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H.World History Exam

Chapter 5

Military formation-composed of rows of soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder carrying long spears pointed outward and shields. Phalanx
Greek god of the sea. Poseidon
Slaves on Sparta. Helots
The first Greeks found on the island of Crete. Minoans
A type of poetry that gained its name from a musical instrument that was played while poetry was sung. Lyric Poetry
Clear and ordered thinking. Reason
Foot soldiers. Hoplites
Greek trade organization. Delian League
Love of learning or wisdom. Philosophy
Government ruled by the people. Democracy
A city-state in ancient Greece. Polis
The process of making inferences. Logic
Greek god of the sky, storms, and lightning. Zeus
A type of poetry that is a long, narrative poem. Epic
A walled, high area surrounding a city-state. Acropolis
Greek goddess of wisdom and war. Athena
An open area which served as a meeting place and market in Greek city-states. Agora
Great pride which often contributed to the downfall of heroes. Hubris
Greek goddess of marriage and women. Hera
Poet who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer
First history writer who was not factual. Herodotus
Philosopher who built a school called The Academy and wrote a book called the Republic. Plato
"Father of Geometry" Euclid
Greek who calculated the value of pi and invented the lever and the pulley. Archimedes
Ruler of Athens who ordered the building of the Parthenon and began a 3 branch government. Pericles
Philosopher who taught by asking questions. Socrates
Factual historian-wrote The History of the Peloponnesian Wars Thucydides
Athenian ruler who began its lawmaking body called the assembly. Solon
Athenian ruler who began a harsh law code to lower the crime rate. Draco
Greek who calculated the circumference of the globe. Eratosthenes
Philosopher who used logic and reason to teach and said, "You learn by doing". Aristotle
Plays were dedicated to this Greek god. Dionysus
Greek tragedian playwright known for the triology Orestia. Aesehylus
First female playwright. Sappho
Greek messenger god. Hermes
Greek playwright known for comedies such as The Clouds and The Frogs. Aristophanes
Greek god of metalworking. Hephaestus
Greek playwright known for the tragedy Madea. Euripides
Taught how to be successful at any cost. Sophists
Greek goddess of the moon and hunting. Artemis
"Father of Democracy"; began the council of 500. Cleisthenes
All Greeks were alike in that: they all had the same majoe deities, they all united in the time of war, same clothing (long togas-winter; short tunics-summer), and they all participated in olympic games (men)
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