Pitta resides in the small intestine at 11pm-3am and 11am-3pm.
The Vata in Ayurvedic Tri-dosha system represents: Ether and Air *Moving process* Doshas= Also known as the Tri-dosha system and the Humors consisting of: Vata: Air & Ether Moving process. Pitta: Fire, digestive process. Kapha: Water & Earth, Body.
What meridian follows the Pericardium on the Yin/Yang Clock peak flow at 7-9pm? San Jiao
The element Wood has two respective organs, what are they? Gall Bladder (Yang) and Liver (Yin) Correct Wood= respective organ: Gall Bladder (Yang) and Liver (Yin). Season: Spring. Climate: Wind. Development: Birth. Emotion: Anger. Sound: Shouting. Sense Organ: Eyes. Taste: Sour. Tissue: Sinews. EAST
Which element displaces Earth in the Over-Control Negative Cycle Interaction? Wood a negative cycle progressing clockwise (same as control cycle) skipping adjacent elements creating a star pattern. Fire melts Metal, Metal cuts Wood, Wood displaces Earth, Earth soaks up Water, Water puts out Fire.
What is the name of the two brothers who introduced Swedish Massage to the United States in 1856? Dr. Charles Fayette Taylor and Dr. George Henry Taylor are the two brothers who introduced the Swedish Movement to the United States in 1856.
To increase overall energy in the body, massage therapist can stimulate this point along the Stomach meridian? St.36 Stomach 36 (St.36)= Three units on the leg, located 3 fingers width inferior to the knee joint.
When checking an ill or injured person, for the purpose of first aid a child is defined as: 1-12 years old For first aid purposes an adult is defined as a person who is about 12 years of age or older. For first aid purposes a child is defined as a person who is between the ages of about 1-12 years of age.
Which Doshas development is development and life stage is conception/ childhood to age 15? he Doshas Kapha development is development and life stage is childhood/conception to 15 years old.
The Ayurvedic five elements are Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Having an evolution relationship, rather then an interacting, what is the evolving concept between Water and Earth? Coagulation Water: water, liquids, and flowing movement. Earth: solid, stable, and resisting. Through the power of transformation, Water= coagulation= Earth.
If the sun is Yang and Earth is Yin, what direction would the Stomach, Urinary Bladder and Gall Bladder channels flow? Face to foot
The qualities or Gunas of Ayurvedic medicine's Element Water are: Cold, wet, heavy active, and smooth Ayurvedic qualities (Gunas) overlap, so it is necessary to list all qualities in order to determine the nature of the object. Key word for Water= Wet.
What element of the Ayurvedic five elements is represented by head, mind and senses? tarting at the top. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Ether: head, mind and senses.
The Conception vessel or Ren meridian is responsible for collecting and redistributing all: Yin in the body The Ren or Conception Meridian is one of the 8 extra meridians and does not have an associated internal organ. The conception vessel serves to balance all Yin meridians in the body.
To increase flexibility on the tendons and any kind of tendonitis a massage therapist can massage this point on the Gall Bladder meridian until soft? GB.34 Gall Bladder 34 (GB.34)= Yang grave spring, located on the anterior, inferior border on the head of the fibula.
After checking to make sure you are not in danger, you approach a car accident, which victim do you help first? After assigning some one (when available) to call 911. Always check the unconscious victim for signs of breathing. Next, move onto the young adult with a cut arm, being aware of the female and the infant getting them to a calm status
Each element in TCM has an emotion associated with it, what is Wood's emotion? Anger
The Ayurvedic five elements are Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Having an evolution relationship, rather then an interacting, what is the evolving concept between Fire and Water? Thickening Fire: heat, radiation, and light. Water: water, liquids, and flowing movement. Through the power of transformation Fire= thickening= Water.
