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Med Abbrevs

ABG arterial blood gases
ADD attention deficit disorder
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AV atrialventricular
AMI acute myocardial infarction
ANS autonomic nervous system
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
BS blood sugar
BSA body surface area
CA cancer
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
CF cardiac failure
CHF congestive heart failure
CMV cytomegalovirus
CNS central nervous system
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CV cardiovascular
CVA cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
DI diabetes insipidus
DM diabetes mellitus
DOB date of birth
Dx diagnosis
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
ENT ears, nose, throat
ER emergency room
FH family history
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
HA headache
HBP high blood pressure
HDL high density lipoprotein
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HR heart rate
ID infectious diseases, intradermal
IH infections hepatitis
IO, I/O fluid intake and output
IOP intraocular pressure
IV intravenous
KVO keep veins open
LBW low birth weight
LDL low density lipoprotein
LOC loss of consciousness
MI myocardial infarction
MICU medical intensive care unit
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NKA no known allergies
NOP nothing by mouth
NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
OR operating room
PAP pulmonary artery pressure
PMH past medical history
PUD peptic ulcer disease
PVD peripheral vascular disease
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RBC red blood count or red blood cell
ROM range of motion
s without
SBP systolic blood pressure
SOB short of breath
STD sexually transmitted diseases
T temperature
T&C type and cross-match
TB tuberculosis
TEDS thrombo-embolic disease stockings
TPN total parenteral nutrition
Tx treatment
U units
U/A urinalysis
UCHD usual childhood diseases
URD upper respiratory diseases
UTI urinary tract infection
VD venereal disease
VS vital signs
WBC white blood count or white blood cells
WT weight
a.d. right ear
a.s., a.l. left ear
a.u. each ear
i.m., IM intramuscular
i.v., IV intravenous
i.v.p., IVP intravenous push
IVPB intravenous piggyback
o.d. right eye
o.s., o.l. left eye
o.u. each eye
per neb by nebulizer
p.o. by mouth
p.r. rectally, into the rectum
p.v. vaginally, into the vagina
SC, subc, subq subcutaneously
S.L. sublingually, under the tongue
top. topically, locally
aq, aqua water
caps capsules
cm. cream
liq. liquid
supp. suppository
SR,XR,XL slow/extended release
syr. syrup
tab. tablet
ung., oint. ointment
a.c. before food, before meals
a.m. morning
b.i.d., bid twice a day
h hour, at the hour of
h.s. at bedtime
p.c. after food, after meals
p.m. afternoon or evening
p.r.n., prn as needed
q.i.d., qid four times a day
q each, every
q.d. every day
q_h every _ hour(s)
qod every other day
stat. immediately
t.i.d., tid three times a day
i, ii one, two, etc.
a.a. or aa of each
ad to up to
aq. ad add water up to
dil. dilute
f, fl. fluid
fl.oz. fluid ounce
g., G., gm. gram
gtt. drop
l, L liter/Litre
mcg. microgram
mEq. milliequivalent
mg. milligram
ml., mL milliliter/milliliter
q.s. a sufficient quantity
q.s. ad add sufficient quantity to make
ss one-half
tbsp. tablespoon
tsp. teaspoon
c, w/ with
disp. dispense
f, ft. make, let it be made
gtt drop
NR no refill
s, w/o without
ut dict., u.d. as directed
ad lib. at pleasure
a. before
amp. ampule
aur.; a ear
b. twice
brach the arm
BSA body surface area
c. food
comp. compound
c.c. cubic centimeter
c.c. with food, with meals
D5W dextrose 5% in water
emuls. emulsion
gr. grain
lot. lotion
N.F. National Formulary
NS normal saline
per g. button by/through gastric button
Sig. write, label
SOB shortness of breath
sol. solution
tinc.; tr. tincture
troche lozenge
tuss. cough
USP United States Pharmacopea
Created by: dmcox1
Popular Medical sets




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