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history final review

industrial revolution period of time from 1750 to 1850 characterized by a huge increase of mass production
cottage industry production of goods at home, mostly the spinning of cotton into cloth/textile
great britain the birth place of the industrial revolution due to the available money and resources
steam engine a mechanism that the invention of helped drive machinery critical to the industrial revolution; invented by james watt
cloth first item to be industrialized
entrepreneur someone who starts his or her own business
factory life a lot of injuries, low wages, long hours
child labor laws laws made during the industrial revolution that standardized the minimal working age as nine
karl marx the writer of the communist manifesto
population growth due to a lower infant mortality rate and a decline in disease and war
eastern europe provided food and raw materials for industrialized countries
elements of the i.r. steel, chemicals, petroleum, electricity
social changes women started to become secretaries, education became more common (leading to an increase in literacy), and there was the beginning of a separation of the middle and working class
direct rule style of ruling a colony in which people from the ruling country would go to the colonies to enforce rule and new traditions, as well as "civilize" the people there
indirect rule style of ruling a colony in which the ruling country would allow the local people to keep their ways of life as long as trade quotas were met
"white man's burden" a belief during the time of exploration/colonization in which the people of europe felt that it was their "responsibility" to "fix"/"civilize" the people they encountered in africa and asia
world war i "the war to end all wars"; fought from 1914 to 1918
central powers alliance formed between germany, austria-hungary, and the ottoman empire during wwi
causes of wwi militarism (aggressive war preparation), alliances, imperialism (competition for colonies), and nationalism
u.s. enters wwi the u.s. entered wwi because of: 1) the sinking of the lusitania 2) declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare by germany
archduke of austria assassinated by gavrilo princip (member of the black hand, a serbian terrorist group)
lusitania a british passenger ship sunk by german u-boats that resulted in 1100 casualties and 128 american deaths
schlieffen plan germany's plan to invade france through neutral belgium in wwi
total war war that involves total mobilization of the people and resources of the fighting countries
war of attrition trench warfare = stalemates constant attacks = heavy losses
nicholas ii the last czar of russia that was killed during the russian revolution
russian withdrawal withdrawal of a country from wwi due to the occurrence of a revolution
lenin led the (communist) bolsheviks
proletariat working class that was oppressed by the bourgeoisie
bourgeoisie middle/upper class
genocide the mass and systematic killing of a group of people, usually a minority
nazi-soviet pact a non-aggression pact signed by nazi germany/hitler and the soviet union/stalin during wwii
hitler leader of nazi germany that came into major power in 1933, promoted anti-semitism and organized the holocaust
blitzkrieg "lightning war" used by german airfighters to surprise the enemy and make them easy to take over
rise of dictators the rise of dictatorships after wwi in european countries due to the desperation of the people caused by weak/unstable/corrupt/ineffective governments and a poor economy
nazi philosophy focus on racial "purity" (preservation of german blood) and superiority of the "aryan" race as well as antisemitism
holocaust genocide that killed mainly jews but also other minorities planned and carried out by nazi germany and her allies during wwii
u.s. enters wwii this country entered wwii due to a japanese bomb attack on an army base in hawaii
treaty of versailles violations germany's breaking of rules set by the treaty of versailles that restricted its military due to lack of enforcement
cold war 1947-1991; a war that was not fought physically but economically, politically, and through an arms race
berlin capital of germany that became the meeting place of east and west germany
cold war countries u.s., s.u., vietnam, korea
domino theory theory that if one country fell to communist rule, the surrounding countries would follow
independent communist nations yugoslavia and albania
perestroika the rebuilding of russia
nationalism promotion of/belief in one's country as the best/greatest
fascist belief/political system that values the well-being, power, and succes of a country over the rights of its individuals
nuremberg laws laws passed in nazi germany meant to restrict and alienize jews from the rest of society
Created by: 320DO
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