The Small Intestine meridian flows from the lateral posterior aspect of the little finger to the: Lateral end of the Zygomatic arch
the following effects of hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy heat effects: Increases in circulation, metabolism, inflammation, respiration, and perspiration. Decreases in pain, muscle spasm, tissue stiffness, and white blood cell production. Hydrotherapy cold application effects:
Earth in Ayurvedic elements is represented by? he solid, stable, and resisting Starting at the top. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Ether: head, mind, and senses. Air: nose, chest, respiration, and circulation. Earth: solid, stable, and resisting.
The combined elements of Water and _____ provide us with Kapha? Earth Doshas= Also known as the Tri-dosha system and the Humors consisting of: Vata: Air & Ether Moving process. Pitta: Fire, digestive process. Kapha: Water & Earth, Body.
The fourth Chakra is known as the: the Heart Chakra #4 relates to love, self-acceptance and is an integral part of complementary pairs: mind/body, male/female, and ego/unity. Two triangles (one pointing up and the other down) symbolize equal connection to heaven and earth.
In Zung/Fu studies, what organs are located in the lower Jiao? Zang/Fu is the study of internal organs and their function in Chinese medicine. Emotional and psychological manifestations of organ disorders and the actual internal organs.
TCM internal pathologies may result from an excess, avoidance or long term hold of: Emotions
How many channels does Chinese medicine have all together with points, without points and with associated internal organs? 20, Meridian channels with points= 14, without points= 6. There are 12 main meridians associated with internal organs with 8 extra not associated with internal organs.
he second Aura deals with personal relationships and is what color? The second orange Aura: Personal relationships, one who can invade your space and you're ok with it, procreate with or want to be close to.
The appendix is located? Inferior to the liver
What two muscles work together in retraction of the mandible? The temporalis and digastric are in charge of retraction of the mandible.
How many bones are in the upper limbs? 64 Upper limbs= Scapula, clavical, humerus, radius, ulnar, 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, and 14 phalanges Xs 2= 64. Lower limbs= Coxal, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, and 14 phalanges Xs 2= 62
Which of the following muscles can supinate and pronate the forearm? Brachioradialis The forearm is the proximal and distal radioulnar joints, they only produce supination and pronation. Supination: Biceps brachii, supinator and brachioradialis (assists). Pronation: pronator teres, pronator quadratus and brachioradialis
The Liver meridian flows from the lateral aspect of the distal interphalangeal joint of the big toe, to the: Nipple on the 6th intercostal space
Which is the heaviest bone in the body? The femur is the heaviest bone in the body.
The coxal joint has four ligaments that support the joint capsule, which ligament reinforces it medialy? Pubofemoral ligament, The coxal joint's four supporting ligaments are the deep zona orbicularis, anterior iliofemoral ligament, medial pubofemoral, and posterior ischiofemoral ligament.
What are the 3 types of muscles in the human body? Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal is often referred to as striated and voluntary, where as smooth and cardiac; involuntary.
What muscle would you have your client contract if they get a cramp in their gastrocnemius? Tibialis anterior
Increasing vasodilation is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? b friction Heat rub friction has one mechanical effect: heats the skin and warms tissue. Reflexive effects: hyperemia, increases vasodilations, increases local circulation, relaxes muscle, and decreases hypertonicity (because of the warmth).
What is the term for massage in the islands of Tonga? Fota and toogi-toogi Fota and toogi-toogi are the terms used to describe massage in Tonga. Hawaiian massage is Lomi-lomi.
Performing percussion in the thoracic area will? Increase local circulation, Percussion or tapotement is done with rapid alternating motion of hands.
Where does the scapula articulate with the clavicle? Correct Answer is: Acromioclavicular joint The scapula articulates with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint. The best way to access the ac joint is to elevate and depress the scapula.
Hyperemia is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Cross-fiber friction Cross-fiber friction mechanical effects: broadens and stretches muscle tissue, temporary ischemia, decrease in fascial adhesions, increase in muscle extensibility, and breaks up and reforms scar tissue.
