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Mod F Unit 3 Vocab

Chapters 11-12

algia pain
MMR measles, mumps, rubella vaccine
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
crypt hidden
cis to cut
enchyma cellular tissue
hydro water
hypo under
par beside
-ia condition
severe dysplasia skin of the cervix is growing so rapidly that the immature basal cells extend completely through the skin thickness to the surface with any maturation
cytobrush for endocervical sampling is excellent for nulliparous, menopausal, and women that have had a conization procedure. The gentle brush collects large amounts of cells that are easily transferred to slides for analysis
enema the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus
vastus lateralis muscle with origin from the posterior ridge of the femur as far as the greater trochanter, with insertion into the tibia, with nerve supply from the femoral nerve, and whose action extends the leg
head circumference distance around the largest part of the head
sigmoidoscopy minimally invasive medical examination of the large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon
phenylketonuria a recessive hereditary disease caused by the lack of an enzyme, phenylaline hydroxylase, which results in severe mental retardation in children if not detected and treated soon after birth
proctoscopic of or relating to a proctoscope (An instrument consisting of a tube or speculum equipped with a light, used to examine the rectum)
tympanic cavity is a small cavity surrounding the bones of the middle ear
pediatrician physician who specializes in treating children from birth to age 20
Created by: angelcap99
Popular Medical sets




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