To properly palpate the Teres minor tendon with your client in seated or prone position, the arm is brought into flexion at 90 degrees, externally rotated 20 degrees and adducted about 10 degrees. Where is the tendon palpateable in this position? On the lateral portion of the scapula spine or inferior to the acromioclavicular joint You can palpate the infraspinatus and the teres minor tendons through the posterior fibers of the deltoid on the lateral portion of the spine of the scapula
What would you concentrate on doing with a client who has scoliosis? Strengthen weak muscles and stretch shortened muscles With the s-shape or c-shape curvatures, there are major muscle imbalances that need to be addressed. For a positive reaction to the massage lengthening
Of the following physiological effects, which is a reflexive effect for deep effleurage? Slower breathing rate Deep effleurage mechanical effects: stretches veins and lymph vessels, + venous and lymph flow, + waste removal (lymph), moves nutrients through vessels, compresses and stretches fascia, warms superficial tissue and fascia
What muscle is deep to the trapezius and originates on the spinous processes of C7-T5? Rhomboids, The rhomboids major and minor originate on the spinous processes of C7-T5 and inserts on the medial border of the scapula. Tto access them is to place your clients hand in the small of his back and palpate the fibers that run oblique
Of the following physiological effects, which is a mechanical effect for deep effleurage? Stretches veins and lymph vessels, Deep effleurage mechanical effects: stretches veins and lymph vessels, + venous and lymph flow, + waste removal (lymph), moves nutrients through vessels, compresses and stretches fascia, warms superficial tissue
With severely atrophied or atonic muscles, which technique is contraindicated? Petrissage The drag that is created using Petrissage techniques could damage atrophied or atonic (a= without, tonic= movement) tissue further.
With your client in prone position, what would be the best way to locate the levator scapula? ind the superior angle of the scapula anterior to the trapezius Levator scapula originates on the TVPs of C1-C5 and inserts on the superior angle and upper medial border of the scapula. With client prone
For post-fracture care, what massage stroke is most effective? Friction Friction= a stroke that compresses soft tissue into underlying structures. Can be static, linear, circular, or cross fiber and can also be done by rubbing the skin briskly.
Generally, any technique applied in a slow, rhythmical, and repetitive manner will evoke a relaxation response and…? Decrease sympathetic nervous system firing
Sedating the nervous system is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Fine vibration Fine vibration has no mechanical effect. Reflexive effects: sedation of the nervous system, decreases pain, relaxes muscles, decreases hypertonicity, and stimulates abdominal organs (lower back and abdomen applications).
Of the following physiological effects, which is a reflexive effect for jostling and shaking? Decreases muscle guarding or tonicity, Jostling or shaking mechanical effects: stimulates synovial activity (applied over sacrum). Reflexive effects: stimulates or relaxes muscles (depending on the depth and rhythm), decreases muscle guarding
Using your palm allows for a broader surface contact, which of the following positions is correct? Maintain wrist joint and forearm alignment with fingers and thumb relaxed, The entire palmer surface is an effective tool for superficial and deep strokes or palpation. It is a broad surface with added support of the fingers and thumb.
What three peripheral structures are in the axillary region of the deltopectoral triangle? Cephalic vein, axillary artery n brachial plexus
A general relaxation of the muscles is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Light and Deep Effleurage, Light effleurage has no mechanical effects, It has 10 reflexive effects and six of them deal with blood flow
Muscle relaxation, and the breaking down of adhesions and scar tissue are considered: Mechanical effects of massage- Manual manipulation of muscle is considered a mechanical effect.
Of the following actions, what would be appropriate for a client who reports a recent death in the family? Empathize and tailor the massage for her needs and watch for her reaction Always tailor the massage to the needs of the client and continually watch for reactions to the treatment. Adjust and plan for changes accordingly.
What is the anatomical name for the big toe? Hallucis The 1st/big toe or hallucis has seven muscles dedicated for its movement. ABductor hallucis, ADductor hallucis, Extensor hallucis longus/brevis, flexor hallucis longus/brevis.
In 1920 the Chartered Society of _____________________ was formed? Massage and Medical Gymnastics
Dilation lasting longer is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Deep effleurage, Reflexive effects: + parasympathetic NS response, - sympathetic NS response, + vasodilation, - heart rate, - blood pressure, slows breathing rate, generally relaxes muscles, + capillary space, - edema and - pain (gate theory)
Of the following effects of hydrotherapy which is not an effect of an Ice application? Decrease in white blood cell formation, Hydrotherapy cold application effects: Increases in stimulation, muscle tone, tissue stiffness, white blood cell production, and red blood cell production. Decreases in circulation
Which of the following physiological effects is a reflexive component of cross-fiber friction? Hyperemia
Light effleurage has three basic contraindications for treatment, what are they?
What muscle would you have your client contract if they get a cramp in their gastrocnemius? Tibialis anterior
Increasing vasodilation is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? b friction Heat rub friction has one mechanical effect: heats the skin and warms tissue. Reflexive effects: hyperemia, increases vasodilations, increases local circulation, relaxes muscle, and decreases hypertonicity (because of the warmth).
What is the term for massage in the islands of Tonga? Fota and toogi-toogi Fota and toogi-toogi are the terms used to describe massage in Tonga. Hawaiian massage is Lomi-lomi.
Performing percussion in the thoracic area will? Increase local circulation, Percussion or tapotement is done with rapid alternating motion of hands.
Where does the scapula articulate with the clavicle? Correct Answer is: Acromioclavicular joint The scapula articulates with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint. The best way to access the ac joint is to elevate and depress the scapula.
Hyperemia is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Cross-fiber friction Cross-fiber friction mechanical effects: broadens and stretches muscle tissue, temporary ischemia, decrease in fascial adhesions, increase in muscle extensibility, and breaks up and reforms scar tissue.
To properly palpate the Teres minor tendon with your client in seated or prone position, the arm is brought into flexion at 90 degrees, externally rotated 20 degrees and adducted about 10 degrees. Where is the tendon palpateable in this position? On the lateral portion of the scapula spine or inferior to the acromioclavicular joint You can palpate the infraspinatus and the teres minor tendons through the posterior fibers of the deltoid on the lateral portion of the spine of the scapula
What would you concentrate on doing with a client who has scoliosis? Strengthen weak muscles and stretch shortened muscles With the s-shape or c-shape curvatures, there are major muscle imbalances that need to be addressed. For a positive reaction to the massage lengthening
Of the following physiological effects, which is a reflexive effect for deep effleurage? Slower breathing rate Deep effleurage mechanical effects: stretches veins and lymph vessels, + venous and lymph flow, + waste removal (lymph), moves nutrients through vessels, compresses and stretches fascia, warms superficial tissue and fascia
What muscle is deep to the trapezius and originates on the spinous processes of C7-T5? Rhomboids, The rhomboids major and minor originate on the spinous processes of C7-T5 and inserts on the medial border of the scapula. Tto access them is to place your clients hand in the small of his back and palpate the fibers that run oblique
Of the following physiological effects, which is a mechanical effect for deep effleurage? Stretches veins and lymph vessels, Deep effleurage mechanical effects: stretches veins and lymph vessels, + venous and lymph flow, + waste removal (lymph), moves nutrients through vessels, compresses and stretches fascia, warms superficial tissue
With severely atrophied or atonic muscles, which technique is contraindicated? Petrissage The drag that is created using Petrissage techniques could damage atrophied or atonic (a= without, tonic= movement) tissue further.
With your client in prone position, what would be the best way to locate the levator scapula? ind the superior angle of the scapula anterior to the trapezius Levator scapula originates on the TVPs of C1-C5 and inserts on the superior angle and upper medial border of the scapula. With client prone
For post-fracture care, what massage stroke is most effective? Friction Friction= a stroke that compresses soft tissue into underlying structures. Can be static, linear, circular, or cross fiber and can also be done by rubbing the skin briskly.
Generally, any technique applied in a slow, rhythmical, and repetitive manner will evoke a relaxation response and…? Decrease sympathetic nervous system firing
Sedating the nervous system is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Fine vibration Fine vibration has no mechanical effect. Reflexive effects: sedation of the nervous system, decreases pain, relaxes muscles, decreases hypertonicity, and stimulates abdominal organs (lower back and abdomen applications).
Of the following physiological effects, which is a reflexive effect for jostling and shaking? Decreases muscle guarding or tonicity, Jostling or shaking mechanical effects: stimulates synovial activity (applied over sacrum). Reflexive effects: stimulates or relaxes muscles (depending on the depth and rhythm), decreases muscle guarding
Using your palm allows for a broader surface contact, which of the following positions is correct? Maintain wrist joint and forearm alignment with fingers and thumb relaxed, The entire palmer surface is an effective tool for superficial and deep strokes or palpation. It is a broad surface with added support of the fingers and thumb.
What three peripheral structures are in the axillary region of the deltopectoral triangle? Cephalic vein, axillary artery n brachial plexus
A general relaxation of the muscles is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Light and Deep Effleurage, Light effleurage has no mechanical effects, It has 10 reflexive effects and six of them deal with blood flow
Muscle relaxation, and the breaking down of adhesions and scar tissue are considered: Mechanical effects of massage- Manual manipulation of muscle is considered a mechanical effect.
Of the following actions, what would be appropriate for a client who reports a recent death in the family? Empathize and tailor the massage for her needs and watch for her reaction Always tailor the massage to the needs of the client and continually watch for reactions to the treatment. Adjust and plan for changes accordingly.
What is the anatomical name for the big toe? Hallucis The 1st/big toe or hallucis has seven muscles dedicated for its movement. ABductor hallucis, ADductor hallucis, Extensor hallucis longus/brevis, flexor hallucis longus/brevis.
In 1920 the Chartered Society of _____________________ was formed? Massage and Medical Gymnastics
Dilation lasting longer is a reflexive effect of what type of treatment technique? Deep effleurage, Reflexive effects: + parasympathetic NS response, - sympathetic NS response, + vasodilation, - heart rate, - blood pressure, slows breathing rate, generally relaxes muscles, + capillary space, - edema and - pain (gate theory)
Of the following effects of hydrotherapy which is not an effect of an Ice application? Decrease in white blood cell formation, Hydrotherapy cold application effects: Increases in stimulation, muscle tone, tissue stiffness, white blood cell production, and red blood cell production. Decreases in circulation
Which of the following physiological effects is a reflexive component of cross-fiber friction? Hyperemia
Light effleurage has three basic contraindications for treatment, what are they? Severe pitted edema, hyperesthesia, and treatments distal to inflammation or an infection
Which of the following physiological effects is a reflexive component of petrissage? Affects proprioception, Reflexive effects: Slow strokes relax the nervous system, fast strokes stimulate the nervous system, increases peristalsis (on abdomen), increases blood pressure (on abdomen), affects proprioception, decrease hypertonicity
An inflammation of the paratendon or paratendinitis is also called? Tenosynovitis (inner surface) and tenovaginitis (outer surface) are other names given to paratendinitis: inflammation of the paratendon or tendon sheath.
Periostitis and compartment syndrome are conditions that produce pain in the lower leg and are termed a/an: Overuse injuries include: Plantar fasciitis, periostitis/ compartment syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, and frozen shoulder.
pertains to the study of disease in the human body. Pathology pertains to the study of disease in the human body.
Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa and is a/an: Overuse injury- Overuse injuries include: Plantar fasciitis, periostitis/ compartment syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, and frozen shoulder.
A significant amount of carotene deposits in the stratum corneum and subcutaneous tissue causes: Carotene is an orange-yellow pigment found in abundant amounts in carrots and other orange, deep yellow, or leafy green vegetables. The skin tends to take on this pigment when large amounts of carotene-rich foods are eaten.
Returning a patient to health through a correction of imbalance using acupuncture, herbal therapy, dietary therapy and massage are all treatments included in: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient Chinese system of medicine that relates the philosophies of vital life energy (Qi) and Yin/Yang to the presence of wellness or illness.
A tension headache is defined as a: Muscle contraction headache associated with trigger points A tension headache is a muscle contraction or myofascial pain associated with trigger points. During a tension headache to avoid kick back pain, do not work to deep.
The pain is at the insertion of the deltoid and also has some pain in the elbow. What condition would you treat your client for? These are symptoms of Acute frozen shoulder, pain is gradual and stiffness is progressive. The acute stage can last 2 to 9 months. In intake interview check for anti-inflammatories.
Pain is a result of: Ischemia in the tissue Tissue ischemia or reduced local circulation is a result of a sustained muscle contraction or fascial restrictions, reducing the blood flow and oxygen to the tissue resulting in pain.
Pes planus is a condition that decreases medial longitudinal arch and pronates the hind foot, it is termed a/an: Postural dysfunction Postural dysfunctions include; pes planus, iliotibial band contracture, patellofemoral syndrome, hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis, and scoliosis.
Chest-hand? Hand - Face
Foot- Chest ? Face - Foot
Which bursa is affected by bench warmer bursitis? Ischial bursa Also commonly referred to as "weavers bottom". Ischial bursitis is very localized with pain right over the ischial tuberosity. Some pain may also mimic sciatic down the posterior leg. Caused by sitting for long periods of time.
Which of the following Interacting Cycles allows Water to cool Fire? The Controlling Five Element Interaction Cycle is a positive cycle progressing clockwise skipping adjacent elements creating a star pattern.
Which element washes away Earth in the Insulting Interaction Arrangement? Water The Insulting Five Element Interaction is a negative cycle progressing COUNTER clockwise, skipping previous elements creating a star pattern.
Frozen shoulder and calcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff are shoulder joint disorders caused by the tightening of the joint capsule. It is also known as: Adhesive capsulitis Adhesive capsulitis is also known as: frozen shoulder, calcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff, scapulocostal syndrome, subacromial fibrosis, pericapsulitis, or acromioclavicular arthritis.
Hair follicles are found in which layer of the skin tissue? Dermis
The 6 Yang organ channels are? Small Intestine, San Jiao, Stomach, Large Intestine, Urinary Bladder and Gall Bladder
What group of muscles work together to protract and retract the mandible? Protract: Lateral and medial pterygoids, Retract: Temporalis and digastric
Which of the following muscles ABduct the humerus? Deltoid, ABduction is performed by two muscles the Deltoid and supraspinatus. There are seven ADductors: latissimus dorsi, teres major, infraspinatus, teres minor, pectoralis major (all fibers), triceps brachii (long head) and coracobrachialis.
A weight bearing position of the foot where the sole of the foot tends to turn outward is: ronation Pronation is a weight bearing movement. Eversion is a non-weight bearing movement.
Nerves found in the trunk and appendages are considered? Peripheral Peripheral nerves are found in the body. Central nerves are in the spinal column and brain.
Which muscle's origin attachment is not to bone? frontalis The frontalis muscle does not attach to bone. It is attached by a thin layer of tendon called an aponeurosis or galea aponeurotica that is also the origin for the occipitalis= occipitofrontalis.
Which muscle is also commonly called the "boxers muscle"? The serratus anterior muscle is also commonly called the "boxers muscle" because ABducts and depresses the scapula. Making the punching motion possible at the shoulder girdle.
The posterior surface of the femur has a ridge that is called? Linea aspera The ridge on the posterior surface of the femur is called the linea aspera.
What lies on the medial/anterior aspect of the proximal humerus? The intertubercular (bicipatal) groove lies on the medial/anterior aspect of the humerus. The groove lies in between the greater and lesser tubercle. Medial and lateral epicondyles are on the distal ends of the humerus and femur.
Created by: brandiposa
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